
Chapter 96: A Quiet Few Moments

The Living Room, The Kennison Estate, Latimer Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 The cold bare feet of a young Dean Hudson had barely been able to touch down onto the hardwood floor in the wake of his rush to get toward the living room before Ken Ryker had barreled out of the bedroom and captured him as easily as he had on previous occasions when it had been just the two of them wrestling about the well kept and spacious living room. Dean couldn't help but burst into giggles as Ken's arms wrapped around his slender waist and pulled him into the older man's embrace. They'd both been semi-presentable given their previous romp about the living room when given to the euphoric high from Spyder's latest batch.

Still, it had done little to conceal their mutual arousal as Ken's thick cock tented his boxer shorts and Dean's had done the same to his underwear. The lad had been panting as Ken gripped him, his rough hands now trailing to the younger lad's bare belly as he struggled against the hold that only made their mutual attraction through contact all the more intense. 

"Fuck...." hissed Dean closing his eyes briefly as Ken once more wrestled him to the floor. 

He had been unable to get past Ken, who'd been much larger and stronger than he'd been and it only made him all the more excited to be in the older man's arms. The lad found himself with his back pressed against the hardwood floor as he'd been before their venture into his bedroom and moaned as Ken's larger cock came into contact with the bulge in Dean's underwear.

He whimpered feeling his arousal get the better of him as Ken pinned his wrists above his head and glared into the lust-filled blue eyes that stared back at him with need and unstated longing. 

"Did you order the food?" asked Ken his mouth hovering above Dean as the younger lad moaned and wiggled beneath him. 

"Yes..." whimpered Dean loving the feel of Ken's larger body being pressed against his own. "No fair you're bigger and stronger than me."

"Yeah?" asked Ken looking over the younger blond lad who's thin bare pale chest had been rapidly rising and falling. 

"Yeah," replied Dean still whimpering. "And you're always so hard even after we fuck..."

Ken grinned and kissed Dean on the lips. 

"Fucking horndog." he hissed against his will. 

Ken captured his lips in another series of passionate kisses before the ringing of the doorbell had gotten their collective attention. The sound prompted Ken to sit up and allow Dean to get back to his feet, although it had not been without a good deal of effort on his part. Ken got to his feet as well and headed toward the kitchen where he had his sights set on a can of beer that he'd recalled he'd left in the fridge. 

It had not taken Dean long to collect the food as he came shuffling into the kitchen holding the white foam containers for takeout as he entered. Ken popped the top on his can and closed the fridge behind him as Dean placed the containers onto the nearby aisle. 

Ken smirked smelling the contents from a mile away. 

Burgers and fries, a favorite of Dean's so far since he'd met him. 

Ken made his way toward his food, he grabbed the container meant for him and headed into the living room with his beer in tow. Dean rolled his eyes and followed after grabbing a drink from the fridge. They ended up on the sofa where they sat quietly chewing their respective portions of food before Ken leaned back against the sofa and turned his attention to Dean. 

"So..." he said breaking the companionable silence that had fallen between them. 

Dean took another bite of his burger and turned his attention to Ken. 

"What do you mean by so?" he asked while chewing. 

"How are you feelin' about having to return to school?" asked Ken meeting Dean's blue eyes intently. 

The lad sighed not at all wishing to speak of it but there it was lingering like the elephant in the room. He quickly took another bite of his burger and chewed as he mulled over how best to answer the older man's question. He had not been too thrilled about the prospect of returning to school in the least but he wanted to make Ken happy. 

"I'm not all that thrilled about it to tell you the truth," said Dean honestly. "But if it means I can work with you at your company without raising too many questions I'll do it, I'll do anything for you Ken, you know that."

"I wouldn't ask you to do anything like this if it wasn't important." replied Ken evenly, "I know what PTSD does to you and believe me when I tell you, nobody is gonna lay a hand on you at this new place."

Dean met Ken's rather intense gaze and sighed before turning his attention back to his burger. He ate a good deal of it this time around as Ken lifted his with one hand and finished it off before chugging down the remainder of his ice-cold beer. Once their food had been cleared, Dean had elected to do a bit of cleanup before rejoining Ken in the living room.

The older man leaned his head against the back of the sofa more or less content as it was given he'd been full and reasonably sated as far as his lust had been concerned but he'd been just as easily ready for another go at Dean if the younger lad had been willing.

The older man took note of Dean as he made his way back into the living room and that he'd been staring at him for quite some time since. 

"What?" asked Ken with an arched brow noting the strangely unsettling twinkle behind Dean's blue eyes as the lad stared at him. 

"Nothing..." replied Dean with something of a small smile. 

He had not known what to make of his strange association with Ken Ryker, nor his increasingly strong feelings for the older man who had simply wished to enjoy his young body with no strings attached. In hindsight, it had been something of a rather odd term of agreement given how very much attached to Ken, Dean had become in the wake of their association.

There had not been a day that went by that the lad had not been grateful to Ken for having made the arrangement but there had not been a bone in Dean's body that had been alright with having no strings attached no matter how he pretended when it came to Ken's tendency to avoid anything that had nothing to do with sex. 

The older man had arched a brow in reaction to the younger lad's strange words and leaned his head back against the sofa once more. Dean saw the opportunity to climb onto Ken's lap and did just that while placing his arms on his lover's broad bare shoulders before leaning forward and pressing his lips against Ken's. The older man reached around and wrapped his arms around Dean's slender form and pulled him closer as they continued to trade kisses amid the silence of the living room. 

The soft touch of Dean's seemingly delicate fingers moving along Ken's bare chest had been welcome as he once more captured the lad's lips in another heated kiss their eyes flickering with mutual lust and unstated desire as they sat together on the sofa lost in each other like true school aged lovers, a comical turn of events when it came to Ken who'd been quite bit older. 

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