
Chapter 490: Starvoid Seer, Fluorescent Giant!_2

"God of Destiny had already foreseen all of this!"

"And I shall sacrifice myself for it!"

As this message was swiftly sent out by the legendary wizard, his expression turned fanatical, his breath hot and devout.

The vast star webs around him transformed, threading into streams that converged on the middle-ranked legendary wizard of the Green Star Clan.

The Green Star legendary wizard snorted coldly.

His figure constantly shifted, deploying various attacks to counter the interwoven, assaulting star web filaments.

Even though this Green Star legendary wizard was very powerful,

the ecological power of the star web was evidently stronger.

Under the enhancement of Tuck's "Precision,"

the filaments continuously poured into the Green Star legendary wizard.

As they wrapped around him more and more,

reaching a critical point,

a vast expanse of star web filaments surged over him like a deluge, enveloping him into a massive "star pupa."

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