
chapter 28

Chapter 37 Son of God

Chapter 124 Son of God

The orange dawn had just arrived, and the deep night enveloped the warehouse again.

The Archbishop of the Backlund Diocese of the Church of the Night, Anthony Stevenson, stepped on the pitted ground with his feet, and figures wearing thick black windbreakers and military-like uniforms were busy walking around him.

"We were lied to."

"It doesn't look like the work of the Aurora Society."

Crestel Sesima, who was holding a pure white bone sword, had a frown on his resolute face. His left hand covered with bright red gloves picked up a burnt black card and said to his side.

"The power of corruption..."

The huge spirit body lying on the ground retracted into Anthony's mouth. The old man with deep eyes and a clean face looked slightly tired in his movements and shook his head slightly.

"Someone cleared the spirit here. I can't restore the scene at that time."

He turned and glanced at the black sealed box guarded by two "red gloves".

"It is indeed difficult to imagine that believers in the true Creator would voluntarily give up the relics left by their divine son. This has never happened in the past records."

When he arrived at the Amon Family Tomb in White Cliff Town, Anthony thought he would encounter an ambush from the Aurora Society, and was prepared in advance for a head-on confrontation with the saints he knew well.

But what he didn't expect was that except for the corpses of a few wild Beyonders who died outside the mausoleum, they found no trace of them.

The exploration of the tomb was extremely smooth. Although the strange portrait in Amon's tomb was tricky, it was difficult to stop the real demigod. Only one or two powerful spirits could temporarily block the curse of the portrait.

Creatures in the spiritual world have no specific lifespan, and it is difficult for the "stealers" to have an effect on them. What really troubles Anthony is the mural that records the history of blasphemy.

"Lervus carries the divinity of the true creator. He has always been under the surveillance of the Aurora Society, but he just doesn't know it."

Anthony Stevenson waved his hand, and all the burnt black cards scattered on the surface of the corpse flew up, and neatly entered another secret box prepared by "Red Glove" in advance.

"you mean..."

Sesima, who is also a senior member of the Church of Night and is qualified to read the secret documents sealed in the temple, quickly followed Anthony's thoughts.

He bent down and picked up the only playing card left outside that had not been collected. He brushed it against the relatively well-preserved silver edge, and his eyes fell on the figure with his head held high and facing the sun.

That's... "The Fool".

Black figures were still busy in the warehouse. The two church leaders looked at each other and nodded, keeping silent in a tacit agreement.

"I'm afraid there are other secrets hidden behind the Tingen incident that we don't have."

Crestel Sesima's expression became more solemn as he handed the cards in his hand to his subordinates who were waiting beside him.

"Have those people not given up yet?"

"They've proven by their actions that they haven't."

"Of course you and I don't want to see the worst happen, and we don't want another evil god with terrible power to appear in this world." Anthony paused for a moment and said in a very soft voice, "But, aside from all this, we don't want to Whether it is righteous or not should only be considered from the perspective of a believer."

"Crestel, if one day the voice of the goddess is far away from you, what will you do?"

The archbishop's profound eyes lowered slightly, and a great fear suddenly struck the heart of "Sword of the Goddess".

Not only was he frightened by the presumptuousness of his colleague's speech and the implicit blasphemy in it, but also because he actually imagined the future described by Anthony.

He swallowed dryly and looked around. Seeing that no one was paying attention to the two senior executives who were talking, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see."

Deep blue waves rise and fall next to each other, pushing the thick black mist trying to break through an invisible barrier.

Deep in the black fog, a rugged mountain peak stretched out from the corner of the fog. Dirty mucus continued to drip down the jagged slope of the mountain, solidifying into ice at the moment it was about to become like a sea.

Large tracts of solid cone-shaped ice edges were piled together, pushed by the waves, caught in the mist-filled waves, and the black mass rushed towards the end of the accumulation of sea water and mist.

The steps made of black marble have been washed away for one or two thousand years, but they still maintain sufficient hardness. A slightly pale palm gently touched the solid surface and cut out a small piece of stone of the same color as the steps. piece.


The stone was thrown forward without touching any obstacles. It was easily thrown into the ancient door that framed the fog and sea of ​​ice. It hit the ice-covered sea as if it were hitting the ground and shattered into pieces.

"Is the pollution of the abyss already so serious?"

The man who threw the stone shook his head and turned to look at the mausoleum destroyed by the Church of the Night. He twisted his wrist and stole the connection between the stone door behind him and the main chamber of the mausoleum. He changed the exit of the road leading to the stone door to another place in his past. In the underground ruins prepared.

He wore a black pointed hat and had the same black curly hair. His dark eyes were hidden under a finely polished crystal lens, and he had a slight smile on his lips.

If the Archbishop of the Church of the Night, Anthony Stevenson, was still here, he would be able to identify the young man easily.

"Changing plans at short notice is not the style of Medici's subordinates."

Amon muttered to himself and walked around half a circle until he came to a heavily weathered high wall, his right brow raised high.

Contrary to what he expected, he deliberately stayed in Backlund's mausoleum and treasures and did not attract those little mice who called themselves the Hermits of Destiny. Instead, he was first stabbed in the eyelids of the Aurora Society by a "scammer" named Lanerwus. Down.

"Fortunately, I came two minutes early. Don't the people in the Church of the Night know how to protect cultural relics?"

Amon snapped his fingers and reversed the time and space of the wall provocatively. Pieces of stone chips flew back and reattached to the surface of the wall. The mottled colors once returned to what they looked like before the Church of the Night visited.

On the towering mountains, a cross made of pure light stands on the top of the mountain. The cascading holy light is like a curtain, which is slowly unveiled as the tall and fuzzy figure returns.

At His feet, two angels with twelve wings on their backs each held a baby and walked humbly toward the top of the mountain.

Many angels with two wings, four wings, and six wings gathered around the main peak of the mountain, playing and singing pious and cheerful hymns, praising the two angel kings who were entrusted by the Creator with the responsibility of educating the Son of God.

The two swaddled babies in the arms of the silver and red angel kings, one has slightly curly black hair, and the other has light blond hair.

Under the magnificent mural, Amon's eyes slowly moved upward from the foot of the wall to the integrated dome, and finally stopped at the cross and the blurry figure behind it.

The shadow's face hidden behind the light is blurred, and has long been forgotten by the world as time goes by.

He stared at the face that even he had almost forgotten, just watching and watching quietly.

After killing Lanruth, Klein made an exception and recited the honorable name of "Angel with Lamp" and asked Zaratul to help him destroy the spirits in the warehouse and the traces left by the battle.

The "Miracle Master" who received Klein's wish not only fulfilled his request, but also kindly gave away gifts.

The cold fog silently killed all the intelligent beings near the garment factory. The last angelic shadow, whose body was burning with holy flames, emerged from the fog and fell into the bodies of Klein and Mr. A, helping them eliminate the occult. contact on.

After all this was completed, Klein did not dare to delay. He carried Mr. A, who had been devastated by the divine power and lost the ability to move, and quickly headed towards the East District in the shadow of the gas street lamp.

It wasn't until he entered the East District and reached Black Palm Street that he relaxed a little and put Mr. A on the bed in the one-bedroom house he had rented for one month in advance.

"Is this the safe house you prepared yourself?"

"A very wise decision."

Leaning on a single bed made of several wooden boards, Mr. A leaned on his upper body, with a faint approval in his blood-red eyes.

"You can't be with me all the time. I am always responsible for my own safety."

Without raising his head, Klein took off all the disguise he wore tonight, except for the mirror mask, and threw it into the fire burning with spiritual flames.

"If you are willing to live in the church's branch in Backlund, constant protection is the lowest level of convenience you can enjoy."

Mr. A tried to move his body. His weak fingers tried several times but failed to ignite a spark.

Klein caught a glimpse of this scene and threw the items he had collected from Lanervus's body at the foot of the bed. He rummaged through the only cabinet in the room and took out a set of plain clothes and a solid-color robe that he had stored in the cabinet. .

He didn't say anything more and handed the robe to Mr. A.

After putting on his clothes, Klein breathed a sigh of relief. He finally had time to take a closer look at what good things Lan Erwus could carry with him when he escaped.

He picked up a thin badge that was only the size of an eyeball, glanced up and down at the symbols of destiny and concealment engraved on the badge, and then looked at a compact circle of ancient Hermetic inscriptions on the back of the badge:

"If you hold this, you can join."

"Is this the status symbol of a member of a secret organization?" he asked Mr. A, holding up the badge.

"The 'Hermits of Destiny' is a small, loose organization basically composed of 'thieves'." Mr. A said indifferently, "They are basically descendants of the Jacob family, and they also include some members of the Zoroastrian family. The rest are the wild 'stealers'."

"Sounds a lot like the structure of a witch family." Klein thought.

"No, the so-called family of witches is the product of their distorted thoughts by the 'Original Witch'. It is an extension of pain." Mr. A denied Klein's conjecture. "The reason why most of the members absorbed by the 'Hermits of Destiny' are from The same family, because they are afraid of being infiltrated unknowingly."

"Moreover, there are very few 'thieves' roaming freely in the outside world. There are even fewer who are aware of the existence of the 'Hermits of Destiny' and have the qualifications and ability to join."

"Why?" Klein already had a guess and just needed confirmation.

He had long known about the relationship between Lanrevus and the "Hermits of Destiny" from Jerry Zaratul, and also knew that the coordinates of the Amon family mausoleum were most likely obtained by Lanrevus from the gathering of the Hermits of Destiny. .

Combined with Jerry Zaratul's vague attitude when talking about Amon, it was not difficult for Klein to deduce who the Hermits of Destiny were really wary of.

Faced with the strong desire for knowledge in Klein's eyes, Mr. A organized his words for a long time before he spoke carefully:

"Because the Son of God - His Highness the 'Angel of Time', is Duke Amon who is active in the Fourth Age. As the king of angels of the 'Stealer' pathway, he has a desire to control the pathways he controls that is unmatched by other gods. ."

"He is not satisfied with the influence of the high position on the lower sequence, and prefers to hold all characteristics in his own hands."

"In the past when the Lord ruled all the continents, His Highness Amon had another title. He was called the 'God of Mischief'. He liked to steal other people's destiny, and controlled the spirit and body of the parasitized person through parasitism. To achieve His purpose."

"The Jacob family, to which most members of the 'Hermits of Destiny' belong, were enemies of His Highness in the Fourth Age. They are afraid of exposing their whereabouts and having their fate and identity taken away by His Highness. This is what restricts wild 'thieves' from joining the party. the real reason."

Stealing destiny and identity is much more terrifying than simply snatching control of the body. He deserves to be called the "God of Mischief"... Klein lamented the terror of Amon, and was glad that such a terrifying existence was the heir of the true Creator. Probably not taking action against himself.

"It's a pity that His Highness left us with a hostile attitude after the Lord was betrayed by the evil god of the Northern Continent."

Mr. A sighed, pulling Klein's heart down to the bone-chilling valley.

He subconsciously looked at the badge in his hand and the "Scammer" trait placed on the sheet at the foot of the bed, feeling that these two things were so hot.

Isn't the True Creator Amon's biological father? UU read www.uukansshu. net

What happened in the first place that caused this son of God to part ways with his father?

"Stealer" and "Soothsayer" are adjacent paths. Russell said that adjacent paths can be converted into each other. The hostile attitudes of the three true gods of Storm, Sun, and Wisdom also prove that even if the position and sequence are zero, They can devour adjacent pathways to strengthen themselves, which may be why the creator they believe in, "The Sun", the predecessor of the true creator, is so powerful.

The "God of Mystery" can be called another lord in the third era, so he should be better than the King of Angels, right?

If the true Creator really had an irreconcilable conflict with Amon, forcing the two to confront each other, he would use the power of the "God of Secrets" to not only kill his little nephew, but also take away most of his authority and destroy him. It's probably not difficult to take it home in one meal.

But He didn't do that...

Klein put down the badge in his hand, suddenly raised his head and asked Mr. A:

"What exactly does the King of Angels mean? A more powerful Sequence One angel?"

Mr. A took a deep look at Klein and decided to tell the truth.

"The title of King of Angels originated from the edict given by the Lord to the eight most powerful people under his throne. The three traitors in the Northern Continent also belonged to this group."

"But in the Fourth Age, this concept has been supplemented. All existences that transcend sequence one, or accommodate two copies, or master the uniqueness, can be called kings of angels."

"The most powerful among them are none other than the ancestor of Abraham and the two sons of God of the Lord."

Why does it rain heavily every day? It's so annoying, it makes me soaked.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Book

Chapter 38 Difficult choice

Chapter 125 Difficult choice

"The most powerful among them are none other than the ancestor of Abraham and the two sons of God of the Lord."

Before in-depth introduction, Mr. A raised another question as an introduction.

"How much do you know about the history of the Quaternary Period?"

Quaternary history?

If you don't count the things taught in the university, and throw away the religious stories recorded in the Holy Scriptures of the Southern Continent, I have almost no understanding... Klein was rare silent for a while.

"You know that the Church does not encourage us to study the history of the last era or even earlier."

"Church of the Night."

Although Mr. A already knew that the so-called "church" in the two people's mouths did not refer to the same faith, he still corrected it out of habit.

He stared at Klein who was dodging his response and sighed softly.

"The Fourth Age was different from the present. It was called the 'Era of the Gods'. Regardless of whether it was orthodox or rebellious, all the beings who reached the throne of Sequence Zero were walking on the earth at that time, not in the star realm."

"'Black Emperor' Solomon, as the second savior after the Lord to save mankind from the sea of ​​misery, he founded a glorious empire in the name of the emperor that covered the entire northern continent and part of the southern continent, and brought order to the extraordinary. Within the framework, the chaotic picture of the Dark Ages of the Second Age will be avoided from reappearing on the earth."

"And those who lived and conspired within the framework of the order he established were the most powerful group at that time, the angels and angel kings who held the title of duke."

Listening to the history of the beginning of the Solomon Empire that was familiar yet different from the official version in his memory, Klein humbly asked:

"At that time, all the angels and the king of angels surrendered to the 'Black Emperor'?"

"I mean except for those under the Six Gods."

"Of course not. Not everyone likes order. There are always some insects who only deserve to live in chaos." Mr. A said with obvious disgust, "For example, the witch family you have dealt with, the evil god they believe in, the Original Witch 'That is, they rose up at the same time as the ancestors of the Abraham family, and then chose a different path."

"Original Witch"!

The evil god believed in by the Witch Sect, who claimed to have inherited the legacy of the Creator and claimed to be the original daughter, was actually born in the same era as the ancestor of Abraham?

I always thought that he was an evil god from the same era as the "Dark Side of the Universe" and a remnant of the Dark Age...

If classified according to the official statements of the major churches in the Northern Continent, the Six Gods that existed in the early days of the Solomon Empire in the Fourth Age were the absolute first batch. It was not until the Fifth Age that they were squeezed into the ranks of the righteous gods and have been suppressed by the Church of the Eternal Sun. After Russell invented the steam engine and changed the era, he gradually turned around. The gods of steam and machinery who claimed to have awakened from the spirit left behind by the Creator were the second batch.

Although the Seven Gods of the Northern Continent are more or less resistant to the true Creator who resides in the original East Balang region and are hostile to the God who was truly named the Creator in the Second Age, for the sake of so-called legitimacy, they all resist without exception. They all found a "good background" for their birth.

But the "original witch" is not recognized by the Orthodox Church in both the northern and southern continents, so why should she go to all the trouble to connect herself with the Creator?

Klein used gold coins to do a simple divination to make sure that the next question would not attract divine punishment, and then asked:

"During the Fourth Age, was the God of Steam and Machinery also the King of Angels? Which camp did he belong to?"

The "divineer's" intuition told him that if the God of Steam and Machinery only gradually emerged in the Fourth Age, then he would definitely not be that long apart from the time when the Abraham family and the "original witch" became famous.

"I have no idea."

Unexpectedly, Klein was so bold and dared to speculate on the origin of a true god within his sphere of influence. Mr. A couldn't help but be shocked.

He was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly became serious.

"In the Northern Continent, don't easily say anything related to the past of the evil gods in the Northern Continent. Be careful to establish occult connections without your noticing and attract their attention."

Mr. A devoutly drew the hanging cross pattern on his chest and lowered his voice:

"The origin of the God of Steam and Machinery has always been a mystery. I cannot match him with the leader of any angel family in the Fourth Age."

"The Church of the Night is afraid of those histories, not only because of the evil buried in them, but also because they don't want to offend their allies."

"Your understanding of some common sense of the extraordinary world is too shallow. Next, I will tell you some taboos."

Prayer seemed to have worked. Mr. A regained some of his strength, and the exposed wounds on his body quickly scabbed and stopped bleeding.

He raised his hand and pulled out a small booklet from his chest.

Is that...a miniature version of the Holy Scriptures of the True Creator?

Klein was greatly shocked when he saw Mr. A's fanatic behavior.

"I have said that the original meaning of the King of Angels refers to the eight strongest people who have been entrusted by the Lord." Mr. A opened the blood-stained booklet at the foot and pointed at the portraits on it. Going deeper into the information will attract three dangerous traitors. Among the remaining five, Sasriel, the 'Deputy Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven', is a clone created by the Lord from His rib. He is the embodiment of the Lord's dark side and is also one of the kings of angels. The most powerful."

"It's just that He disappeared after the Lord was betrayed, and his whereabouts are now unknown."

"His Royal Highness the 'Red Angel' Medici, also known as the 'War Angel', is the leader of the 'Red of War', the Lord's sword, and is the same as the Pope - His Majesty Ouroboros, the 'Angel of Destiny'. , a symbol of piety that has never betrayed."

"The 'Angel of Utopia' and the 'Angel of Time', the two sons of the Lord, inherited part of the authority from the Lord. Since their birth, they have been the kings of angels who have mastered the uniqueness, corresponding to the 'audience' and the 'thief' respectively. The way."

"...It was just that after the Lord suffered betrayal, both of them temporarily left the Lord."

Mr. A's face showed uncontrollable sadness, regretting the choice of the two kings he finally introduced to Klein.

In other words, except for the "Vice-King of Heaven" who has disappeared, the remaining seven of the eight original angel kings are still walking in the world, but some have established their own families, and some have chosen different paths...

It's really fascinating. What happened at the end of the Second Age to make the two sons of the Creator betray their father...

Klein digested the knowledge shared by Mr. A and asked another question.

"The real name of the other divine son of the Creator, the 'Angel of Visions', what is his name?"

The sadness in Mr. A's eyes turned serious, and he shook his head heavily.

"Don't call His Highness by his name, otherwise you will be watched by Him."

Can't even say the name? Klein became even more curious for a moment.

Obviously the name of "Angel of Time" Amon can be mentioned, what is so special about his brother? Or does this involve the power of His authority?

Thinking of some of the characteristics of the "audience" pathway, Klein also had some guesses.

Mr. A turned over the pamphlet in his hand and said in deep thought:

"Although the name cannot be called directly, the Lord's holy book later added a sentence to hint at His Highness's name."

"I have been a divine envoy for less than ten years, and the twenty-six divine envoys have been passed down for thousands of years. In these thousands of years, no divine envoy has truly understood the meaning of that sentence."

Thinking that Klein Moretti was a special person valued by the two masters, Mr. A held out hope and read out the description in the holy scripture that had troubled him for a long time.

"The 'Imaginary Angel' is the eldest son born after the Lord created the paradise called Eden."

"Therefore, he has also become the representative of mankind in the new era, the beginning of the dawn of mankind in Eden. That is the meaning of his name."

His name is...Adam?

In an instant, Klein opened his eyes wide with complex emotions such as absurdity, fear, and nostalgia.


"No, it's more boring than what Adam wrote."

On the streets of Backlund's East District, Amon, who was dressed as a postman, pressed his eyes. A crystal shadow appeared in his right eye. Mysterious symbols quickly moved around, and he quickly determined the source of a large number of tampered fates in the East District.

"Alsuhod? Is it that big lizard?" Amon pushed up his monocle, looking further in the distorted shadow like black mist.

He carefully concealed the traces left behind by using his extraordinary ability, and clearly saw the environment around the pen.

He didn't know it by looking at it, but he was startled when he saw it. Amon subconsciously took half a step back, and clapped his hands with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.


Alsuhod, who lost his body, actually found himself a seven-legged pen stand. Is this what "Secret" used to say about being physically disabled but strong in spirit?

But after sighing, Amon was not as heartless as he showed, and he quickly figured out the cause of the matter.

He vaguely guessed that his brother, the paranoid man, had probably reached some kind of tacit agreement with the night, and Alsuhod and his pen stand were just bargaining chips in the deal.

Like Him, the paranoid is also looking for the last characteristic necessary for the ritual of becoming a god...

Amon flipped his palm and took out a silver medal covered with mysterious patterns from the air.

The silver medal covered with only a thin layer of spirituality exudes an ancient aura. Just by looking at it, an endless gray mist will appear in front of Amon's eyes, and he will see the green and black door hanging in the endless distance.

This silver medal has remained silent since he took it away from Roselle's relics. No matter how the ancient aura on the silver medal was triggered, Amon could not go any further into the boundless gray mist.

Silver Medal's performance confirmed that someone was not completely dead, but just retreated into Origin Castle. If he was really dead, the previous "Lord of Mystery" who had been waiting for recovery would not stop his temptation. , I am afraid that after feeling the uniqueness of the "mistake" again, I will open the door to welcome you very excitedly.

But what was different from the past two hundred years was that the silver medal in Amon's hand actually became hot after he got close to Backlund!

The ancient aura it contains seems to feel that something of the same origin is walking nearby, and it can't wait to join it from where it came.

"Oh, I really don't like choices." Amon sighed.

On one side is the Origin Castle that has reappeared after a long absence, and on the other is the eldest brother who wants to commit suicide in exchange for his father's return. The palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh, and even Amon cannot easily give up on one side.

At midnight, homeless people wandering the dirty streets with nowhere to go, looking back and forth in ditches and corners, searching for any possible food that could satisfy their hunger, without exception, they avoided the area where the "Angel of Time" stopped.

Kill the new carrier of Origin Castle's aura.

Take Alsuhod.

Taking away the fate of Origin Castle's breath carrier

Parasitism Alzuhod.

A new carrier to get in touch with the aura of Origin Castle.

Crushing Alsuhod...

The wind mixed with the unpleasant smell of sulfur passed by gently. Amon thought for a long time, clapped his hands and raised a smile on his lips.

The handheld light moved slowly, and the postman's figure disappeared into the thick and pungent haze.

"Have you guessed His Highness's real name?"

Mr. A stared at Klein who was shocked by the sudden surprise. He failed to control his expression for a moment, and his eyes revealed his thoughts and asked in a deep voice.

"No." Klein tried not to think about that ridiculous name and shook his head with a smile.

He picked up the identity certificate of the "Hermits of Destiny" left by Lanerwus, and decisively changed the subject:

"The king of angels who is ranked alongside the two sons of God, the founder of Abraham's family, you have mentioned him several times, but you have never introduced him."

"Also, what exactly is the uniqueness you keep mentioning?"

Mr. A's bloody eyes were filled with suspicion.

"The name of Abraham's ancestor is Bethel Abraham. He is a being who has mastered the uniqueness of the three-part sequence and the 'apprentice' path. He is only one ritual away from becoming a god. We generally believe that he is the same as the 'Vice King of Heaven' The difference won't be too big, and they can all be comparable to the true gods in a short period of time."

"As for the uniqueness, it is the carrier of the core authority of the pathway, and it is also the necessary main material for the promotion sequence zero potion."

Putting away the manual, Mr. A paused for a moment.

"My authority can only understand this. Going deeper is already a taboo involving the secrets of the gods. Only a few angels and demigods who have served the Lord since ancient times know what follows."

Core authority, I wonder if I am qualified to understand the true secret of uniqueness after becoming a demigod... Klein was not too entangled, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net thought for a while.

"I have heard of the angelic families of the Fourth Age, Zaratul, Antigonus, Jacob, Amon, Zoroastrian, and the various royal families in the Northern Continent now, but Abraham, they should be in the Fourth Age. Ji also belongs to the top angel family, why has he almost disappeared until now?"

"I've never heard anything about them."

"Actually, you have heard of it." Mr. A chuckled, "When you first became an Extraordinary, didn't you see in the notice issued by the Church of the Night that there were more than a dozen similar rituals in Loen? "

"The x of the previous generation was Abraham. He gained a new title after being promoted to demigod."

"The head of Abraham's family encountered some changes. I don't know the specific details, but they were silent for hundreds of years after that. Some of the tribesmen took refuge in my lord and were protected by His Highness Ambrosius. It was not until nearly two hundred years ago that they There has been some improvement."

"The remaining part of the northern continent..."

Mr. A pointed to the badge in Klein's hand.

"They live worse than the descendants of Jacob who are hiding in the east. They are unable to fight against the curse flowing in their blood. In order to survive, many ethnic groups are forced to give up their surnames and forget the glory of the name of Abraham. They are no different from ordinary people. ."

Double update tomorrow to make up for what's owed.

I wrote 4,000 words in one breath today, and I connected all the previous things. If I continue writing, it may be fragmented and uncomfortable.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

Please comment more. If you have any questions, you can ask them. You can also remind me of updates. Please be kind.

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [A

Chapter 39 Invitation

Chapter 126 Invitation

"Dear Mr. Azik..."

Klein sat at the desk in his two-bedroom apartment and wrote down the high-level knowledge that Mr. A shared with him last night.

After arriving in Backlund, he has not contacted Mr. Azik.

On the one hand, he was afraid that the two people who had been written into the 0-08 script would establish contact again and be easily detected by the quill hidden behind the scenes. On the other hand, Klein was worried about not knowing where to start writing.

"...The above is all I have learned about the King of Angels. The names of two of them are too special to be written in the letter. Please forgive me."

After writing the last words of honor, Klein folded the letter and put it in an envelope, and took out a copper whistle with a cold and soft surface from the hidden pocket of his jacket.

The clothes he is wearing now are exactly the clothes he commissioned from the owner of the second-hand clothing store downstairs when he first came to Backlund, the former factory tailor, to make them according to his requirements. It has a large number of pockets hidden inside the clothes, large and small. There are more than a dozen small ones, which is convenient for him to hide matches, paper figures, tarot cards, essential oils and other auxiliary props on his body.

Leaving the desk, Klein stood in the room with the door open and blew the copper whistle in his hand.

Accompanied by a lifetime of low roaring, the upside-down bones fell from the ceiling like a fountain, splicing together into a huge human figure four meters high.

What was different from the past was that the bone messenger who appeared this time did not bow down immediately. Instead, he lowered his body as if he smelled a wild beast that had offended the territory, and glanced at the person outside the bedroom door with a pair of pale flaming skull eye sockets. Living room direction.

Outlined in layers of complex black and a touch of gold, Sharon Hunter, who had released her spirit form, looked at the exaggerated and terrifying bone messenger. The expression on her face did not change, and she just nodded calmly to Klein.

"She is my companion."

Klein coughed slightly in embarrassment, patted the table with the hand holding the envelope, and turned the Bone Messenger's gaze back to him.

The messenger bent down and stretched out his hand, and Klein handed over the envelope.

"sorry to bother you."

The nearly four-meter-tall body instantly disintegrated and disappeared, and there was no longer any obstruction between Klein and Sharon.

"Sorry, the messenger wasn't hostile, I should have closed the door."

Faced with Klein's apology, Sharon just shook her head.

"When are you going to move on?"

Investigate Gostals' actions?

Miss Hunter must be too dedicated... Klein glanced at the hazy orange clouds that had just lit up outside the window. He felt peaceful and his thoughts were much more active than the previous few days.

He pursed his lips, a smile wrapped in a hint of helplessness.

"I'm afraid it will have to wait a while."

"Mr. A suffered a lot of injuries in order to eliminate the divinity left in Lanerwus. It will take a few days to recover."

"And the commotion we made in the factory area is a bit big. The church... the Church of Night has been tricked. It will definitely tighten its supervision of the East District recently. Compared with being a demigod, Gosta has more ways to hide himself. Ers, we are more likely to be targeted by the Church of the Night."

Klein thought for a moment and said.

"My suggestion is that we wait until Mr. A is almost recovered before continuing the investigation."


Sharon nodded slightly and did not disappear as usual. She turned her palm and controlled a breeze. A cleverly designed invitation with the artistic style of the Russell period and the beauty of steam machinery swayed from Sharon. The hand flew to Klein.

Invitation? Klein glanced at Sharon sitting on the high stool in the living room with curiosity, and opened the gear-shaped buckle.

On Friday this week, the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery will publicly display a Russell-themed exhibition at the Kingdom Museum. In due course, secret collections such as Russell's diary and Russell's unfinished creative manuscripts will be put on display...

"This is from His Highness."

The invitation sent by Zaratul, he wants me to visit the Russell Exhibition?

He wouldn't be aware of my and Russell's identities... Klein subconsciously startled himself.

However, this thought was fleeting. He calmed down and browsed the contents of the invitation and the two accompanying exhibition tickets several times.

During the party on the gray fog, I have been collecting the diaries left by Russell as "The Fool". Miss "Magician" has retrieved so many diary transcripts from the archives of the Trunsoest Intelligence Department, and even She also sacrificed some precious and rare originals. She only had Sequence 8. The permission to mobilize the document collection must have been intentionally allowed by Zaratul.

Well, I warned Miss Magician not to reveal too many details about the party. Zaratul may not know the true identity of the party members who collected Roselle's diary, and he most likely doesn't understand Chinese. I don't know. What exactly did Russell write in his diary?

From his perspective, if it is the "God of Mystery" who is collecting diaries, then He sent me the tickets for the exhibition just to lend me my hand to fulfill my obligations as an angel under "Mystery".

If He thinks that the person collecting the diaries is me, He "accidentally" mentioned it in a joking tone last time. In the eyes of Him and even the angels in the Southern Continent, I who enjoy the status of a favored one will be their future. The colleague is the next angel designated by "Secret", so there is nothing wrong with this kind of behavior of pushing people along and trying to win over them.

It's not easy to get Zaratul to send tickets specifically for this Roselle exhibition...I'm afraid that among the exhibits on display, it's not just the diary that's valuable...

Klein calmly put away the invitation, looked up at Sharon and said:

"Does the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery often hold exhibitions?"

Sharon shook her head and said concisely:

"No, this is my first time since coming to Backlund."

"This should be the first public exhibition held by the God of Steam and Machinery in Loen, right?"

In an apartment in the Jowood District, Xio showed the newspaper in his hand to Forsi who was slumped on the sofa, and sat down next to Forsi's face.

"Probably so." Forsi, a false believer in the God of Steam and Machinery, with thick dark circles under his eyes, snorted perfunctorily, as if he was not interested.

The deadline for the new book was two days away, and Forsi, who had failed to persuade the editor, had to work hard day and night to make up for the consequences of slacking off and using today's pain to repay the price of yesterday's unrestrainedness.

Xio rubbed her friend's swollen eyes, unable to sympathize.

After rubbing it for a while, when she saw that Forsi was still as silent as a dead fish, she suddenly became angry and increased the strength on her hands.

"stand up!"

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Forsi struggled to get up, his eyes became even more black and blue, and he said angrily:

"I just stayed up all night, can't you take pity on me and let me sleep for a while?"

Xio had no mercy written all over her eyes and smiled sarcastically.

"Oh, except Monday, when do you not get up at two o'clock?"

"As long as you are more diligent, you don't need to stay up late to finish the manuscript now."

"Writers, writers need inspiration to write, and this thing is not available all the time." Forsi covered his eyes and hummed.

It is true that she gets up at two o'clock every afternoon, but facts aside, she is sorting out the information the church needs every night and is always on standby to prepare for overtime work without any subsidy. Isn't that just working?

It's a pity that Forsi didn't dare to tell her friends the truth.

She looked at Xiu, who had a delicate face and unstretched facial features, and lowered his head angrily.

After a few sermons, Xiu no longer dwelled on this topic and turned to say seriously:

"Can you finish the manuscript by Friday?"

"What's wrong?" Forsi asked slightly surprised.

"The Kingdom Museum will exhibit Emperor Russell on Friday. Do you think it will attract extraordinary people from other cities to visit?" Xio pointed to the time marked on the newspaper.

Attracting extraordinary people from other cities... Forsi gradually frowned, a little seriousness emerging from his laziness.

"What do you want to do?"

"In the few days when the exhibition is held, the church's security will only be stronger. Besides, the extraordinary people who can be attracted by a few undecipherable diaries may not be as good as us in mystical attainments."

Quinn sighed and explained.

"Didn't you teach me the skill called impersonation and let me try to control the potion?"

"I seem to have finished digesting it, and I haven't heard any more gibbering for a while."

"If it were before, I didn't know how to act and couldn't master the magic potion, I might not be so anxious, but now I have determined that I am qualified to advance to the next sequence..."

Before Xio finished speaking, she half-smiled and half-sighed at herself, her face full of disappointment.

Forsi looked at his friend who was in a depressed mood and moved his lips slightly.

She knew that Xio and she had completely different motivations for promotion.

A few years after his father took a boat to the Southern Continent and lost news, Forsi came into contact with the Extraordinary by chance and became a member of the Trunsoest Intelligence Department. He had no motivation to climb up at all. UUkanshuwww.uukanスshu.net

Whether she is practicing medicine or writing, her income can support her to live a good life. It is only a matter of time before she strives to squeeze into the fringes of the upper class. Even the promotion from Sequence Nine to Sequence Eight is the result of her teacher's repeated efforts. Urgent results.

If she hadn't been chosen by the Lord, watched by angels, and vaguely aware of the approaching danger, her end in life might only be Sequence Eight.

Xio was different from her. During the time when they were just close friends, Xio once told her about his past.

Dilcha is a disguised surname. Hugh's true identity is the daughter of the former chief of the palace guard. Her father died in an accident and was accused of baseless charges. Her mother and younger brother had no choice but to hide in the countryside. She makes ends meet by working as a bounty hunter.

More than life, Xio also shoulders the pressure of investigating the truth about her father's death and clearing his father's name. In order to achieve her goals, she must be promoted.

For a moment, Forsi was a little shaken.

In fact, she could have taken advantage of the needs of the party on the gray mist to obtain access to the potion formula of the "arbitrator" channel, and found a way to give it to Xio, or recommend Xio to the department responsible for developing downline.

"Hugh, actually..."

Xio's eyes slowly raised and met Forsi's tangled gaze.

"Actually, it's not a problem that I finish writing it on Friday."

"As long as I don't need to cook for a few days!"

At the critical moment, Forsi, who was timid, suddenly looked away, jumped off the sofa as if running for his life, and ran into the bedroom that served as the study.

First update, second update...writing needs inspiration.jpg

Missing chapters and error reports

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Chapter 40 Princess

Chapter 128 Princess

On Friday morning, Klein prepared butter and toasted four slices of bread. Instead of rushing to eat, he divided the bread and milk into two portions, keeping one portion in front of him and pushing the other portion to the other side of the table.

A weak air flow passed through the tablecloth with printed edges, and Sharon's breakfast faded and disappeared. Only then did Klein pick up the newspaper at hand, shake the paper and start reading.

The reform of the Kingdom's navy is progressing smoothly, the situation in the former West Balam region of the southern continent is anxious, and the Intis government has relaxed the market entry tax in the Trier region. Many Intis industries have cooperated with the Kingdom's Ministry of Railways to open up a new railway link in the Jianhai area. News of the Dao and Highland Kingdom rebels openly provoking the Kingdom and Fusac garrison, destroying churches and injuring priests were swept away.

The first step after getting information from newspapers with official colors is to put aside the ambiguous rhetoric that has been whitewashed by writers and writers, and try to analyze the objective facts hidden under the attitude of praise or condemnation... Klein has always Remember the first lesson Old Neil taught himself.

After arranging all the major events mentioned in recent newspapers in chronological order and combining them with his personal experience, Klein could not easily extract the conclusion he wanted.

Putting aside the Southern Continent that he didn't understand, the Intis government instructed domestic companies to cooperate with the Kingdom. This Russell Exhibition was indeed a political signal.

After Russell's assassination, several years of internal strife between the Republic's Parliament and the royal family for power caused them to miss the second wave of development of sea navigation. Among the navies of the Northern Continent, they were always dominated by Fusac and the Kingdom. This was also their great revolution. Later, they lost their southern continental colonies one after another, which was an important reason for the embarrassment of sea power.

The actions of the Aurora Society and the Secret Order to resurrect the "Mysterious God" stimulated the nerves of the governments of the northern continent. As a result, the kingdom stepped up its naval reorganization. King George III even did not hesitate to give up the royal family's influence in the military and accept The Pope of the Church of Storms enters.

Did Intis also feel the crisis?

However, their homeland is far away from Trunsoest, and the colonies in the southern continent are also close to the western edge of the West Balam region. They are open to technical exchanges and promote business cooperation. Isn't the cost of pleasing the kingdom a bit too high?

Klein mixed it with milk, swallowed the bread and butter in his mouth, and turned the newspaper to the next page.

Um? This is... Klein stopped his desire to yawn and gathered his energy to read the bold headlines on the second page of the newspaper again.

The tragic death of a female body was found near the Red Church on Williams Street. Silveras Field has not yet identified the deceased.

The Red Church... refers to the Storm Church that was abandoned more than a hundred years ago?

Klein resisted the urge to frown and read on in confusion, discovering that this murder that occurred in the West End near the edge of Queens indeed had a hidden mystery.

The case discovered last night has been identified as a serial crime based on the method. However, similar cases previously only existed in the East District and did not receive the attention of the Silver City scene until a reporter who had been conducting private investigations reported several cases. After linking the cases together, analyzing the criminal methods and providing evidence, and publishing it in the newspapers, the matter was taken seriously.

It's not surprising that a vicious incident occurred in the West District and was taken seriously by the police, but people were dying every day in the East District and east of the Bell of Order. The previous cases were also described in detail, so that they could be taken seriously by the newspaper and put together on the second page. Is this what the church meant?

Different from the usual perfunctory and vague reports, today's report described in detail the tragic situation of the deceased being disemboweled and having his internal organs removed. Unusually, it also included a warning at the end, asking women near the Backlund Bridge area to pay attention to their personal safety when going out in the near future. .

You know, the case that happened last night was not in the Backlund Bridge area.

When the internal organs are removed, the victims are all women wearing colorful long dresses. Just by reading the text description, you can feel a strong sense of ritual. Is it a serial killer with a "demon" path?

Silveras Field must have handed over the case to the Nighthawks, Punishers, or Mechanical Heart Team. They cannot deal with criminals with extraordinary power... This is obviously a normal development, but the more Klein thinks about it, the more something is wrong.

Wait, "demonic" crimes are being officially noticed, at this time?

When Klein, Mr. A and others cooperated to kill members of the "Rose School", they did not deliberately hide their identities. The actions of the Aurora Society had just attracted the attention of the Church of Night in the East District, and a murder case suspected of being committed by a "demon" appeared the next day.

If the victims' beliefs are evenly distributed, then in theory the three major churches will be involved in the investigation. They will have divination and divination, psychics and psychics, and they will also have a variety of strange and effective extraordinary means, equipped with sealed objects with complementary functions.

Not to mention continuing to search for traces of Gostars' activities in the East District, Klein himself was not arrested and brought to justice by the three major churches, which was considered a "secret" blessing!

His name will not appear in the newspapers at that time, but all the officials in Backlund will definitely know that there is a native of Loen named Klein Moretti who has become Trunsoest's spy and sneaked into the night. The church cooperated with others, bombed St. Selina's Church, and faked his own death to defraud the Church of the Night of a pension of six thousand pounds.

When he thought of this, Klein's scalp suddenly became numb, and the white bread in his mouth no longer tasted good.

Fighting back the inexplicable nausea, Klein swallowed the last bite of bread, folded the newspaper and put it back in his hand without expression, and looked across the table.

"Something's wrong."

Sharon's figure quickly emerged. Different from the previous few days, Miss "Resentful Soul", who was as exquisite as a doll, changed from the complicated palace dress and wore a black dress with simple patterns and a conservative Loen aesthetic. The long skirt makes the overall first impression a bit more lively.

Among the wild Extraordinaries, there is no shortage of fools who believe that everything related to Emperor Russell has powerful mysterious power. Ever since one of them tried to steal a button from Russell's dress during his lifetime at the National Museum in Trier. , whenever an exhibition is held in the future, Mechanical Heart will inevitably deploy a large number of personnel to act as security guards to ensure the safety of the exhibits.

Considering the special nature of this exhibition, the Archbishop of the Church of Steam might be present at the exhibition, and even Sharon would not dare to enter in spirit form.

Seeing Sharon sitting on the other side of the dining table blinking at him, Klein continued:

"There are traces of 'demonic' activities in the Backlund Bridge area and the East District, but the level is not high. It may be a 'serial killer' acting, or it may be a smoke bomb deliberately created by a certain 'demonic' pathway."

"I suspect that Gostals is deliberately inducing official forces to pay attention to the East District, curb our actions, and hide himself deeper."

After Sharon listened to Klein's words quietly, she reached out and the newspaper on the table automatically flew into her hand.

After browsing briefly, she finally responded:

"Don't worry."

Don't worry, what are you not worried about? Does it refer to the church involved in the investigation, or to Gostals?

Seemingly sensing that Klein wanted to ask more questions, Sharon took the initiative to explain:

"The exhibition attracted so many people that they couldn't care less."

That's right, extraordinary events happen in Backlund every day. After the exhibition opens, there will only be more extraordinary people coming here, and it is difficult for the officials to allocate too much energy...

Trying to hunt down "demons" in the East District who can sense malice and avoid danger in advance is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Klein nodded slightly and agreed with Sharon's judgment.

Queens, in the luxurious villa of Earl Hall's family.

Hibbert wore a black formal suit with a retro design and patterns embellished with dark blue silk threads. His handsome face and brilliant blond hair complement each other. No matter from which angle you look at him, he has a classical sculpture-like beauty.


Beside him, Earl Hall watched Hibbert's personal servant busy around and commented briefly.

"Mr. Prime Minister is very much looking forward to you joining the newly reorganized cabinet as the permanent secretary, but his appreciation is not enough. You need several good qualifications." Earl Hall made an appropriate joke, "Of course, as a Being a member of the Hall family is the most beautiful resume in itself."

Unlike his father, who was still chatting and laughing, Hibbert, who knew that he would soon face the challenge, was serious and his handsome face was slightly stiff.

"It's a pity that neither of those two gentlemen would value a person because of his last name."

"So what, it's enough that His Majesty the King takes it seriously."

Earl Hall stroked his beautiful mustache and said:

"Without an elder brother who holds the title of Grand Duke and possesses the wealth and influence that matches the title, can Agushid successfully become the second special case to become prime minister in a non-noble status?"

"Hibbert, we don't have to stick to our noble status. We are also willing to make friends with ordinary backgrounds and outstanding abilities. We prefer to cooperate with civilian businessmen who have advanced and active ideas. However, this does not prevent us from using our family ancestors to help us. The foundation we have laid does not prevent us from being proud of ourselves, and then relying on our family to accomplish our goals more easily than others."

"As long as you are not like Intis, like some libertines who squander your family property and achieve nothing while sitting on your ancestral property, your surname and family will be your best help."

"Besides, aren't those two gentlemen also nobles now?"

"Their own ideas may not be changed, but how different are their children and their descendants from you?" As he spoke, Earl Hall winked mischievously at his eldest son, "They have joined our group. , will adapt to the norms of this group, even if some rules are indeed old and boring, no one can ignore them."

The earl showed a different side than he had in the past in front of his daughter. He took the brooch from the footman and pinned it on his eldest son's chest.

"Go ahead and smile more. Young people should be more energetic."

Kingdom Museum, 2 Königsallee, West End.

Although it was not the weekend, when Klein arrived, there was already a long queue at the door.

At nine o'clock, with the help of an invitation, Klein, who was wearing a half-top hat, a black cane, and a double-breasted dress coat, followed the staff through the special passage after Sharon revealed her identity as the granddaughter of Viscount Hunter. The museum.

They declined the kindness of the museum staff and did not ask for the escort to accompany them. Like the ordinary tourists around them, they visited the collections displayed in the display cabinets on their own.

After the layout by the Royal Government and the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, there were two more branches at the back of the hall, corresponding to different periods of Russell's life.

They chose to visit from the early years when Russell was given the title of "Son of Steam".

This made no sense to Klein, who was half a historian, and Sharon, who had read the records of the Esoteric Order. The two of them just followed a tour group led by a docent and strolled casually.

"Everyone, here are the prototypes of steam machinery invented by Emperor Russell in the early days."

"Look, that's the steam hammer he improved for his factory. That's the first version of the steam engine trial he submitted to the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery..."

Taking into account the limitations of the exhibition hall area, the exhibits displayed in the glass showcases are all scaled-down models, which do not make much sense.

Soon, Klein and the others skipped this area that did not contain any occult elements, bypassed the crowd, and arrived at the important document exhibition hall through other passages.

In front of a wall that looks like a showcase, a good-looking commentator is introducing important document manuscripts behind her.

"This is the Civil Code promulgated by Russell after he became emperor. In Intis at that time, it was a fashion to copy the code written by the emperor himself and display it in the administrator's residence in each city."

"The Civil Code innovatively proposed many new laws and regulations that are still being used for reference and adoption, which greatly facilitated the promotion of steam technology and made up for the shortcomings left by the Sauron royal family in the past. In the eyes of people at the time, It is the incarnation of the emperor and a symbol of the new era."

Incarnations and symbols don't sound simple... Faced with Russell's shameful plagiarism, Klein rarely felt the desire to complain.

The Aurora Society has confirmed that Roselle's becoming a god is not a rumor. In addition, gods often use abstract symbols to face believers. The ontology is suspected to be the incarnation of authority rather than an entity. It is difficult for Klein not to guess that the promulgation of the "Civil Code" will not only stabilize the Realistic factors such as the situation and winning over people's hearts also hide the foreshadowing of Russell's intention to ascend to the throne of God.

Klein lowered his head slightly and read a book www. uukanshu.net glanced at Sharon, who was also examining the code documents in the window, and found that Miss "Resentful Soul" had a rare emotion in her eyes, and she didn't even notice his gaze.

Hatred, resentment, anger... Klein followed Sharon's line of sight, and after a simple search, he found the source of Sharon's emotions.

It was a section of regulations regarding colonial governance, with the areas targeted by the document clearly marked on it.

The former Highland Kingdom, the Star Plateau region.

The Highland Kingdom regards the "Rose School" as its state religion. I remember it was mentioned in the textbook that the royal family of the Highland Kingdom seems to be of similar race to the people of the Northern Continent... Klein glanced thoughtfully at the similarities between appearance and behavior. Sharon, who was no different from any Loen noble, closed her mouth.

At the entrance of the Kingdom Museum, a tall lady wearing a girlish yellow cake skirt and a black old-fashioned bonnet with a messy outfit took the ticket stub handed by the ticket inspector and walked into the exhibition hall step by step.

Her face was obscured by fine gauze, and only a slender arc under her jaw could be seen.

This lady, who attracted the attention of many tourists by dressing up and showing off her figure, did not miss the portrait of Emperor Russell wearing the imperial crown in the hall. After a brief identification, she walked to the "Daily Exhibition Hall".

Behind her, an old man who had just left the special passage and arrived belatedly suddenly stopped.

There is or is not a red church in the original novel. It corresponds to the white church in the Jack the Ripper case. In the mysterious world, it is naturally the church where Xiaohong crawled out.

My thinking is okay today, but I will need to adjust it after a while.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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