
An Alternative

Emira pursed her lips. "I have no desire to discuss that traitor."

"Could we find another name to call him?" Noble tried to remain calm.

"What would you like to call him? Scoundrel? Murderer?" Emira asked evenly.

'I kind of walked into that.' Noble mentally hit her forehead.

"Let's not get hung up on names just now—"

"What would you like me to get 'hung up on' as you said? How he should have died instead of my brother? Or at least have died alongside him…He knows what happened there, and yet he has the gall to show his face here in my kingdom. In my court!" The Queen's question ignited her beautiful eyes, but she managed to keep her temper in check while her necklace shimmered in the sunlight from the window. 

Noble sighed. She knew the pain of losing a loved one. The desire to place blame was strong.

"Surviving where others have died is not a sin." Noble had been given this same advice when she felt guilty about one of her students perishing.

"Your Counsel committed the worst kind of sin. That man should have given his last breath to protect Byzas. And what did he do instead? Ha! He's a traitor of the highest order. Death is not punishment enough." Emira's heart was hard.

"Is there anything Counsel can do to redeem himself? Any way you will pardon him for existing?" Noble flinched as Lenore poked her with a pin.

The girl's face was pale. She was clearly worried about how this conversation would go.

"Nothing that comes to mind," Emira clicked her tongue. "No, Seline! That will make her look shorter than she is. Bring down the waist."

"Surely there must be something," Noble would not let the matter go.

"Short of killing my brother's murderer, I see no way that Counsel can be vindicated."

"So if he kills the Tyrant, Counsel will be pardoned?"

Emira paused, considering her words. "Very well. If Counsel kills the monster that murdered Byzas, I will pardon him."

"That's wonderful! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

In her excitement, Noble lifted slightly from the ground. The fabric around her billowed.

Lenore and Seline stepped back, confused about how it had occurred, but Emira seemed nonplussed.

The Queen simply sighed. "It is an easy promise to make. Counsel will never do it."

"He will. You will see. I will make a plan." Noble breathed deeply it felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulders.

And it wasn't just the blue fabric that was being fashioned into a shawl.

'I cannot wait to tell Counsel!' Noble's excitement bubbled over. It infected her servant and the seamstress, putting both ladies at ease.

"There was one more thing I wanted to talk to you about." Noble chewed the inside of her cheek.

"You are bold today, Niece." Emira shook her head.

Feeling herself treading a fine line, Noble forced a smile. "I just wanted to know if you had heard of any ancient heroes who might have come in contact with a god…or two."

Emira tapped her chin in silence. "You will have to be more specific."

"Oh, I was thinking of a story about someone who spoke to the heart and beast gods…."

"I see. The gods and humans occasionally interacted throughout history. Does this particular story have to do with your research?"

"I think it has to do with the Tyrant, yes." Noble opened her mouth to admit that she had found a mural when the Queen stood up and brushed off her dress.

"I am afraid I cannot help you. And I realized I am late for an appointment. I think Seline can take it from here." Emira straightened her back as the two servants bowed. Then she swept out of the room in all her regal splendor.

'Well, that was weird. Her Majesty definitely knows something. I'll just have to keep digging.'

But Noble couldn't just that second…she still had to finish her dress fitting.


"You got the Queen to agree to pardon me if I kill the Lord of the Mountain?" Counsel asked skeptically after Noble finally escaped the room of fabric.

The lady had found Counsel in his quarters poring over maps of the kingdom.

"Lenore heard her!" Noble defended her claim. "Tell him!" 

Counsel looked at the servant with an open question on her face. Lenore shied away under his gaze.

"Her Majesty said she would only forgive you if you killed the monster responsible for her brother's death," the simple servant answered sheepishly.

"Hm," Counsel looked down at his maps again. "Even if I met her request she would not follow through."

Noble frowned.

"If you don't believe my aunt, then believe me. If it is within my power, you will give the killing blow to the Tyrant."

Counsel tapped the map on the table in silence.

"While that is nice, what if there was another way? Another way to beat the Lord of the Mountain and not need Her Majesty's pardon?"

Noble had been so singularly focused on her goal that she had not even considered that there might be more than one way to do it.

"I am listening." She would be foolish not to at least listen to the opportunity provided.

Counsel looked at Lenore. "I think Lady Brenna is feeling a little thirsty."

Lenore nodded quickly, happy to be out of hearing of whatever was going to take place. She had had more than enough excitement for the day. "Excuse me. I will fetch some water."

Noble felt a little uneasy being in the man's quarters alone. It is why she had kept Lenore with her in the first place.

But Kosi was in the corner of the room lying on Counsel's bed.

Her curiosity was too great anyway to think about leaving.

'Everything will be fine.'

When the door shut, Noble felt the man's emotion spike. He moved toward her and leaned in close.

Noble resisted the urge to recoil as she listened to Counsel's whispered words.

"I've been speaking to some people outside the palace. None of them like what the Queen has done to you."

"Done to me?" Noble tilted her head. "How would they know about her making me change dresses?"

"No, not that…well not exactly that. They don't like how Her Majesty has shut you up in here away from the public eye. You have an army of subjects ready to rally to our—your cause." Counsel corrected himself as he often did.

He still was not over her rejection of his affection, but he was doing his best not to make things uncomfortable.

"What cause do you mean? My cause to kill the Lord of the Mountian?" Noble's face pinched.

How could anyone outside the palace know of this goal?

"That is part of it. You love this kingdom and these people. Far more than your aunt. You are the darling of the people and Queen Emira knows it. Her Majesty is jealous. That is why she will not name you as her heir." Counsel let the words sink in.

'Me? The kingdom's darling?' Noble had only ever been popular as Queen Bee.

It seemed Lady Brenna had gathered a following of her own.

"You can try to go through all the trouble of getting Her Majesty to agree, but the kingdom can be yours if you want to take it. Then you can do whatever you please. As Queen, you can take down the Tyrant and lead our people to a life of prosperity." Counsel opened his hands.

"Me…Queen?" Noble paled. "Are you proposing a coup?"

"I am."

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