
Chapter 8 Favorite Child_1

By eight o'clock in the evening, Wang Yuanyuan had grown impatient and prompted the butler numerous times. "Butler, what's the master so busy with?" she asked.

The butler, clearly adept at reading between the lines, naturally avoided the truth. Wang Yuanyuan's brow furrowed, "If the master really is too busy to see me, then I'll leave. I do have other matters to attend to. Perhaps you should go in and inform him, see what he thinks."

The butler agreed and retreated into the study.

"She can't wait any longer?" Gu Shaocheng's lips turned up in a cold smirk. "Then next time… forget it, let her go for now." He wasn't ready to deal with her yet; she could still be of use.

On the surface, Gu Shaocheng showed no emotion, but a wave of icy chill passed through his heart.

Wang Yuanyuan, one of his favored subordinates, had actually betrayed him by secretly reaching out to his own family a few days ago. Lucky him, he found out just in time, otherwise, hmph!

Wang Yuanyuan stepped off the two steps, a strong wind blowing in the yard hinting at the coming typhoon. Despite the fierce wind, it didn't compare to the cold rejection she had endured outside of his study for five hours. Gnashing her teeth, she dared not act recklessly in the inner courtyard, but an icy determination flickered deep within her heart.

A new girl is living in the inner courtyard!

With a slight sniff, the acidic taste of jealousy in her heart made it difficult to swallow.


Gu Shaocheng thoroughly examined Ye Chenxing's dossier in his hand. Second Bai had always been efficient, and a series of documents about Ye Chenxing's family and background had already been placed on his desk.

"Five years ago, your parents died in a car accident. I heard you also have grandparents, so why did your aunt become your guardian?"

Ye Chenxing looked up at the man in front of her somewhat apprehensively. It wasn't a dream that this stranger was still standing there when she woke up, questioning her in this unfamiliar place.

This seemed to be a study, not overly lavish, with a thick wool carpet underfoot. The walls were adorned with ancient and valuable pieces of art, and a partially finished game of Go set on the tatami mat spoke volumes about the owner's taste.

"My parents owned a company, and my aunt was nice to me back then. She said she wanted me to live with her and have my uncle help manage the company." Ye Chenxing lowered her gaze, biting her lip, her voice gradually softening, "At that time, I really thought my aunt was kind to me."

Only later did she realize just how naive she had been. What her aunt truly valued was her father's company. But her uncle was a poor manager, and within a year, the company had gone bankrupt. From then on, her life at her aunt's house became especially hard. Her aunt treated her like a free servant, bossing her around.

If this could happen with her family, what could she expect from strangers? So right now, she dared not harbor any illusions. Looking at Gu Shaocheng, her heart was slightly on guard.

Gu Shaocheng glanced at her, seemingly guessing her thoughts, "Don't worry, you don't possess anything that I covet."

With that, he took no further notice of her, instead, continuing to slowly peruse the documents in his hand.

"Who are you?" Chenxing's heart was unstable, uncertain of the identity of this man who suddenly barged in and saved her.

Gu Shaocheng's tall figure lazily leaned back into the soft chair, his crossed legs naturally draped over each other. Just like in the house, even just sitting there, he exuded an oppressive and threatening vibe.

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