
Pay Half

The drunk man sitting beside them laughed at her in a slurred tone, but a glare from A was enough to make the man raise his hands in surrender. The drunkard chuckled a few times before he hiccuped and slowly ambled away, making his way upstairs with the waitress he'd been feeling up. Once he was gone, A turned back to Richard. Now that she knew who he was, she spoke in a low voice so that only he could hear her.

"I called about some information earlier. You said you had something for me about the people hanging around here."

Richard's eyes widened in realization before he smiled apologetically. If he'd known that she was the one who called earlier, he wouldn't have given her as much trouble as he did. But he didn't bother returning the money. Once money changes hands in the underworld, it never comes back.

Richard leaned down to talk to A.

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