
Chapter 11 - Losing Sucks, A Lot

I was terrified when the so-called 'Shinobi', which I'm pretty sure it's incorrect and he's a samurai, takes a stance and point his spear at me.

If I remember correctly, DF once releases an event called 'Secret of Shinobi Village' few months before I start playing the game where there'll be exclusive equipments scattered across the globe that is so broken that the game requires balance change in the next day.

It's still broken but not to the point it broke the game like before. And if I guess correctly, this spear must've been one of them. Is that what Hanzo meant by ultimate prize?

I widen my eyes as he charges at me while jabbing the spear forward. I barely dodge it as I grab my spear and tries to stab the man, but to my utter shock, he swiftly moves the spear and sliced mine before follow up with a powerful blow on my stomach.

I gasp in pain as he follows up with a powerful kick at my guts, sending me tumbling. Damn, I got my ass kick by a literal samurai ghost. I rolled away as he tries to stab me from above as I follow up with a kick, but he grabs it and toss me away.

I got up swiftly as Hanzo charges at me again with a left swing. I grab my daggers and block it by collide my blades with its mid section.

I wince as my muscles start to ache just by blocking that strike and I blanched as the dagger cracks. I try to push it away but it won't budge and the cracks on my blade grew. I have no choice but to let go and duck as the spear swings and hit the ground. I decided to go for the ultimate attack, the groin attack.


".....*whimpers*." Why did this ghost has armor on his groin!?!?!

"Nice try to strike at human's obvious weakpoints." I rolled away as he slams the blunt side of the spear to the ground, creating cracks. "But, you forgot one thing. I am a Shinobi, I know how to counter cheap tricks!"

Yeah, it was as obvious as the morning sky is blue!! Who's paranoid enough to put armors around their groins!?!?

Holy shit, my fist is still hurts from that punch!! I seriously think that this boss is unbeatable! I try to dodge Hanzo's multi spear stabs but alas, I got scratched on my right side of the stomach, my left cheeks, and left shoulder. He then follow up with a powerful swing on my left arm and broke it.

"ARRGH!!" I clutch my broken arm while hissing in pain as Hanzo stood in front of me, the spear touching the ground.

"I must say, for someone as weak as you, lasting this long is impressive." I grit my teeth for getting called weak. I know about that, damn it! "But, sadly, you are still have a long ways to go."

"Grrr!" I know, so shut it! I have to get reminded constantly by that boar haunting my night everyday! I don't need a restless samurai soul to remind me that as well!!

"You still have your own conflict to solve, aren't you?" I froze as Hanzo called me out. How did he-!?

Is ghost very sensitive towards other living being's emotions?

"Your face says it all, young one." I blink as he charges at me again with another spear swing. I move back to dodge, which is a close call from how the tip of the spear sliced some of my fur on my stomach. But, much to my shock and horror, he stop midswing and extend the spear, causing the tip to pierce my guts.

It hurts like hell and to made it worse, the spear seems like it has a weird debuff applying skill. I can feel my whole body got burn by fire.

A-am I going to die here? Before I could find a way to get back home? Before I could beat that boar?

I'm not going to die here. Not here, not now, not ever! I grit my teeth as I grab the spear, trying to pull the blade from my guts. I use all of my remaining strength to kick Hanzo away from me and it works as he looks like he was caught off guard.

I hurriedly swallows the whole apple I stored in a pouch alongside some of the herbs. It's still painful, but at least the wounds are closed. I try so hard to ignore the burning sensation on my body while keeping my eyes at Hanzo who got up.

"It seems I underestimate you a lot." Hanzo said as he takes a stance, placing his right hand and his spear on his back while making a handseal with his left hand. "I shall grant the respect you deserve for showing your resillience."

Ninpou: Shin Kageuchi

I could only feel an overwhelming pain as my visions fade away. The last thing I saw is Hanzo with glowing purple eyes from underneath the mask before I fell uncoscious.


I woke up with a gasp as I start breathe heavily. What happen!? Did I die again!? Where am I!?! Is this afterlife!?!?

I froze when I saw the familiar paw stained in blood before I look at my body. Now, there's a large scar on my chest. I take a deep breath before slowly controlling my breathing.

I lose...again. This time to a fallen warrior with no chance to rest. Damn it, I feel like all of my training is all for naught.

Calm down, Darren. You should be more grateful that you still alive instead of thinking about my loss. It was pure luck, that's all.

How many times I got saved by my weird ass luck? I really need to get better or else I'll die and my luck won't be able to revive me from such stuff.

I look back at the shrine and saw Hanzo sitting at the same place he was back when I first met him. Did....did he hold back? I was confused when I saw a note under my left paw.

You still have a long way to go, young one. Grow stronger and I shall see what you can do.


I guess that confirms it. Fine, you stupid samurai. I'll get stronger and once I am, I'll put you to rest.

I held my scarred chest before clenching my fist. Losing sucks, but I am glad I'm alive. Just you wait, Hanzo. Cuz after I kill that boar, I'm coming for you.

To be continued

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