
_ The Strange Dream

The exhaustion finally won, dragging me into a suffocating darkness. Panic chewed at me, but my body was a dead weight.

What started as peaceful sleep morphed into a suffocating nightmare. I was trapped, paralyzed, unable to scream as the blackness pressed in on me.

I knew this feeling. I knew this dream.

I knew what it was. Oh, holy moonlight, what was this force exactly?

A silent scream trapped behind my locked lips escaped from me.

Then, a touch- a feather-light caress on my arm sent a jolt through my paralyzed form. It was followed by another, gliding down my side, igniting a spark of heat where it loitered.

Despite the fear, an unfamiliar awareness bloomed within me. The touch was cold with calloused fingertips leaving a trail of goosebumps erupting on my skin everywhere they touched.

"Ah…" I moaned silently, my head rising higher and higher, and yet, how motionless I was.

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