
Chapter 44 : Sinnoh-7 [Gift]

Archer's POV, Hotel Backyard Battleground

Feeling sorry for the wasted money from the unused flight tickets to Cinnabar, I shifted my focus to my team. Over the past month, my team roster had expanded by four Pokémon. It was a significant development for me, especially considering my commitment to the elite route for each member of my team.



I watched as Eevee rolled into the flowers and held up a dandelion by her cute nose. 


Dragonair, being the eldest, has managed to make a garland of flowers. Under the star-filled eyes of the other two Pokemon, she wore it.



Observing the friendship and childish plays among them was a source of relaxation.

Especially when Dragonair was slowly opening, I took the flower garland offered to me and thanked her, "Thank you for this, my friend. It is quite beautiful."

She gave a nod and went back to entertaining the others. She is different from others in the fact that she was an adult who grew up isolated in the safari zone. I believe it will take some time for her to open up to me.



However, what caught my attention was Dragonair's unexpected bond with Annihilape over a game of chess. It was funny to see the childish Eevee concentrating on the chess board from the side, who knows that she would like chess. Unfortunately, she chooses the wrong matches to learn from.

For all his age, Annihiape is a punching guy. 


My gaze shifted from the defeated Anniliape to Porygon2, floating nearby with its robotic eyes. Looking at its lack of sentience, I couldn't shake the belief that the next step in its evolutionary path involved developing a form of consciousness.

But the task was so difficult leaving me feeling defeated. It isn't simple to develop an AI with emotions and life.

While each member of my team was occupied with their activities, the focal point remained on the trio at the centre: Electivire, Slaking, and Metagross.




Amidst the various punches in the circular ring made. A sudden fire punch from both Slaking and Electrivire had sent Metagross hurtling through the air. Fuck, that was funny.





I smirked as I watched the battle intensify without Metagross, appreciating the determination of my battle enthusiasts as they pushed themselves further.

However, there was an added sense of relief, particularly from Slaking, who was beginning to taper off from the hormones. The withdrawal phase brought forth aggression, which was channelled into their sparring sessions.

I joked with Metagross, "Giving up again."

Metagross sent a psychic reply in return, "While I like a good fight now and then, I can say for sure I am no battle maniac. I instead consider myself an intellectual who explores his capabilities. The battle is just one of them, unlike those two. One - Raised to thrive in battle. The other- Drugged and addicted to battle."

Playing with Magby, I silently agreed with Metagross's assessment. Their mindset and investment in battle indeed set them apart from the rest, even surpassing Metagross's strength in some respects.


Sitting beside Charizard, who was still nursing injuries from the recent gym battle, I gently rubbed his chin to provide some relief. Offering words of praise, I commended him for his performance, "You have some thick skull buddy. Not even a scratch from the intense bashing. I just wonder what did you say for Magmar to become so psychotic?"



Turning to Rotomdex, I issued commands, "Increase Charizard's internet access time and release all restrictions. Also, post a message to Christopher to prepare Charizard's favourite treats. Especially the charred magma noodles."


Charizard responded energetically to my care and rewards. I just hope he doesn't go for R-18 content right off the bat like Electrivie.



I noticed Professor Oak approaching in his footsteps. However, his attention was still on Kleavor, who was being studied by Oak for some time.

I saw him nodding here and there while commenting, "So, for Kleavor the rock type is the main focus of the next phase of training right?"

I nodded back, not even surprised by his deduction. Though, I can bet my ass that he won't expect my training regime for him.

He further complimented me by saying, "I must say you breed him well, his body is strong enough to bear the change in rock composition and his Bug-type side is well trained."

Finally, Professor Oak settled beside me, while his Alakazam teleported a coke can to him. Despite appearing as a typical Alakazam, the single action yesterday showcased his exceptional level—truly the champion, a super Pokémon of his species.

As I admired the champion Pokémon, Professor Oak shifted the conversation to a more serious topic. "You know, you were eligible for the research title from the discovery of Kleavor alone. Unlike the lucky discoveries sent to leagues, yours was clear-cut from data to even historical references from various ruins. A commendable research, indeed."

I understood the implications as Oak continued, "I was the one who held back the announcement until now."

Nodding in agreement, I acknowledged what I had already suspected. The influence required to delay such an announcement likely involved only a select few individuals.

Anticipating his next words, I offered the reason, "Giovanni."

Oak's solemn nod showed he wasn't surprised by my response, recognizing my familiarity with the matter. For him, my reputation as a genius and growing fame may have contributed to some extent to my knowledge on such matters. The professor repeated the name, emphasizing its significance, "That's right. You're meeting with Giovanni. It says something about him that every move of his had to be monitored with extreme prejudice. "

Leaning back on the cool grass, I gazed up at the clear sky while Oak delved deeper into the issue. "Your connection to Giovanni was questioned when the referral was approved by Giovanni's officials in Viridian. Not to mention the breeder certification just after meeting me. So, a thorough background check was initiated."

Observing Oak's slump in posture, I saw the weight of his years upon him. Despite his greying hair, his eyes remained sharp. He continued, "But you continued to make strides with multiple discoveries and achievements. It was Yuuta's case that ultimately cleared the suspicion. Less known to most, Yuuta had been in high favour with Giovanni since a young age. While the nature of their connection remains unknown, the support is undeniable. Combined with an investigation into your background, which revealed only a passing acquaintance between Dregen and Giovanni in the past, centred around their shared passion for their Beedrill."

As Professor Oak finished his explanation, I found myself processing the weight of his words. The announcement regarding my eligibility for the research title had been set in motion, but I needed clarification on another matter. "Are you saying that the full funding from the League for the research labs isn't due to your intervention?"

With a proud smile, Oak shook his head. "Not a bit. That was all Goodshow. You see, Archer, something all successful people share is pride. A pride that is quite heavy in the selected ones even among them. For Goodshow, your home region's political issues were something he failed to tackle, a sore point he saw that could be addressed through your existence. But I must say your home has multiple issues. The clan-based community hierarchy has been deeply ingrained for centuries, even becoming a part of your religion and history. So, with that in mind, this is my gift to you."

I was taken aback by his sudden change in tone, not expecting his response to diverge from my question. "Your gift?" I inquired, curiosity piqued.

Without further delay, Oak reached into his pocket and tossed a pen drive to Rotomdex. As the data loaded, I saw logs and reports featuring all his battle operations, criminal raids, Pokémon-human diplomacy efforts, and more, all signed by Oak as executor.

The significance of this gift wasn't lost on me; it was akin to a captain's log for a new sailor. These reports could serve as valuable references for establishing peace and alliances. For example, with this data as reference, it is easy to establish a proper alliance with the wild Beedrill tribes near my village.

[ Rotom-Porygon integrated AI

Task #1: Incorporate the development data of Indigo.

Task #2: Cross reference with data on Bharatsa

Task #3: Update the development scheme of Bharatsa.]

As I eagerly sat up to examine the wealth of information before me, Oak began to make his way back to the hotel.

Unable to contain my gratitude, I called out to him, "Thank you for this, sir!"

He nodded in acknowledgement, his reply filled with warmth. "Consider it a gift for your dedication to your Pokémon. Take good care of that part of your heart, little guy. Because with that heart, you can become a bridge between the people of Bharatsa and Pokemon."

Impressed by Oak's commitment to peace between Pokémon and humans, I couldn't help but admire the idealism he had. Unlike most people, His ideals are coupled with strength and intelligence, which made him a shield to the safety of society even in his retirement.


Archer's pov, Hotel room in the evening.

I sighed deeply, my exhaustion weighing heavily on my shoulders as I collapsed onto my bed.

My Pokémon gathered around me, their curious eyes watching my every move as I lay there lost in thought.

Despite the disruption to my schedule from the sudden gym match, the extra days here allowed me to make connections with the scientific minds and tech-savvy engineers in the area.

Surge was sending his engineers to assist with the electronics industry, but I knew that their expertise would only take us so far.

In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, any innovation released could easily face competition within months. What I needed were people who could push the boundaries of the technology I had initiated. That's where the connections I made here will come into play.

With some benefits here and there, I managed to compile a list of applicants for my research lab and electronic projects. Through inquiries and vetting processes, facilitated by Surge's position as a gym leader and a minister on board, the selection process was progressing smoothly.

The relationships I formed during this trip were awesome, particularly my unexpected friendship with Oak. It was a pleasant surprise to discover that Oak was far more approachable and friendly than I had anticipated. The fanfics had painted him as a distant and aloof figure or a dark hand behind the scenes, but in reality, he was a champion who valued progress and societal betterment.

Thinking back, I realized that Dregen's wish had unexpectedly aided me in the form of Goodshow and Oak. My announcements and new commitment made me likeable to these giants in the Alliance. All of these were due to his dying wish.

A situation that makes me feel like a mess.

So, like always, I pushed my heart from this matter. I glanced towards the world-famous Celestic ruins in the distance, pondering the temptation they held for me.

Metagross, sensing my unease, approached me and inquired, "What's wrong?"

I considered his question for a moment before deciding to confide in him. After all, who better to bounce ideas off of than my trusted Pokémon?

"It's about an item in the ruins," I began, my voice heavy with the seriousness of the matter. "It's special because it's linked to a legendary Pokémon unlike any other. A legendary that would have made Zapdos seem like a mere common Pokémon."

The pokémon who was there stilled at my mention of Zapdos. It was a painful encounter leaving us scarred. Even now I have multiple vision issues only held at bay due to the costly medicine. Still, there were also ups from the encounter. Electrivire has rapidly bypassed years of electric energy training using Zapdos Electricity as a catalyst for Electrizier in Evolution.

Metagross, who knew of this matter from a literal perspective, said to me, "It is just an item right, maybe it can help others in the team the same way."

Kleavor who was excited regarding strength looked up at that. Unfortunately, his chance will be after the last gym. Not now.

"That case is different because of the characteristics of the Electric type. Not all types are the same."

I sighed for further pointing out, "Let's not forget the years of Breeding, training, and the unique evolution of Electrivire. All these led to the power climb. While the Item here is different - a water and Dragon type. Though it is quite powerful nonetheless, perhaps it can be exploited but my fear is the consequence of taking it from the ruins."

"After all the people of Celestic town must have some idea of the ruins and its treasures", I explained my thoughts out loud," It is a widely known fact that the ruins were expanded over the generations by Celestic town inhabitants, either as tomb or storage device for generations. Even if consider the loss of knowledge from the passage of time, they should have some idea."

It was that reason coupled with my fear of whether Carolina had some idea about it, after all the anime she even established a research lab to study the same item.

To my surprise, Metagross pointed out in response, "It is not like the inhabitants know of its existence with a surety even if they do, you have the influence to bear the consequences. You are a certified genius, and have a lot of fame and following due to taking Dregen's mantle."

"Very well," I conceded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. "It seems I was being overly cautious. Besides, they cannot fault me for exploring something that has never been officially banned."

With a newfound sense of excitement, I called out to Samantha, instructing her to prepare our team for an excursion to the ruins. An excursion that will be our farewell to Sinnoh.


Sam's POV, is the outer field at night.


As we gathered in the dimly lit room, Archer stood at the forefront, with Samantha, now officially his secretary, positioned behind him. The prospect of an excursion to the ruins was a complete surprise.

"The ruins," Archer began, his voice echoing through the room, "hold many secrets that have been untouched for generations. Our task is to uncover one of them specifically and retrieve it."

I couldn't help but interject, voicing my concerns. "Even after all these years of exploring the ruins, the safe parts are considered dangerous by the tomb diggers and archaeologists. Is it worth it to take the risk by exploring the unknown areas?"

I believe that professional people's words matter, especially if the situation at hand comes under their domain. The ruins we're heading to are known for their complexity and the traps laid within. Each one was crafted and improved by different civilizations over countless generations.

And let's not forget about the Unown, their presence in these ruins symbolizes the mysteries of the world. Everyone body knows, that their presence is the only reason Tomb exploring and Archaeology is the premier profession in the world.

"It is worth it."

Archer's answer to my question silenced my thoughts. He continued by saying, "Besides we are not starting from the beginning. Professor Carolina shared the latest exploration and data results till now. The only rule she had is not to damage the ruins and give up anything that have historic significance to Sinnoh to the league."

I could feel the disbelief in his voice regarding the ease of permission. I rolled my eyes at his nature to think of the negative side of people easily. The more ruins explored, the better for the professor of history.

Though a thought stuck with me then, my brother who values his time too much will never settle for mediocre rewards for his work.


I just hope the item he wants is not something that starts a war. I shared a worried glance with Jon. While it may feel weird to say this we both have the utmost confidence in Archer's disconnection with common sense.

He is the kind of person who talks of winning conferences or becoming gym leaders causally. If we take a wide view of the world, people who achieve such things will not cross the count of 100.


As energy crackled and surged within Porygon2, I braced myself for teleportation by catching its cable.

Utilizing the Rotomdex cable as a conduit of contact, the energy flowed through each individual, connecting them to the teleportation process.

In an instant, the world around us shifted and distorted, the familiar surroundings of our current location blurring and fading away.


Celestic ruins, the last chamber of teleportation.

Just as suddenly as it had begun, the teleportation process concluded

. With a soft hum, we found ourselves in a new location, the air crackling with residual energy from the teleportation.

"Whoa," I breathed, taking in our new surroundings with wide eyes. "That was... intense."

Archer nodded, a hint of satisfaction in his expression. "Porygon2's teleportation abilities are truly remarkable. With reliable data and adequate time for buildup, we can travel virtually anywhere in an instant."

We found ourselves standing in a chamber that seemed to exude an aura of ancient mystery. Archer confidently led the way, explaining that this room had been the furthest explored thus far, allowing for safe teleportation.

However, second thoughts grew in my mind as my gaze wandered to the unexplored passages that lay in wait.

Tomb raiding and archaeology, while esteemed professions offering wealth and fame, also carried with them inherent dangers. The failure rate was high, and it ranked among the top three professions with the most fatalities. The sheer breadth of knowledge required for such exploration spanned multiple fields, from languages and the history of various civilizations to strength for handling guardian Pokémon, and the expertise to navigate and disarm traps.

As if sensing our collective unease, Archer spoke up with unwavering confidence. "While I may not claim to be the best in any single field, I can confidently say that when it comes to versatility in knowledge, I am the best ."

His proclamation was met with stunned awe from everyone. A smile graced my face as I watched the respect or should I say adoration grow in the men towards Archer. My dad's leadership came from his goals and way of living. But Archer is the kind of leader who inspires people with his existence and achievements.


Samantha swiftly opened a briefcase she had been carrying, releasing several small ball drones into the air. I recognized them as experimental scanners developed during the creation of Rotomdex.


With a seamless display of coordination, Rotomdex extended an antenna while Porygon connected itself to it, forming a powerful scanning system and super processor.

Metagross hovered nearby with Its eyes glowing, signifying its activation as an assistant and secondary processor.

 It was a sight to behold, the culmination of Archer's ingenuity and resourcefulness with him in the centre, his eyes giving a silver hue.

I can feel ridiculousness at the confirmation of my guess-Archer managed to connect them all to himself. Making a mobile versatile research lab, allowing him to be capable of doing the work of multiple people all on his own. More efficiently, and more rapidly, and I am getting the feeling more easily too.

Archer's voice broke through the moment, filled with confidence in himself as he started the run, "Let's go."

----------------PTC update-----------

Trainer Card for Archer: Recent Pokemon, Evolution and Achievements Update

[Image Link Here]

Trainer Name: Archer

Hometown: Village of Plains, near Berry Town, Bharatsa

Age: 11 years [Birthday has crossed in the coma from Zapdos attack]

Home Region: Bharatsa, newly joined part of the Kanto region

Referral for Travel: George Waters, Minister of Commerce, Bharatsa

Gym Circuit: Kanto (Currently)

Issued by: Viridian Gym, Kanto

Badge Collection:7

Boulder Badge

Cascade Badge

Marsh Badge

Thunder Badge

Rainbow Badge

Soul Badge

Volcano Badge

Pokémon Team:


Type: Electric

Moves: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder, Thunder Punch, Rest, Charge, Light Screen, Discharge, Brick Break, Low Kick, Focus Punch, Fire Punch, Flame Thrower, Endure, Counter, Protect, Wild Charge, Giga Impact, Electric web.


Type: Bug/Poison

Moves: Poison Jab, Fury Attack, Twin Needle, Agility, Pin Missile, Toxic Spikes, Harden, Fell stinger, Hyper beam, U-turn, Giga impact, Mega drill, Drill run, Rest.


Type: Normal

Moves: Yawn, Encore, Uproar, Endure, Focus Punch, Reversal, Counter, Rest, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Flame Thrower, Hyper Beam, Ice Punch, Mega Kick, Hammer Arm.


Type: Fighting/Ghost

Moves: Focus Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Poison Jab, Brick Break, Drain Punch, Rage, Outrage, Quick Attack, Endure, Rage Fist, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Close Combat, Focus Blast.


Type: Rock/Bug

Moves: Slash, Double Team, X-Scissor, Fury Cutter, Agility, Rock Throw, Air Slash, Rock Tomb, Stone Axe, Rock Slide, Focus Energy, Sword Dance, Close Combat.


Type: Normal

Moves: Quick Attack, Double Team, Baby Doll Eyes, Charm, Baton Pass, Bite, Shadow Ball, Iron Tail, Double Kick, Swift.


Type: Fire/Flying

Moves: Ember, Dragon Breath, Flamethrower, Smokescreen, Thunder Punch, Metal Claw, Iron Tail, Dragon Claw, Inferno, Fire Fang, Fire Blitz, Overheat.


Type: Flying

Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip, Drill Peck, Taunt, Brave Bird, Air Slash.


Type: Dragon

Moves: Dragon Breath, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush, Aqua Tail, Dragon Pulse, Twister, Hydro pump, Attract.


Type: Steel/Psychic

Moves: Meteor Mash, Psychic, Hammer Arm, Bullet Punch, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Agility, Iron Defense.


Type: Normal

Moves: Tackle, Conversion 1, Conversion 2, Teleport, Protect, Light Screen, Psychic, Psybeam, Recover, Lock-On, Signal Beam, Tri Attack.


Type: Fire

Moves: Ember, Smokescreen, Leer, Fire Punch, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Fire Spin.

Achievements Update:

Discovered 4 Pokémon evolutions - Electivire, Kleavor, Annihilape, and Porygon2.

Apprehended Mirage Master Yuuta, rescuing numerous Pokémon from captivity.

Created the Man-made Evolution item - Electirizer.

Victorious in Gym Battles against Leaders Flint, Sabrina, Surge, Eleana, and Blaine.

[League authorized view] - Has an encounter with Zapdos.


Archer, the eleven-year-old Pokémon Trainer from Bharatsa, has not only showcased prowess in battles but also demonstrated remarkable achievements.

The recent discovery of four evolutions and successful gym battles against esteemed leaders mark Archer's growing influence in the Kanto region. His courageous efforts in apprehending Mirage Master Yuuta and inventing the Electirizer highlight his dedication to Pokémon's well-being and advancement. 

Archer's journey continues to evolve by discovering the evolution of Porygon2, leaving an indelible impact on the Pokémon world.

Bank Account No: CX9494

Feel free to let me know if there are any additional details or specific preferences you'd like to include in the Trainer Card update!







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