
Extracting Information Part I

The darkness of the night helped conceal the young man’s body, making it seem like he had become one with darkness. His movements were like those of a well-trained assassin. Cloud-Shrouded Dragon technique helped prevent people from detecting his presence. This building was well protected by four security guards, yet at the moment, not a single one of them was aware that there was an unwelcome guest walking around and exploring its every corner.

“Magical weapons, magical armor. A big store, but so little merchandise. They must have put all of their high-level weapons and other valuable objects away in a dimensional ring.”

Seeing the empty weapons stands, it wasn’t too hard to guess that that was the case. It looked like the owner put all of the display items away in a dimensional ring every time they closed the store. While it would be a bit of a hassle having to arrange the merchandise again every morning, it was a safe storage method.

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