
A World Without 'The One Piece'

{2 years and 3 months after Leviathan's Invasion...

Roronora City Hospital}

No longer in her PoV, Isfet is sitting up in her hospital bed. Over her left eye socket is an eyepatch, her new Eyelien focused on the food tray above her lap, stone faced.

On the desk-like hospital tray, there is a full bowl of soup with crackers and a spoon. Next to that is a single sheet of paper and a pen.

Isfet Narr.: *I was given food and paperwork to fill out while I ate...however...*

She doesn't reach for the spoon nor the pen. Her head turns to the small desk where the Don had placed a blunt and a lighter.

The nurse with orange eyes and a matching collar, tending to the new eye user, walks back in.

Nurse: "How's everything?"

The care taker sees the full bowl of chicken noodle soup, a blank citizen form, and the untouched utensils.

Nurse: "Is... everything alright, Deary? Do you feel sick? Are you hurt anywhere?"

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