
Ch 222 - Biting her Cheeks ~Naughty~

As Lucifer progressed, she wiggled closer and rested her head on his chest.

His heart did that odd fluttering again, indicative of myocardial infarction.

When it calmed, Lucifer draped his arm around her and petted some more sighs from her pliant body.

Those small sounds of contentment shot straight to his cock, and he shifted his hips to ease some of the ache coiling in his groin.

While this particular scenario may have originated in her mind, he wanted it just as much—if not more so.

It was time to take "kinky" in a new direction.

He was fairly confident now was the right time to initiate Operation Bedtime Story. 

When Lucifer reached the end of the article, he set the magazine aside and pulled her closer. "So what did you think?"

"I think from now on whenever I hear the word Tentacula, and pay a visit to Greenhouse, I'm going to soak my knickers."

"Good to know," he chuckled. "How about the article?"

"Was that by the same person as last time? It seemed to be a continuation—but better."

"Yes, it was."

"It was bloody brilliant," Hermione said, running her fingers over the buttons on his shirt as she traced the  muscles of his chest.

"I wish I could see those experiments in action. If the targeting didn't work, maybe some kind of buffer would."

"What kind of buffer?" Lucifer'd been trying, but success remained elusive.

"Well I don't know off the top of my head. I'd have to see the effects under a microscope. How much time is there before the damage is too great for recovery?"

'Not much.' "I could show you the experiments later if you like."

She lifted her head and peered up at him. "What? Where?"

Lucifer ran a single finger down her velvet cheek and looked into her eyes, taking note of the intellectual fire that seared the brown to burnt umber.

"In my lab in the cellar. Those articles are mine."


"It's my work. If you'd like to see for yourself, I'll take you down and show you everything once we've finished here."

"This is incredible, Lucifer! I can't believe you didn't tell me before. Let's go right now!" she said, clambering to her knees.

"I don't think so," he corrected her in a warning tone. "We have many things to do here first. Perhaps we can go down tomorrow morning."

Her mouth opened wide then snapped shut, her words stalling before a sound could be made.

Hermione chewed the inside of her cheek for a few seconds then touched his hand. "What're you going to do to me?"

Lucifer kept his own expression controlled, revealing nothing. "Exactly what you want."

"What I want?"

He nodded. "Lift your shirt for me. Those little nipples just won't calm down, will they?"

She blushed as if abashed, but nevertheless, smiled and raised the front of her shirt for a thorough flashing.

"Very nice," he commented, lightly brushing one crinkled tip.

Sucking in a tight gasp, Hermione arched into his touch.

Lucifer dropped his hand to her lap and skimmed his fingers up her thigh. "Are these knickers wet for me yet?"

Her hips ticked and jumped, as if seeking out his clitoral assistance. "I don't know, sir."

"Let's check, shall we?" Sliding his hand between her thighs, he ran an inquisitive finger along her cotton gusset, following the hidden track of her slit.

"Dry as a bone. Good girls have wet knickers. What do you think we should do about this?"

"Uh . . .  I guess . . . get them wet?"

"And what gets you wettest?"

She gnawed on her lip for a moment before answering. "Spanking."

"Well, there's a conundrum. I can't take off your knickers until they're wet, and you know very well that I like bare bottom spankings."

"Can't you just pull them up real high like you've done before? I'll still be wearing them, but my cheeks will be bare."

"That would be cheating," Lucifer said with a false innocence that spoke of nothing but lechery. "And you know very well that's a reward for being my good girl. I think, until you're wet, you need a punishment."

"I don't know how else to get my panties wet, sir."

Lucifer couldn't help smirking. "You don't? How did you get wet at home?"

Her lips twitched in a sheepish smile, and Hermione glanced away as if she couldn't look at him when she said, "The usual ways."

"Which were?"

"Touching myself, sir."

Lucifer grazed her other nipple, and it perked to a jaunty point. "That also sounds like a reward. Perhaps if you were to stimulate yourself in a way that you found embarrassing, that would be an acceptable compromise."

"What do you want me to do?" Hermione was wary, knowing his deal sounded too good to be true.

Smart girl.

Lucifer tweaked her nipple between his thumb and two middle fingers just to watch her squirm. "I want you to befriend a new implement."


"I made you something, something I intend to use on your bare bottom later. I think you should get to know it before it makes its first impression."

Although her eyes went round with apprehension, he could see her pupils expanding with desire.

"What is it?" she asked quietly.

"Why don't I just show you."

Lucifer rolled out of bed and went to the shelf, where he pulled his present from its hiding place.

When he spun around, presenting it with a quick flip in his fingers, the new wooden paddle was met with a stare of bleak stupefaction.

Lucifer rotated it to display the reverse, where he'd etched a rampant lion into the wood.

Beneath its back paws were the words "Where dwell the brave at heart."

Gryffindor's were so easy to goad.

She'd find some perverse accomplishment in meeting that silent dare.

"You made that?" she asked, her voice hollow.

He nodded and got back in the bed with her.

Stretching out on his side, he set the paddle between them. "Just for you."

Hermione appeared torn by both terror and sentimentality. "How did you make it?"

"The way one makes any paddle. I bought the wood and then I cut it to shape and did the carving on the back. Then I sanded it down and lacquered it."

"It's beautiful."

He liked a girl who appreciated fine craftsmanship when she saw it.

"And horrifying," She added. "My own that I bought at Hogsmeade pales in comparison. But, thank you though. I really mean it. I love it even though it scares the piss out of me."

Lucifer chuckled under his breath. "I guess we'll get those knickers wet one way or another. Lift up for me."


Author's Note

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