
Chapter Three

First person

Do you know how it feels when we are being brought to the world? Nope? It's not good.

I have not much memories from before. I know I might be here for nearly nine months, since I am being delivered today. I remember everything from my past life, and also the talk with that tuxedo guy, but after that my memories was just of darkness. Then suddenly I started feeling things around me. And now, I am being delivered.

The walls around me produced pressure while pushing me towards another side, obviously the opening through which I would be brought to the world. People don't know about this I guess, but when being subjected to those pressures, my small body experienced something that I didn't knew babies have to experience. Pain.

Yep, pain, and also I had some breathlessness too. But I guess, breathlessness was just my experience. I realised that the pressure created by the walls, brought me closer to the opening, as I could now see light. Although my eyes weren't open since I wa just being born, but I could somehow see or sense the light.

With a bit of difficulty and hard work from both me and my mother, I was brought to this world.

I had to push myself towards the opening as the walls around me had contracted.

After being delivered, the doctor for some fking reason hit me on my butt. And I hoped if I could use my mouth to curse that son of a bitch. But it wasn't possible for the time being. Although I felt that I could control my muscle and several body parts, but it wasn't enough for me to speak. So I could only cry out in annoyance and pain.

Then the doctor brought me to the arms of a beautiful woman. I felt the sense of familiarity from her. And for some reason, as soon as she touched me, I snuggled closer to her. This brought a smile to the woman's face.

She hugged my little figure with her hands and whispered, "Vikram.. " Then she stopped speaking and her arm holding me slowly slid down my body lifelessly.

I was shocked when I understood what was going on. Just as I was born, my mother died.. I didn't know how to react to this. I was just born, and as some might think that I wouldn't feel anything. It was all weird. I felt as if my heart was being pierced by thousands of needles. I felt my head become heavy. I started crying.

The doctor and the nurses picked me up, and wrapped me in a warm cloth, which felt cold to me. I heard the doctor say something, but I was asleep, probably from crying. Since I was just born, I had not much energy to remain awake for too long.

I felt the nurse bring me out to someone. Instead of some soft hand, I was now in some hard hands. But thankfully not for long. Because I felt softness envelop me.

The next time I woke up, I was in a house. Well, scratch that. House wasn't a term for the place I was. It was a fucking palace. I looked around me, and found out that there were lots of people around. And lying on the ground in a white cloth was the body of that beautiful woman, my mother. And sitting beside her with an expression less face of was a middle aged man. He looked handsome, and the way he was, I thought he was my father.

I was fed with some milk by a young woman in a feeding bottle. I have no idea what else it was.

And then, again I was asleep.

The next time I woke up to sounds of arguing. It was the young lady who held me. She was talking with someone. I turned to look at who she was talking to. Being on a crib wasn't a good site to look around myself. But I somehow saw that she was talking to my father. I heard some of her words and I got the gist of what she was saying.

And I felt hurt but also understood why she said that.

She wanted my father to marry someone, because of me. Obviously father was angry from her words and he immediately burst out in anger. That was something anyone who loses his wife would do.

He just lost his wife, and now he was being told to marry someone.

The young woman said in a calm tone, "I understand how much Sara meant for you. She was my only friend, and she was more like my elder sister. Do you think I don't feel the same?"

This made my father to go silent. The young woman walked to my father and said, "You have to marry someone. You do know I cannot take care of Vikram for too long. Dad wants me to return and marry. And you do know how dad is. After you married Sara he broke off everything with you. And me being here might make him angry. I won't say anything about this matter further. I just want you to think about this carefully. You have to work and I heard that your business isn't doing well these days. So, there should be someone to take care of Vikram. "

Father nodded as the young lady, who is probably my aunt (father's sister) walked out of the room.

Father sat down while he held his head and tears streamed down his face.

It was really heart breaking for me to see him like that. Although I have not met him or he hasn't held me. But I guess that's how the relationship of a child with his parents is. You would feel their worries, their pain and everything just by looking at them. Even if you haven't talked to them or looked at them or even be held by them.


I don't know if the pace of the story is ok. If you guys feel the story is being too slow paced, just comment down.

And also leave power stones and reviews for the story. If any recommendations for this novel that be sure to hit em up to me.

Yep, that's it. Happy reading

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