
Regulus' Performance 2

Viper was filled with relief when he had finally left the kingdom.

He was currently residing in a town, which was built for a way station.

After all, kingdoms were far from each other, and traveling by carriage would take weeks.

Days were possible if the war horses were utilized without resting.

Nonetheless, Viper stopped here for two reasons: to take a rest and acquire a horse to return to his hometown.

Gestan Inn was the only Inn that opened to the public.

After all, the best Inn was only for nobles to reside.

Nonetheless, the Inn provided what he needed: information, accommodation, food, etc.

For now, he was resting in the middle of the day. 

To replenish the mana after going all out.

After all, to perform the highest spell was draining for him, as well.

He needed to return to his peak in case Luke would suddenly betray him.

However, he highly doubted it.

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