
Chapter 3

It was a bumpy ride. There's a time when we have to ride faster since Ian said it would have a lot of monsters. 

But I felt my back was tired. I need to lean on something but I don't want to be fussy. It is just a small thing.

Mother and father always scold me if I'm being fussy or something. I let out a sigh as I moved a bit. I think Ian noticed my

uncomfortable states. 

"Are you okay? Are you tired?" he asks. 

"N--No! I just...uh...moving a bit." I lied.

"You have been in the same position since we departed. I believe your back is getting tired." Ian said.

"Don't you want to lean on me?"

"T--Thank you. But I'm f--fine." I insisted.

Ian sighs. "Don't force yourself. I don't want you to get hurt." 

He doesn't want me to get hurt? His words make me halt. But I quickly shake my head. I don't want to be a burden.

I should stop moving and shut my mouth.

Only that is the best way.

When he heard no response from me, he sighed again. 

"Just lean on me." he pulls my shoulder making me lay my back on his chest. 

My eyes widened as he did that. I didn't say anything but just followed his demands.

I closed my eyes as I felt the warmth and comfort. I don't know but I love this feeling. Rather than being hit and pushed.

"Is Maya your real name?" he starts a conversation.


"I see. When I sign the marriage contract, I don't even think who will be my wife." Ian said.


"As long as I escaped from any married purpose from another country, I am willing to marry with you," Ian explains.

So, he married me just because to escaped that kind of thing? Of course, what do I expect?

But if he did that, then why did he bother to come and pick me up? He can just leave me there suffering though.

"I--Is...there a--a lot of married purposes?" I ask.

"Yeah. But I know they just want to use my wealth and my magic."


"Y--You have...magic?" I look at him.

His eyes widen a bit but manages to control his expression. He looks away. "What is so exciting about it?"

"I...I n--never saw it b--before."

Ian hummed.

I want to see it. But of course, I was afraid to ask. Who am I to ask something from people?

It getting dark. I don't know how long I lean on Ian's chest. Don't judge me though, it feels comfortable.

"We will stop here first." he pulls the ropes making the horse stop.

"We camping out here?" Blaze asks.

"Yes. Prepared everything," he demands.

"On it."

Ian gets down from the horse. He holds my waist and brings me down but not to the ground.

He keeps me in his arms, holding me like a baby.

"U--Um...m--my lord?" I gulp.

"We need to wash your feet first." he looks at my feet.

He brings me to the nearest lake. He doesn't even dare to put me down or walk by myself.

Ian put me on the rock and kneeled to take off my shoes.

Is he...taking care of me?

He pulls out a handkerchief and wet it with water. With a gentle move, he cleans my feet.

"M--My lord?"


"Y--You don't have to. I--I can d--do it by m--myself." I try to reach for the handkerchief but he holds my hand.

"You just sit still," he demands.

My body froze. I am being trained to follow people's orders so I can't help it. Here I am, looking at my husband cleaning my feet, hands, and my face.

He doesn't even complain about anything or have annoyance on his face.

Why is he doing this?

"Done," he said as he finished wiping my face.

"T--Thank you, my lord." I bowed.

His eyebrows twitch. "Why are you being so formal?"

I flinch. Crap. I should have been careful.

"I--I...f--father told me to be a g--good wife and have a g--good attitude with you. Or not..."

Or not, he will torture me again. I don't want to continue the sentence.

I glance at him and am shocked to see his expression. His red eyes shine brightly and he looks like he's in anger.

"M--My lord?"

"Stop calling me that." he firmly said.


"And stop apologizing. " Ian kneels in front of me. "You are my wife. And the wife didn't have to call her husband so it was formal."

"I understand."

"Just call my name. I don't want you to call me my lord anymore. Understand?" Ian asks.

I nod.

If that is what my husband wants, I will grant it. Isn't it the wife's duty to fulfill her husband's wish?

Ian pick me up.

"Let's go back."

"I--I can walk--"

"I don't want you to get dirty, especially after we clean you up." Ian beat my sentence.

I just shut my mouth. Let him do what he wants.

Well, he's right though. He cleaned me up and yet, I try to make it dirty back.

"My lady, duke!! We cook the porridge for you!!" Sean yells.

"It's my recipe." one guy smirks.

"My lady, you should taste it. Among us, he's the great cooker." Blaze passed me a bowl of porridge.

I took it. It looks delicious though.

Ian puts me on the abandoned log. He puts his armor under my feet so that I don't have to touch the dirty ground.

I never get...this kind of treatment.

Delicious food is other than bread and water.

Good treatment other than bringing hit and pressure.

"I--It does look d--delicious," I mumbles.

"Right!? Have a taste, my lady." the guy said.

I bring the spoon to my lips and blow it. When the porridge touched my tongue, I couldn't help but close my eyes.

"I--It delicious. " it was surprisingly delicious.

"I knew it." he proudly smiles. "Anyway, I'm Gerald, my lady."

"I--I'm Maya. N--Nice to meet you." I bowed.

"Oh, my lady!! No need to bow." Gerald said.

"Yeah, we are the ones who are supposed to bow." Sean smiles.

I don't need to? Well, that's shocking. I look down.

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