[The regions around City G, I, and K are all lost causes. You don't need to pay any attention to them anymore. City S is the safest city, and if we want to protect the citizens, we need to find a way to move them into that city. Send out a missive to the guilds and tell them to start migrating citizens to City S and make the available guilds move outwards from City S, defeating Anima as they move. That way, you'll have the least number of casualties. Focus your forces around Alec Ben; he is the only one available right now who can handle more than ten calamities at the same time. Your point guard guilds are going to be the Moonlight and Wisteria guilds since they are the only S-ranks in the region, with the Hornet and Force guilds acting as backups in case of an emergency. Every other guild should focus on keeping the Anima away from the civilians as they move. They shouldn't try to attack pointlessly, or they will die.]
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: