
Growing Pains

Anzyl's mind raced as he processed the revelation. "Spawn?" He paused in thought. "Now that I think about it, I don't think any of my hosts knew what it involved. What does it entail?"

Tegris explained, "The Rite of Continuation is a deeply significant process for symbiotes. It ensures the continuation of their species and is vital to the Praxas symbiote's health and well-being. Without it, the symbiote—and by extension, you—could face severe complications."

Anzyl nodded. "I understand that. But what does it involve?" He sat down on the edge of the bed, visibly nervous. "I'm not ready to be separated from Praxas yet. I still have a good 60 years in me. I'm not ready to die yet." He looked at Tegris with the worried face of a young, scared boy. "I haven't even done my 'Rite of Closure' yet! My past selves have done the 'Rite of Emergence' many times, but I've never needed to. I don't even know what the 'Rite of Continuation' involves."

Tegris nodded and reinserted his tendrils into the computer. "Downloading all data on the Rite of Continuation." After a brief pause, he turned to the Captain. "It's quite simple, really. The Praxas symbiote must return to the Caves of Mak'Ala, where the symbiotes are kept under the safe watch of the Guardians, and then breed to create new symbiotes." He explained nonchalantly and in a monotone. "You, as the host, are placed into a medically induced coma while Praxas—"

"Gets busy?" Anzyl winced at the thought of his symbiote reproducing.

"Precisely," Tegris confirmed.

Anzyl felt a mixture of anxiety and responsibility. "How soon do we need to get to Trill?"

"Immediately," Tegris replied. "I will inform the bridge to alter our course. We must prioritize the health of the Captain and the Praxas symbiote."

Anzyl nodded, understanding the urgency. "But Doctor, the Nexus is needed in Ceti 13 promptly, and Trill is just a sector away. Can you and I go? Take a runabout?"

Considering the logic of his request and the privacy of the matter, Tegris nodded. "Agreed. We will take a runabout shuttle, and the Nexus will continue on their mission. In the meantime, I will be in contact with the Trill Symbiosis Commission and inquire about any insight they may provide."

Anzyl nodded and lay back on the med bed, his mind swirling with thoughts of his future and the bond he shared with Praxas. He knew the journey ahead would be unique, but he was determined to face it with the strength and resilience that had defined his command of the Nexus.

Tegris, seeing Anzyl sitting in his bed, thought of what could be done while the Nexus traveled to the Trill sector. "However, Captain," he said, standing next to Anzyl's med bed, "until then, we could have a member of the Trill Symbiosis Commission rendezvous with the Nexus and help you perform the Zhian'tara, your 'Rite of Closure,' if you wish. A representative from the Symbiosis Commission is already on their way. It wouldn't be hard to set up for the Rite the moment they show up."

Anzyl's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Whoever you choose will need to be close and personal to you, as well as close to Trill physiology as possible. So I apologize, but myself, Dr. Nolan, Chief Tey'un, and Dr. Kayuli are out of the running. I actually have no idea how the rite would work with a whale," Tegris added with a small smile.

Anzyl nodded with a soft smile of approval. "Thank you, Tegris. I'll get a list together."

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry.

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