
Chapter 133: Surprise

As Murphy entered the backstage area of the interview show with James Franco, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, and Carey Mulligan, he immediately spotted a familiar figure.

Dressed in a fitted suit, with a tall and slender figure and curly blonde hair, Kara Faith stood at the door of the editing room, her arms crossed and a faint smile on her meticulously made-up face. She looked at Murphy as if reuniting with an old friend after a long time.

Murphy smiled at her, immediately quickening his pace. He opened his arms, and Kara Faith did the same, and they hugged tightly.


Not far behind Murphy, Jonah Hill whispered, "Who is this woman? She's so hot! So beautiful!"

Carey Mulligan's eyes were fixed on the two in front. She knew that before meeting James Franco and the others, Murphy had only two friends in Los Angeles. One had drifted away due to some inexplicable matters, and the other was this woman.

She remembered that before she and Murphy started dating, he had mentioned that this woman was like him.

During the filming of "Hard Candy," she had seen this woman frequently visiting the set. At the time, she thought she was just an ordinary friend of Murphy's. But now, watching them hug, even knowing it was a friendly gesture, she couldn't help but feel displeased.

As someone who never hid her emotions well, Carey Mulligan's feelings instantly showed on her face.

Jonah Hill, oblivious and lively, seeing Carey not responding, continued to ask, "Who is she? She seems very close to Murphy."

James Franco pulled him back.

Jonah Hill, not understanding James Franco's intention, turned and glared at him, "Jim, why are you pulling me?"

He turned back to watch Murphy and Kara Faith separate. "Wow, wow, wow, she is really beautiful! Definitely the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

Carey Mulligan's doll-like face had already darkened.

Jonah Hill was about to say more, but Seth Rogen pulled him back, signaling towards Carey Mulligan with his eyes. Jonah Hill, pulled back a step, could only see her profile, but her dark expression, almost dripping with gloom, made him quickly shut his mouth.

Although they were some distance away, Murphy could hear Jonah Hill's muttering, though not clearly. He didn't pay it much mind. Seeing Kara Faith put him in a great mood.

After all, she was one of the few friends he had made since coming to Los Angeles.

"When did you get back?" Murphy stepped back, slightly increasing the distance between them. "Why didn't you let me know?"

"A few days ago," Kara Faith brushed aside a lock of golden curls, "I saw that the show wanted to interview you and thought I'd surprise you."

Murphy exaggeratedly said, "What a big surprise!"

"Not very sincere!" Kara Faith pouted slightly, moving aside to open the editing room door and inviting Carey Mulligan and the others inside. "Come in, let's talk."

There was still some time before the show started, so there was no rush to put on makeup.

"Are you in charge of this show now?" Murphy asked as he walked beside her. "Have you finished your six-month training? Transferred to Fox?"

"Temporarily transferred here." Kara Faith pulled out a chair by a glass round table and sat down, signaling the others to do the same. "I just got back, and my position hasn't been finalized yet. I'm waiting for news from 20th Century Fox. The producer of this interview show just went on maternity leave, so I'll be in charge for a while."

Murphy clapped his hands lightly. "Our perfect duo is working together again."

Hearing this, Carey Mulligan wrinkled her nose, glancing between Murphy and Kara Faith before letting out a light humph.

She felt that Murphy had completely forgotten about her upon seeing this blonde woman.

After catching up with Kara Faith, Bill Rossis arrived. Like other interview shows, most of the process and questions were communicated with the interviewees beforehand. This was an unspoken industry rule.

After communicating with Bill Rossis, Murphy winked at Kara Faith. "You won't give us any trouble, right?"

Kara Faith elegantly shrugged. "I'll make sure Miranda digs out all your secrets!"

Miranda was the show's host.

Murphy laughed, and so did Kara Faith. She nodded to the others and then turned to Murphy, "I have some work to do, and you should get ready for makeup."

After Kara Faith left, Murphy and the others were led by a staff member to separate makeup rooms. While getting his makeup done, Seth Rogen, sitting beside him, whispered, "Carey... seems a bit upset."

Hearing this, Murphy looked over in confusion.

Seth Rogen made a helpless gesture, and with little experience in this area, Murphy had no idea what he meant.

On the other side, James Franco bluntly said, "You and Kara Faith."

"Kara? Me?" Murphy pointed to himself, finally understanding, shaking his head with a smile. "Kara and I are just friends. Carey is overthinking."

The other three looked at him and said nothing more. Murphy considered it a trivial matter and didn't think much of it.

After makeup, it was almost time for the show to start. According to the schedule, the two male leads, James Franco and Seth Rogen, would go on first, interact with the live audience, and answer a few questions from the host. Then Jonah Hill and Carey Mulligan, representing the film's victims, would come on.

The show was live and aired during prime time. Fox gave Fox Searchlight plenty of support.

Murphy stood at the entrance to the stage, where the camera couldn't capture him, but he could see most of the stage.

James Franco and Seth Rogen sat on a large sofa, calmly bragging about the crew and the film. The two seemed to be a perfect duo, performing with exceptional harmony.

Both had outstanding comedic talent, frequently making the dozens of audience members below laugh out loud.

Daisy sat in the audience, laughing so hard she almost cried. She couldn't believe that the two who were so miserable in the film were so funny in real life.

And the director? Is he like them?

Hearing about this interview, she had managed to get a ticket, hoping to see what the mysterious, perverted director looked like. Was he as bizarre as his movies?

She was very curious about him. All the main characters in the film had been interviewed, but he had always stayed behind the scenes.

Though she understood it might be a promotional strategy, Daisy still felt a bit dissatisfied.

Why be so mysterious? Is he too creepy-looking to show himself?

Just as Daisy was thinking this, there was a sudden gasp from the audience. She quickly refocused on the stage and saw a chubby man tied to a cross-like device being pushed onto the stage.

Anyone who had seen the film recognized this—it's the Rack!

The audience erupted in applause, followed by a person in a black robe, looking like Jigsaw, emerging from behind the chubby man and pressing a remote control, causing the chubby man to scream in agony...

Scenes from the film flashed before Daisy's eyes, making her shudder.

"Jigsaw! Jigsaw!" Voices from her left cheered, likely Jigsaw fans. "Jigsaw, kill him! Kill him!"

People around looked at each other, wondering if these guys could tell the difference between movies and reality.

The Rack on stage was just a prop, of course. It couldn't actually kill Jonah Hill, who was soon released, but Jigsaw still wore the iconic robe.

Daisy tilted her head. "Could this be the director? Such a mysterious entrance?"

"Jigsaw! Jigsaw! Jigsaw..."

The fans kept chanting, seemingly crazed.

A fair hand emerged from under the robe, gently lifting the hood to reveal striking short blonde hair. That cute, doll-like face had no expression, yet it looked so innocent.

"This is..." Daisy widened her eyes. "This is Amanda!"


Despite the black hair turned blonde, many people recognized the girl from the film.

Daisy scratched her head. So, it wasn't Jigsaw or the director.

But why was Amanda dressed as Jigsaw? Daisy found it odd. Was it a setup by the show? That must be it.

The interview with Jonah Hill and Carey Mulligan began. Backstage, Murphy saw the staff bringing over the puppet Billy, the carefully designed doll from the crew.

Like in the film, Billy was placed on a bicycle, and someone came over to give Murphy final instructions for his entrance.

Daisy, uninterested in Amanda and the chubby guy who died early in the movie, was getting impatient when suddenly the lights went out. A grating squeaking noise came from the stage, and in the darkness, something seemed to be moving onto the stage.

When the lights came back on, it was the puppet from the movie. Before the audience could react, the puppet's jaw moved up and down, and the familiar voice sounded again.

Anyone who had seen "Saw" would remember this voice.

"Hello, everyone, I want to play a game..."


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