
_ His Handcuffed Mate

Alpha Beowulf finally broke the silence that reigned upon them after Aceco's request.

With a weary sigh escaping his lips, "It seems," he nodded. "…that we have no choice but to return."

Before anyone could agree, Aceco spoke up. "No," she said, startling them all with her unexpected defiance. "You will not all return. Not all of you."

Confusion clouded Rhett's vision. Why wouldn't Aceco want them all to come back? Wasn't she the one who only just made a request from them now?

The fey was ever so mysterious.

Darius as the impulsive one that he was scoffed. "What do you mean, 'not all of us'?" he barked. "Does that mean I have to come back here again?"


Did Aceco mention 'him' coming back?

Darius's bravado could be irritating at times. Nah. It WAS upsetting Rhett.

"No, Darius," Aceco replied, her gaze on them unwavering. "You will not be coming back either."

Ouch. Another punch in Darius's ego.

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