
Chapter 173: "The Basilisk Revealed"

After his visit to the chamber, Harry began preparing for the big fight. His first priority was acquiring a good rooster that knew how to crow. Despite the basilisk's immense size and dangerous gaze, it had a glaring weakness: the crowing of a rooster was fatal to it.

When Harry first read about this fact, he thought it was a joke. Such a majestic and dangerous creature being killed by a rooster's crow seemed absurd. However, after consulting other books, Harry confirmed it was true. It was like Achilles in Greek mythology - great strength paired with a fatal weakness.

While Harry wasn't certain if it would work on the thousand-year-old Slytherin's basilisk, it was worth trying. If successful, Harry would win the dreaded battle instantly. If not, he'd have to resort to hacking at the snake with his sword.

Besides the rooster, Harry started preparing items to restrict the huge creature's movement and other useful tools.

Meanwhile, Hogwarts was far from quiet. A few days after Harry's chamber visit, the polyjuice potion brewed by the Golden Trio was ready. Harry was surprised it had been completed so quickly, but it seemed they'd acquired the necessary ingredients sooner than expected.

One fine morning, Snape called Charles, Ron, and Hermione - or at least their current polyjuice forms - to the front of the Great Hall. Charles now looked like Goyle, Ron like Crabbe, and most amusingly, Hermione resembled a furry cat girl. The students were confused but couldn't help laughing at the sight.

Snape, his voice dripping with disdain, began to explain. "It seems our... adventurous trio decided to brew an illicit potion to disguise themselves and infiltrate the Slytherin dormitories. While they succeeded in their misguided endeavor, they failed spectacularly in brewing the potion correctly. Now they find themselves... stuck."

The students had mixed reactions; some were amused, and others were shocked.

Snape continued, his tone growing colder. "Normally, such blatant disregard for school rules would result in immediate expulsion. However," he paused, his lip curling, "it seems our... celebrity has certain... privileges. So, unfortunately, you all must continue to endure their presence in this institution."

Lily and Dumbledore watched silently, having apparently reached a compromise with Snape. In exchange for not expelling the trio, Snape had demanded the opportunity to shame them publicly. It seemed Snape had won this round.

"I will be deducting 150 points from Gryffindor - 50 for each of these... rule-breakers," Snape concluded, his voice laced with satisfaction.

This announcement caused an uproar from the Gryffindor table, but it quickly died down. They had lost so many points due to the actions of the golden trio that they had given up complaining. It was not going to result in anything. Gryffindor winning the House Cup looked like a distant dream as long as Charles was in the house and broke the rules without any regard for the Gryffindor house.

Harry felt a twinge of guilt for his prank, which made Charles's life more difficult, but he consoled himself by reasoning that they were going to break the rules anyway - he had just ensured they got caught. Besides, Charles had his parents and fans to support him emotionally.

Some difficulties at a young age would help him grow into a better person, Harry told himself. He could already see the change. Charles was no longer the pompous self he was at the start of school. Now he might start controlling his instincts of becoming the savior and learn to respect the rules just to have a good relationship with his house mates.

As the commotion in the Great Hall settled, Harry's mind returned to his preparations.

All preparations were happening smoothly. However, just a few days before the Christmas holidays when Harry was finally planning to end the whole saga and was ready to battle the basilisk, something unexpected happened. The tracking charm he had applied on Evelyn Rosier, the heir, broke.

"This is bad," Harry muttered to himself. "Tom Riddle must have found the tracking charm and got it removed. Now he must know someone's onto him."

Harry knew he had to act immediately and confront the soul piece now. He didn't know what actions the soul of Tom Riddle would take now that he knew he was suspected of being the heir by someone.

Harry quickly referred to the Marauder's Map, searching for Evelyn Rosier's name, but found it missing. It seemed Tom Riddle was now fully possessing her, and the Horcrux was hiding her location.

Harry was a little afraid and started running around the castle looking for the rogue heir and the basilisk's crazy hissing sounds. He had a premonition that an attack would take place soon and since this incident was completely different from the books, Harry had no idea who would be attacked. The next victim in the books was the Hufflepuff Justin Finch-Fletchley, but he was currently in the Hufflepuff common room, safe.

After an hour of fruitless searching, he was about to give up when he heard the familiar, deranged hissing of the basilisk.

Racing towards the sound, Harry rounded a corner to find the basilisk facing a terrified Hufflepuff boy. Harry recognized him as a muggle-born third-year but couldn't recall his name.

A disembodied voice hissed in Parseltongue, "Someone's here. Quit wasting time and kill them both."

Acting quickly, Harry cast two slime spells at the basilisk's eyes, rendering its deadly gaze harmless and blinding it temporarily. He then sent a Patronus to summon Professor Flitwick, informing him of the attack. Harry wasn't fully prepared to take on the basilisk, as he was still in his school robes, which weren't suitable for a fight. He knew he needed help.

"Silencio!" Harry cast on himself and the Hufflepuff boy and a few more silencing spells to ensure the now blind basilisk could not find either of them through sounds.

"Accio!" Harry added, summoning the other boy towards him.

As the basilisk thrashed about blindly, Harry began casting spells at it, knowing they were largely ineffective against its magic-resistant hide. He retreated, carrying the Hufflepuff boy who was now frozen with fear but otherwise okay with him.

The heir, seeing the basilisk failing to finish the job, now started directing the basilisk in Parseltongue and telling it where Harry was.

Seeing this, Harry gave up casting spells on its magic resistant hide and started using the blocks that had broken from the walls from the rampage of the snake and sent them all to the snake. This, although not hurting the huge snake much, was slowing it down. Harry wanted just this. Keep continuing this till the professors come.

And the professors did come. Within minutes after the fight began, Professors Flitwick and McGonagall arrived on the scene.

"Merlin's beard!" McGonagall exclaimed, her eyes widening at the sight of the enormous serpent.

Flitwick, recovering quickly from the shock, joined Harry in attacking the basilisk. "Keep it up, Harry!" he shouted. "Dumbledore's on his way!"

On hearing this, another hiss echoed through the corridor - a command for the basilisk to retreat. The great snake stopped its rampage, hissed a secret phrase, and a section of the wall opened up, allowing it to escape.

As the wall sealed shut behind the basilisk, silence fell over the corridor.

"So that's how it's been moving around undetected," McGonagall said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Flitwick turned to Harry, his expression a mix of pride and concern. "You were right, Harry. It is a basilisk, and a monstrous one at that."

Before Flitwick could ask any more questions, Dumbledore arrived, his face grave. "Is everyone alright?" he asked, looking from Harry to the professors to the unconscious Hufflepuff boy.

"Yes, Albus," McGonagall replied. "Thanks to Mr. Potter here. He managed to block the attack and save young Mr. Brooks. However, we saw the basilisk, Albus. It was huge."

Dumbledore's gaze swept over the scene, noting the debris scattered across the floor and the visible bruises on both Harry and Brooks. "I see you've all had quite the encounter. We need to get you both to the hospital wing immediately."

Harry nodded; he hadn't noticed the cuts and bruises in the heat of the moment, but those small bruises were nothing to him. The boy Brooks might be a different case. He must have had the fright of his life. Hopefully, his heart could handle that and he would be okay.

"Indeed," Professor Flitwick agreed. "And we need to hear the full account of what happened. Mr. Brooks' perspective could be crucial."

Dumbledore nodded. "Agreed. Let's move this conversation to the hospital wing. Poppy can treat their injuries while we discuss this alarming development. And perhaps Mr. Brooks will wake up soon and provide us with more information."

As they made their way to the hospital wing, Harry supporting the still-unconscious Brooks with help from Professor Flitwick, Harry's mind raced. He had managed to prevent a tragedy, but he knew this was far from over. The heir was still at large, and the basilisk was still a threat. But now, at least, the truth was out in the open. Harry hoped that at least now, the school might get suspended so he could have a go at the basilisk without any worries.

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