
Chapter 6 Various Thoughts_1

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Don't you want to launch satellites anymore?"

"But it's the rocket's first launch, it's hard to say."

"It's just a small rocket, and besides, there are engineers from America's space agency overseeing it. It can't be any less reliable than our satellite."

"You're still talking! Lin fooled people saying we could make satellites. When we just participated in the design of a few parts, we drove ourselves crazy!"

"I'm just asking you, do you want to do this project or not?"

"Do it, damn it!"

Tong Peiqiang and Zhou Rui both took refuge on the balcony outside the office and immediately started the discussion, confirming each other's thoughts at the speed of light.

Do they want to work on the satellite project? They dream of nothing else.

Both were about to retire and, although they had many titles, they had never worked on such a high-end project.

The near miss of a few years ago was a permanent pain for every participant.

Now the opportunity was right before their eyes, and there was no reason to miss it again.

Just now, the mention of the satellite's price was simply out of the school's habitual desire to fleece the enterprise.

Although just an ordinary institution, the Southern Machinery Institute received a substantial annual budget. Supporting a satellite project was a bit troublesome, but doable.

Tong Peiqiang believed that not only did he think this way, but the school administration did too. They had made countless efforts to elevate the school's status, but none as significant as the current satellite project.

He asked Zhou Rui to go first to calm Lin Ju down, while he immediately made calls to contact anyone who could help.

When Lin Ju saw Professor Zhou Rui come in and start making small talk with him, his heart settled down, and he was in no rush to joke around.

Half an hour later, several school leaders appeared in the office, sweating profusely.

Together with Tong and Zhou, six professors involved in the satellite project and other specialized teachers discussed the rocket proposal, eventually convincing the school that the rocket was highly feasible, the design was mature, and the technical parameters were authentic.

With confidence, Principal Jiang immediately made a decision, and finally requested to inspect the factory.

Without even stopping for lunch, Lin Ju drove a car leading the school's bus, heading straight to the tractor factory.

Along the way, the teachers and professors eyed the increasingly remote road with suspicion, and their eyelids twitched when they saw the sign for "New Yuan Town Tractor Factory."

Fortunately, as soon as they entered the workshop, the rush of high-tech sensation dispelled all their doubts.

The group, led by Guo Shen, inspected various machinery and equipment, assessing production capacity.

Zhou Rui glanced at the nameplates on the machine tools and was surprised to find unfamiliar brands.

But upon looking at the technical specifications, he found them to be high-end machines, difficult to obtain domestically, and even if produced in the country, in limited quantities.

Lin Ju explained that these machines were provided by agents, who swapped the nameplates to circumvent sanctions, and Zhou Rui didn't question further.

Regardless of whether one was an insider or an outsider, the sentiment after the visit was unanimous: Excellent!

The condition of the workshop and the machinery was too good. Everything was newly installed and seemed to be sparkling.

The patriotic overseas Chinese Guo Shen could even explain in standard English professional jargon, earning the convincing title "Chief Designer Guo" from everyone.

When the tour was complete, the school delegation's mindset had shifted. They felt that the relatively less reliable party was actually themselves.

The next step for cooperation was set in the tractor factory's conference room, which had also been renovated anew.

This time, as the two parties sat opposite each other, with professionals like Guo Shen providing support, the university side had to respond seriously.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the two sides reached a preliminary intention.

First was the funding; Lin Ju would definitely not purchase a satellite, but the university side also couldn't provide a launch cost of 10,000 US Dollars per kilogram. Considering it was the first launch, they reached the following agreement:

1. The university decided to participate in both the rocket and satellite projects and would contribute ten million in funding, with the results to be shared by both parties.

2. The university would essentially take charge of the satellite, which had to be completed within 30 days. The quality control had to be under 400 kilograms, and it needed to have certain scientific detection capabilities.

3. The university would deploy no fewer than 10 professors and 20 industry professionals to assist in the manufacturing of the rocket, with subsidies to be distributed by Lin Ju.

4. Guo Shen would serve as the chief designer, with Tong Peiqiang and Zhou Rui acting as deputy chief designers.

Lin Ju and Guo Shen were both unaware of the specific capabilities of the Southern Machinery Institute, so they felt the deal was not too bad, and they even obtained ten million in funding, which ensured they now had ample funds.

However, from the school's perspective, everyone was forcibly holding back from bursting into laughter.

As long as the project was successful, the school's budget could easily increase by two hundred million next year. The aerospace project would also enhance its strength and reputation, resulting in a win-win situation—that is, winning for themselves twice.

The only problem was the tight schedule Lin Ju had set: completing the satellite design and manufacturing in 30 days. But since it did not require complex functionalities, they could simply work around the clock in the lab if necessary to ensure the satellite was built.

When leaving, Principal Jiang warmly shook Lin Ju's hand and said with deep emotion,

"I am very relieved that the school could nurture a young talent like you, Lin Ju. You must attend the next semester's freshman ceremony and speak as an outstanding alumnus!"

"Principal, you're too kind, too kind."

Lin Ju was being showered with praise for the first time in his two lifetimes, which left him somewhat elated. Principal Jiang promised to hang his portrait on the publicity wall, and Lin was still smiling foolishly as he watched everyone leave.

With the school's help, capturing a satellite should be within easy reach, right?

Southern Machinery Institute, late that night, any professors and teachers who could assist with the satellite project and were on business trips or vacation were called back for a meeting.

The next day, some capable students were also gently coaxed back to school by their tutors.

In Rong City's academic circles, a rumor suddenly spread: Southern Machinery Institute was building a rocket and wanted to send its own satellite into space.

The rumor spread with such detail that it seemed credible, but no one believed it; after all, everyone knew the caliber of Southern Machinery Institute.

Rockets, satellites? Even Peking and Tsinghua University wouldn't dare make such a guarantee, right?

But as days passed, the noise grew louder, and when the order for gold foil and radiation-resistant DSP chips placed by Southern Machinery Institute surfaced, the academic community in Rong City began to doubt.

Upon pulling strings for inside information, what? The rocket and satellite projects of Southern Machinery Institute were actually approved??

In 2014, the country had just officially allowed private capital to enter the aerospace market.

At that time, Ma Yilong's Falcon Rocket had not yet achieved a successful recovery, but the nation also saw the potential of private aerospace ventures.

However, engaging in aerospace sounded incredibly challenging domestically, as only a few semi-official private aerospace firms were just starting to get established.

No one expected that Southern Machinery Institute would leap out and be the first to taste the crab.

Southern Machinery Institute also used this major project as an opportunity to train its team, bringing in any faculty and students who had some ability, forming various groups.

In the university, where there is both pressure and motivation, all laboratories went full throttle, working overtime to the fullest.

Such a big commotion had long spread throughout the school's forums; news that Southern Machinery Institute was heading to space was now concrete.

The students of Southern Machinery Institute were excited, but the several other universities in Rong City were dumbfounded.

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