

I rushed out of the house so fast that I could barely believe it. I was agitated,hurt, frustrated, and most of all, angry. I don't think I've been this close to snapping. I felt like doing way more than insulting a smack on the face; I was stirring for something worse. Something that will get me banned from Forchesca Land forever.

I froze in my steps when I saw Lohan entering the yard. His stare at me was perplexing. We walked towards each other slowly, and the closer we got, the more worried his eyes became. He saw my distress and seemed genuinely sad about it.

"What happened? he asked, trying to hold my hands, but I refused to let him touch me.

"The engagement is over." I told him sternly, looking away from his honest eyes.

"Is that so?" A familiar voice I didn't want to recognize said .When did he get here?

My eyes shot his way for a split second, then I focused back on Lohan before I got too distracted.

"I'm sorry you have to meet Mr.Valerian this way," he apologised, and I let myself momentarily get lost in his compassionate brown eyes every time they set on me.

"Please tell me what happened,he urged, successfully placing his hands in mine.

"Your mother slapped me." I replied,fighting hard to keep my face focused on his as another man's gaze rested heavily on me,eating up the side of my face. I could feel his rage build up.

Lohan's eyes widened, appearing extremely shocked and soon turning sad.

"Mr.Adriel,I beg that we reschedule our discussion another time." Lohan said, turning to Adreil, whose eyes seemed to be no longer gray but pitch black as if it had gone dead cold, with murderous intent. His thick brows were pointing at his nose and had stiffened and was staring at me so hard. I felt like he could command me to drop to the floor, and I would obey without a second thought. He didn't answer Lohan; he just stood there, as if he heard nothing.

Lohan turned to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Kiara." He smiled,leaned closer to my ear and whispered that we would resolve it. I nodded despite knowing a part of me wanted otherwise.

"I understand that you need to go now and cool off a little. I will visit you as soon as I'm done settling things here; everything will be okay." He assured me before making his way to the castle. I dwelled on his words,the promises of paradise he brought with his eyes,his gentle tone, and his mere dedication to calm and peace. He was genuinely happy with himself,or at least that's how it looked. I shouldn't envy it, but I did. I wish I wasn't involved in so much chaos. I wished to be like him. Not traumatised, broken, and on the edge of madness. He seemed fully capable of handling the worst situations, but I feared a single wolf-vampire episode from me might be a bit too much for him to handle.

I watched him go,wondering how long it would take for Carlotta and Aunt Lydia to come out of that wretched castle. And also praying, Adreil was walking away.

The only ones listening to my prayers were the demons; they granted the exact opposite.

"I'm glad you realised marriage to that man was a bad idea." He said calmly,a contrast to how he looked last time I glanced. But his calmness had an underlying danger behind it. Like the quiet before the storm. I wanted to say something about it, but I didn't know what to say, so I closed my mouth.

"I hope you are not considering reconciliation." He said he was coming closer. I felt his presence swallow me whole, just as his shadow did. I stared hard at the doors that Lohan had entered through a minute ago,wondering what in the world was taking my aunt and Carlotta that long. I played with my fingers, trying to somehow zone out of his presence,his voice, and his scent. I had already met him once today, and I don't think my senses could handle any more.

"Look at me,"he asked coaxingly,the command still vibrating in his tone.

And just as I predicted,I obeyed without a second thought. I was beginning to worry that I may not be able to deny this man anything.

I suddenly remembered how short I was or how tall he was. My eyes met his broad chest,his grey suit hugging every muscle.

His hands guided my chin to his face.

I let my eyes meet his, shaking a bit but not out of fear. His face was still stern and angry, but his eyes told a different story. I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but somehow it was soft somehow.I felt like I was melting in his hands.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes," I replied quietly.

His eyes dug into my soul as he stared into my eyes. Obviously pissed as hell. But this anger wasn't directed at me at all. I felt a strange comfort in his touch. I cursed myself for not feeling the same with Lohan.

His hands tilted my head slowly to take a look at my cheek. His jaw tightened, and his dark eyes directed themselves to the castle behind me,like a predator who just found its prey.

"Adriel,please don't hurt any of them." I begged,sensing danger already.

"Don't defend them,"Kiara,he said to my ear,his eyes still pinned on the castle.

The eyes returned to mine, and it automatically softened again. I wondered how he dribbled with emotions so easily. He turned my cheek the other way. The place that Lohan had kissed. He wiped his thumb over it three times before I pulled my head away.

"The guards are looking." I was a bit frustrated that my voice sounded more worried about that than anything else.

"It seems I don't have to bother to negotiate with Alpha Forchesca after all; it will have been a nice part of the chase...oh well. It's the prize that matters,"he said, plainly placing both hands in his pocket. "I will still have to deal with the Forchesca family, though."

"You can't just go for a blood bath when your delusions kick in, you will not hurt anyone on my account.I forbid you." I frowned.

"Forbid me? " he mused, smirking at me.

"And a marriage with you isn't happening." I added that I was turning away from him.

"How sad. I actually wanted your consent,"he said quietly.He came a step further and ran his fingers in my hair."You are a goddess with your hair down."

I drew in a breath as he lingered there,letting the tip of his fingers brush against my bare neck.

At that unfortunate moment,my aunt and Carlotta finally came outside. They froze for a second and sent worried glances at each other before continuing to walk towards us, playing blind. I walked towards them in an attempt to get far away from him.

Aunt Lydia's lady-in-waiting had the bird cage with them. The three parrots were perched on their stands, poking their little heads around in confusion. I now understand why they stayed so long. My dearest aunty wanted her darling parrots back. I formed a small smile. That was incredibly petty of her, but I didn't question it. I applauded it, in fact.

"I think it will be better for everyone we leave now!!" Aunt Lydia announced loud enough for Adriel to hear behind me. I really wished I could turn to see his face reacting to the unnecessary yelling.

"I couldn't agree more." I said ,following her orders.

She gave a little bow to Adriel as we passed by him,and so did I. Using the opportunity to steal the last glance before I went.

He had somehow schooled his features into neutrality; his face was void of emotion, and he nodded curtly to me and my aunt as if nothing had happened. I'm not saying something did happen, but it wasn't just 'nothing'. I looked back as we climbed into our carriages; his hands were folded behind him, and he was still staring at the castle again.

I sighed and focused on the road. It was a long ride, but I was glad it wasn't a noisy one. Everyone was quiet and let me rest as they prepared themselves to meet the Alpha. I was partly grateful. I wasn't ready for some sort of scolding at the moment.

* * *

I began to read a new novel I got from the library that night. The place was quiet,the house was calm, and yet I couldn't get by one single page. I flipped to the next page regardless. I had promised myself to read at least a hundred pages a day. After lying to myself for a few more minutes, I shut the book and decided to sit in silence. I stared at the moon perched in the cloudy skies. I was thankful it wasn't a full moon,but there will be one soon.

I dreaded those. While others were out shape-shifting and hunting wild deer,I was trapped in my bed, being injected with all sorts of tranquillisers, lest I lose control and hurt someone again. I swallowed and massaged the side of my head for calmness. I tried to think of the children; I felt like I hadn't seen them in ages. I missed them, and according to Carlotta, they missed me too. I would have visited them if I wasn't busy with the engagement and my entanglement with things I should thrive to keep far away from me. At least that is over now. I can finally focus on other things.

I got up from the chair to look at myself in the mirror,and that's when my line of thoughts shifted entirely to him,yet again. My hair was parted in the middle and flowing down to my back. I had just noticed how stunning I looked with it,just like he said. I couldn't believe I just noticed myself now. I smiled to myself a bit and decided to keep my hair down. It gave me an untamed, wild look that I think suited me more. I have heard compliments about my looks thousands of times. I may be a social reject, but people have gladly praised me, so it isn't a new thing. But there is just something about him that made it linger in my mind.


Perhaps that was it. My lust for him made him seem like a god when he speaks,walks,breathes.Good Lord,did I not beg you to save me from the black hole? It had totally sucked me in. I turned away from the mirror, unhappy that my own image was reminding me of Adreil Valerian. My father might have a heart attack if he knew about the thoughts I was having about his mortal enemy.

"What on earth happened to my daughter? my father yelled as a loud bang hit my door, flying it open. He came in with a frown on his face. My thoughts fled, and panic crept in. His visible anger made me tremble a bit as he hastened towards me. Aunt Lydia was a few feet behind him,taking smaller steps and advising him to be calm. He looked at my face and turned to glare at his sister.

"Lydia,how could you allow this? " he bellowed, staring at the wrong cheek. "Her face is all swollen."

"I had no idea this would happen, Denzel. You can't just blame me." Lydia replied.

"Yes, I can, and I do!" My father retorted loudly, his voice painted with anger and frustration . "You and every Whitman werewolf as her escort have one job—a single task. And that is to keep my daughter safe from every single harm that may befall her, and you all failed!"he yelled.

Aunt Lydia looked away from her brother as he spoke. I felt like a helpless child again,and the thought of it didn't make me happy.

"Father..." I called soothingly in an attempt to calm him down.

"Bella." My father called, cupping my face and scanning my whole body in worry.

"I am fine." I whispered to him.

"Have you seen the doctors yet? he asked.

I chuckled lightly.No, dad. It was just a-"

"Lydia! my father called, not caring to listen. "Call her doctor to come check on Kiara to make sure everything is fine."

Aunt Lydia nodded and readily ran to do the task.

"Father, didn't you hear me? I said, "I'm fine." I repeated,a bit more frustrated than before.

"We can never be too careful, Bella." He said and planted a kiss on my forehead. "I swear to you, this incident will never happen again. "He backed away from me, keeping his gaze fixed on my face.

"In the meantime,I will have a little talk about respect with Lohan and his family."

"Dad..." I called gently. "The last thing I want is for you to start a crisis because of me."

My father groaned loudly and went out of the room in a hurry,still agitated and infuriated. I followed him, pleading through every step. He grumbled frequently, but mostly ignored me.

"Alpha Denzel."the butler called politely, giving a low bow. "Alpha Lohan is here to see you. He insisted that it was urgent."

"Speak of the devil, and he shall appear." My father muttered. "Let him in. Let me hear his pathetic apology."

The butler bowed and went to inform the doorman to open the door. My father gave me a look that should send me upstairs. I nodded and began my way back up but deliberately taking my time so I can at least hear some of the conversation

"Please consider what I said." I added

Lohan came in like a wounded animal, panting and raging around the room, screaming bloody murder at my father.

"How dare you? " he asked, pointing at my father. "You had no right!"

My father scanned him closely. "Lohan,have you gone mad? Where did you get the audacity to talk to me this way? And after what you did!"

"Don't play dumb; it's no use. Do not pretend it wasn't you that ordered the fire." he fumed

I gasped and glanced at my father.

"Stop spitting nonsense. Lohan,I haven't even started with my punishment for your carelessness. And trust me, if I did,I won't deny it." he growled.

"It was caused by witches!! Your most trusted allies! On my mother's property, do you expect me to believe you don't have a hand in it?!"Lohan screamed, the veins on his forehead popping out.

"I do not care how shaken you are about some fire; I refuse to let you accuse and disrespect me in my own home!" My father bellowed. "Leave before you lose your ability to walk!"

Lohan stared at him in shock as my father walked away left.His vivid perplexion as ruffled his hair in frustration made me feel a bit sorry for him.I watched him storm out, muttering curses in Spanish.

I swallowed and sat on the stairs; it was clear as day. It was Adreil's doing.

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