
Chapter 340: Emotional Breakthrough Cone, Formula for Foundation Establishment Pill_1

A thought flashed through his mind, his attention concentrated on the pale yellow jade scroll in front of him.

["Ecstasy Heart Sutra", a Fourth-Class Treasure, it illustrates the comprehension gained by a nascent soul elder of the Unity Sect through cultivation. ]

[It can incite the formula method within, unleashing an illusion technique of infatuation, causing the target cultivator to lose their mind, drowning in the sea of desire.]

[After a long-term observation, one can gain enlightenment about the way of Yin and Yang dual cultivation. ]

"This Ecstasy Heart Sutra has similarities with the 'Pure Yang True Fire Talisman', both of which can unleash a powerful method and offer contemplation on the insights into Divine Skills."

"Hence, they both are the physical rewards, not the techniques directly imprinted into the mind."

Lu Xuan sighed quietly.

He glanced at the eighteen poses in the scroll and rolled it up.

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