
Chapter 3: Exploring the area

 At the moment, it has been 90 days since I have reincarnated.

To be precise, 90 days, 7 hours, 34 minutes, and 52 seconds.

How can I be so sure? It's a function of the unique skill [Great Sage].

Iya~, this skill sure is convenient! [Great Sage] Saves The Day! 'Cause it answers any question.

According to it, for the skill to establish itself in this body 90 days are needed. And that would be "establish" in this world's sense.

I mean, I was sure that I had possessed that skill since the beginning, but that was true only regarding my soul.

Until now, it had been accessing and usurping the "Voice of the World", or so it explained.

But damn, I didn't get any of that.

It seems that normally a convenient skill that answers any question doesn't exist.

The "Voice of the World" is only audible when the world changes, a skill is acquired, or undergoes an [Evolution].

To answer my questions, the [Great Sage] skill had been appropriating that particular function.

I hadn't heard of such an existence in my world, but it seems to be pretty normal here.

In any case, things like skill acquisition and [Evolution] are not everyday occurrences. When the world had recognized significant growth – and in rare cases! – it will grant a skill. [Evolution], on the other hand, transcends the common sense.

Although [Great Sage] now answers any question, it is passive and lack an ego.

If I don't talk to it, it won't come asking questions. And that's a shame.

However, I am just happy to have a one-way conversation with someone.

Though talking to my own skill... most would call me simply delusional, eh?

And so, since I had nothing else to do in this darkness, I kept asking questions.

As a result, I have confirmed that I am, in fact, a slime

Lack of hunger and need to sleep had also been explained.

The slimes of this world eat magical energy, and thus have no need for physical nourishment. Where there is poor energy concentration, monsters and small animals serve as an alternative.

And so in this world, unexpectedly, the slimes of energy deprived regions are extremely violent and strong. Wouldn't you expect regions with abundant energy to be homes to strong monsters instead?

In other words, where I am now is a place where food is unnecessary.

That explained, about sleep,

<<<Solution. Slime bodies are a composition of identical cells. Every cell serves as brain cell, nerve ending, and muscle at the same time.< p>

Thus, as thought process is undertaken by different cell at different times, sleep is unnecessary>>>

And that was that.

So where are my memories stored?

When thinking that, I got a <<<seems to be around somewhere>>> response.

This [Great Sage] guy seems pretty good at holding conversation.

And the effects of [Great Sage] were superb to say at the least.

**Flash Back**

Hey, what are the effects of [great sage] and [copy cat] and also tell me about my origin skill.

<<<Solution. Unique skill [Great Sage] has the following effects...< p>

Thought: Raise thought processing speed by a thousand times.

Analysis and Judgment: the ability to analyze and make judgments regarding a target.

Parallel Processing: the ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomenon.

Chant annulment: When using magic, the chant is no longer necessary.

All of Creation: The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon in this world.

These five are your abilities>>

<<<Solution. Unique skill [Copy Cat] has the following effects...< p>

Copy: This main ability allows the user of the skill to copy and obtain the skills of others. When copying unique skills, a similar version to the original is acquired.

Recreate: After successful analysis of the opponent, their arts can be copied. However, since experience can't be taken, training is required to master the art. >>>

<<<Solution. Origin skill [Endless Magicule Breeder] has the following effect...< p>

Instantly refills all the magicules used by user to their maximum capacity. Also, It won't give user infinite capacity and user will have to increase max capacity naturally.>>>

And that was that. 

 But, all of creation? Could it be that I have obtained all the knowledge in the world without lifting a finger?! Or so I thought, but...

In reality, depending on the information I understand and the things I know about, additional information can be inferred.

In other words, I need to see it at least once, but for the matters that I have seen–those I understand through this power.

But, chant annulment... So after learning a skill, I do not need to recite anything? More importantly, there's magic in this world!!!

The answer is [YES].

With this in mind, there is no need to memorize magic.

Tried to see if that would work with [Great Sage], and of course, it didn't. Why did I try? Cause YOLO.

And then I got an idea.

Could I link together [Predator]'s analysis and [Great Sage]'s parallel processing?

<<<Solution. Linking [Predator]'s analysis and [Great Sage]'s parallel processing is possible. Will you link the abilities? [YES] [NO]?>>>

Of course, [YES]!

But, it's not like I have anything to analyze... wait a moment!

That grass which i had been collecting in my stomach–the grass I ate to kill time. What is it? Let's analyze it.

And so, execute the skill at once!

<<<Analysis has been completed...< p>

Hipokte Grass: Used to create ointment. Only grows in areas with abundant magical energy. If grass's sap is combined with magical energy, an energy restoration pill can be created. If the grass is ground up and combined with magical energy, an ointment to stop bleeding can be created.>>>

 All that weed I have been storing to kill time...

It's basically as if a kid playing in the sand found diamonds.

So I quickly began production of energy restoration pills and ointment. Though I say "I began" production, my body does most by itself, so I don't really feel it.

Taking only a second to analyze, and three seconds to produce... after five minutes I can make a hundred of these!

Though I had no finished product to compare it to, [Judgment] ability evaluated it as a high quality product.

Can I be satisfied with these results?

And wasn't analysis compiled way too quickly?

I mean, wouldn't you expect it to take more time?

Linking parallel processing was definitely the correct decision.

Out of curiosity, I decided to cancel the link and try to make one. It took 50 minutes.

Processing time has become terrifyingly short...

I seem to have gotten my hands on a wonderful skill. While being unconscious, that is...

There's plenty of weed being used up inside of me, and most of the grass around here seems to be the Hipokte kind. 

 Since it might be useful later, I might as well devour all the grass around here.

And at the same time, medicine is being produced.

What to say? I'm still stuck in darkness. Nothing else to do (that I can do) around here. 

 At this time, I was completely off guard. Though my skill was passive, I had been high on finally having a conversation partner and during these 90 days, I had never met another living thing, nor had any threat to my life.

Whatever the reason, I became negligent.



That's all the time I had to think as it happened.

My body had suddenly become light – or was it heavy?... a bizarre situation.

Had I... fallen in water?

I seem to have fallen into some river. Since there could hardly be a river inside some building, could I possibly be in an underground lake or something like that? 

 Until recently, since I saw nothing at all, I had been carefully taking every step.

But while I was busy eating grass and listening to the skill's explanations, I seem to have...

Forgotten to check my footing.

I'm always like that!

Always getting high off good luck. 

Seriously, what kind of idiot runs around in total darkness? 

Damn it... I want to beat the crap out of myself. 

Prepared myself to suffer from lack of air.

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . .

 And yet I did not feel any suffering.

Why? Did I not fall into water?

At times like this... [Great Sage] Saves The Day!

Let's quickly ask a question.

<<<Solution. For, slime bodies, oxygen is unnecessary. Thus, breathing does not occur>>>

 I see.

 I seem to have really fallen into water. Not a situation where I will die, but still an unpleasant one. 

 What to do...

I don't even know whether I am floating or sinking. 

 If I sink to the bottom, could I crawl my way to surface?

And if I am floating, would I be floating around like this? 

 What to do...

And then, 

 What would happen if I predate a lot of water and then expel it like a water jet?


Having thought of that, I immediately tested it. Nothing else to do, after all!

But that this decision would lead to a fateful encounter, that I could not have known...

I am glad I had this idea. To say the least, had I went in a different direction, this meeting would never had happened.

But, as if led by fate, I went into this direction.

And so, predating enough water to fill about 10% of my stomach

 And in one breath, I released it.

I completely lost my sense of place.

<<Skill [Hydraulic Propulsion] has been acquired>>

I suddenly heard a voice in my head. That must be "Voice of the World". 

 Since [Great Sage] never starts a conversation, I can't be mistaken, but otherwise it's exactly the same.

But, I don't even have an ounce of time to verify that hypothesis! 

With a *Zugun!* A feeling of acceleration envelopes my body... is this what if it feels like to fly through the air? ... I was shot out there. 


Would this flight continue forever? And seriously, how much momentum did I even throw out? When I thought that .....

*Don! Boyon!!! Gororom zudon!!!* 

I hit what seems to be a wall.

 Hmm? Did I not receive any damage... or maybe, even if I received damage, do I not feel any pain?

<<<Solution. Due to having acquired Pain Resistance, you do not feel any pain. the Physical Attack Resistance damage has been reduced. Currently, damaged area is only 10%.< p>

Intrinsic skill [Regeneration] has activated. Will you assist it with the unique skill [Predator]? [YES]/[NO]>>>

Though there's no pain, there's damage. Is that how it is... 

Oh and, assist with [Predator]? Don't really get it, but for now, [YES]. 

It seems, that I had predated on the damaged parts, analyzed and repaired them.

 What a useful body... now, should I see how much I could decrease it before this restoration method becomes unusable? However many percent my body decreased it seems to have no effect on my movement... Even so, so that I do not end up in an overly dangerous situation, I should probably proceed in moderation.

Yup. As you would expect, even I would become careful.

This time, even though I have restorative pills, there was no need to use them.

In any case, you'd expect 10% damage across the body to be a rather serious wound, but repairing it didn't even take 10 minutes.

This time, if I took damage I'll use the medicine. 


And so... where am i?

Having confirmed that my body had returned to normal, I proceeded to check my surroundings.

Maybe there are dangerous monsters lurking around here.

Though I exited the water, it wouldn't be strange to find some amphibious monsters. 

 I carefully started moving.

Lately, it feels like when I'm careful I fall into some rather dangerous situations, but maybe that's just my imagination.

Thinking that was probably a mistake.

(Can you hear me? Little one)

So I heard something call me.