
Another Shade of Green

"Captain's log stardate 87768.1

The Nexus, along with Admiral Kumaarke's ship, the LSS Reskava, and the Lukari science vessel, the LSS Rentari, have arrived and are in high orbit over New Kentari.

Once again my eyes are greeted by what can only be described as a putrid, festering hunk of rock. If the Kentari want us to fix their problem, it will take more than modern technology. They need to change their ways, fundamentally."

"We have achieved high orbit and are holding steady, sir," Lusaalli announced from her seat at the helm.

The viewscreen displayed a brown and yellow-hazed world, with neon green megacities spanning the dark side of the planet. It was covered in a thick fog of yellowish-brown clouds, and the oceans looked like sewage.

"Thank you, Ensign," Anzyl said, standing up from his seat and adjusting his uniform. "Maintain high orbit. I don't plan on leaving or going anywhere any time soon." Turning to Heluna, he added, "Communications, invite the Reskava and Rentari to begin scans, and open a data channel for all three ships to share any and all findings."

She nodded and began typing at her communications console.

"Nolan," Anzyl said, turning to his Chief Science Officer, "you have work to do. I'll join you out of request from the Kentari, but this is your show. Cleanup on a planetary level is way out of my league."

Nolan nodded. "As is mine, but I've booked Science Lab 1 and requested my top science and biology officers to assist." He moved towards the bridge transporter pad, where he joined the Captain. "Science Lab 1," he stated, as he and the captain both flashed white and disappeared.

In a futuristic laboratory aboard the Nexus, Captain Anzyl Praxas, Admiral Kumaarke, Chief Science Officer Nolan Rivas, and his secondary scientists, Dr. Kayuli and Dr. Yolec in their holographic humanoid forms, all studied scans and screens of New Kentar.

"Computer," Nolan started, looking at the current viewscreen of the planet, "perform a full level scan of New Kentar's lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Link up and sync with the Reskava and Rentari's computer systems for a full triangulation of the planet for a comprehensive scan."

"Unable to comply," the steady female voice of the computer replied. "Ships' systems may be compromised due to excessive computer power usage. Please provide excessive usage authorization."

Captain Anzyl spoke up, his arms crossed and fingers on his mouth in heavy thought. "Authorization Praxas-Epsilon-7. Go ahead with the request, computer. Reroute power from unnecessary systems, including entertainment systems if needed. We have a planet to try and save."

"Acknowledged," the computer replied, then asked, "Please specify which sphere order you wish to perform a full spectrum scan of."

"Start at the top and work your way down," Nolan stated. "Begin with the atmosphere, then biosphere, lithosphere, and finally hydrosphere. I need to know just how polluted that planet is."

Kayuli spoke up, "Well, it's obvious it's ridiculously polluted…" He shook his Na'vi holographic head in disbelief, his eyes fixated on the green husk of a planet before him. "Computer, include any unique or significant chemical compounds. See if there is a major contributor to this planet's demise."

The science team shook their heads in disbelief as readouts of the three ships' scans began to display.

"Atmospheric scan complete," Kayuli said, shaking his head at the results.

"Sulfur dioxide," Nolan read off the list in disbelief, "formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and radioactive particulates, all at a 90 parts per million at 2.5 micron diameter."

"Biosphere scan complete," Yolec stated in shock. "That was fast… oh, that's why." He sank, "No organic living matter in the biosphere. No living flora or fauna outside of established city parameters."

"Lithosphere scan complete," Kumaarke stated, "No habitable or functioning ecosystems, much less thriving ecosystems. All dead."

"And last but not least…" Kayuli sank in his chair, "Hydrosphere: no organic life detected. Oceanic currents are inactive, and the oceans are basically one giant unflushed toilet."

Anzyl sat down with his hands over his face. "How… could they do this…" He shook his head. "Again!?" he almost shouted.

"'How' is not the question," Kumaarke replied. "That's the easy question: their addiction to industrial profiteering. To the Kentari people, the only viable resource is money and profit; all else is expendable."

"Yeah," Yolec shook his head, "but even the Ferengi know that renewable sources of energy and a living planet are more profitable in the long run."

Changing the direction the room was going, Anzyl spoke up, "So we know what we are up against. Thoughts on how to fix it?"

"This planet was past the 'Point of No Return' decades ago…" Nolan shook his head. "No living ecosystems to reboot, no oceanic currents to stir up, no wind currents to clean up the skies… this planet died decades ago… they just haven't noticed it yet."

Anzyl stood tall and folded his arms, not liking the words he was hearing. "So you're saying nothing short of the Genesis Device or a proto-matter planetary warhead can save this planet?"

"Yes," Yolec stated bluntly, as he typed away at his science console.

"How do they breathe down there?" Kayuli asked, looking at the brown atmosphere.

"They use a chemical and radioactive solution to 'clean' and 'purify' the air, then sell the 'cleaned' air," Kumaarke stated. "Clean air and water are top commodities on New Kentar, and the richest of the rich are in air and water sales."

"Create the problem, sell the solution." Anzyl shook his head in disgust.

All while Nolan's head was tilted to the side, his gaze fixated on a chemical compound on the computer scans. "That's… not good…" he spoke softly.

"What's up, Nolan?" Anzyl asked as he, Kumaarke, and the other scientists crowded around his desk.

"This chemical compound…" he said, tapping his screen at an odd-looking chemical chain, "is incredibly toxic and lethal. It is the single most common pollutant on the planet."

"That's the air and water purifying compound they use," Kumaarke replied. "It's everywhere because it's used almost everywhere: inside factories, buildings, even homes. If you don't buy the air, you can buy that compound for your at-home use."

Nolan shook his head in disbelief. "It is also incredibly volatile—one spark away from igniting the entire planet."

"When you mean spark… you mean… like…" Anzyl asked, suddenly very worried.

"I'm flabbergasted it hasn't happened yet, but that planet is one meteorite away from turning into one massive fireball." He looked up at the Captain. "You won't need a proto-matter warhead to wipe that planet clean. A stray comet or meteor will do it for you."

"It's the Gon'Cra Nebula," Kumaarke stated, showing the space sector around the planet. "The entire planet is housed inside a nebula, where there are many gas giants and stars to pull in any space debris."

"So now we know what we're up against, and that this planet is a ticking time bomb," Anzyl stated, looking intently at the screen. "Proposals to fix it?"

"An entire planetary paradigm shift," Nolan stated bluntly. "The entire planet needs to stop everything they are doing and rethink everything they have ever done."

"Ohh…" Kumaarke shook her head slowly, "the Kentari are not going to like that."

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry.

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