
Thoughtful Northern

Ellis rolled his lips in, hoping that Hao does not snap and take everything back.

It was very rare to find a transaction like this, and Northern might not know, but he knew Hao's nature.

The man is rumored to be a sagacious trader who could smell riches.

Many often take it as an overpraise since Hao was just really good at what he does.

And Ellis had hoped that this was just another of Hao's trader antics kicking in and hoped that everything just went smoothly without Northern saying anything.


'He has a very crazy temper! Very crazy! I can only pray, that is if Ul is benevolent enough to bestow upon us mercy, because this guy is just crazy!'

Hao was infamous even amongst the party leaders and the entire castle.

He is the only one that doesn't get fed by whatever the parties hunt and has a really bad record with the party leaders, and Ellis has no idea why.

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