
Chapter 39

[||||=LEVEL 39= ||||]

"Lack of response from the subject." I noted.

"I'm not your subject." Raven muttered back.

"Subject is being rebellious." I snarked.

"Doctor, I recommend immediate treatment via blunt force trauma." Vera giggled off to the side. She was training her semblance's new power at the moment. It had changed from controlling sunlight to controlling sunlight and fire at the same time. Basically, light that's on fire, which was a bit strange but not the weirdest semblance ever.

I could mimic her semblance with light and fire affinities combined but hers was always better. It was her semblance so that made sense. She was hardwired to perform better than me with light and fire. Her increased affinities only enhanced her semblance.

"Do I have patient's rights?" Raven asked dryly. In response I sent a hard jolt of mana at the knot of foreign mana laced subtly in her aura. She immediately disappeared in a puff of feathers, having been forcefully transformed.

"Birds don't have rights." I said with a stoic look. She cawed irritably and transformed back into a person.

"You really don't feel anything when I do that?" I asked, a frown on my face.

"I feel the transformation a little harsher than normal. Nothing else." She shook her head.

"Odd. How about… this?" I sent a light spark of mana into the knot, practically a love-tap compared to the jolt earlier. Feathers sprung up all over Raven's body, sprouting from her skin. She looked with a frown at them. They fell from her skin easily. By her uncomfortable shifting I knew there were feathers stuck between her clothes and her skin, rubbing the tickly things over her. I scoured over her with my aura and burned the feathers to ashes and less with highly controlled infusions of heat.

"I do feel that. It's rather painful actually." She seemed more fascinated by the partial transformation that annoyed by the pain.

"You can't normally do partial transformations?"

"No. It's like a switch in my head. On or off."

"I think I have all the facts but let's go over it all one more time." I reached my hand out and my clipboard was in my hands. It wasn't magic. Just Vera. She was really a great assistant. I think the fact that she was a magic researcher now was also part of her enthusiasm towards her job.

"Ozpin's ritual was you going up to a shady room. Ozpin took a live raven, put his hand on it and did something to it with his aura, and then touched a cat with the same hand. His aura fizzed again and the cat switched between a raven and a cat a few more times. He monologued a bit about joining his council of goodness and you lied for the power. He pulled something from his cat and pressed his hand against you. According to you, it felt like he slid something into your aura. Something foreign. It fit after a few minutes, seeming more at-home but nonetheless foreign. That foreign feeling is what lets you transform into a bird. You, and I quote, "push into the foreign feeling", and you're suddenly a bird. That's it?"

Raven nodded. I closed my eyes for a moment, letting my mind run through everything one more time.

"You didn't have to learn to fly or anything? Did it come naturally? And you have aura as a bird too but it's weaker both for sensing and shields?"

"Yes to all of that." Raven's eyes narrowed at me. "How did you know?"

"I know what it is that transforms you." I said finally. Raven looked to me with interest. Vera had the recorder ready for my final hypothesis and a pen ready to make notes. She already knew I wanted a little pamphlet for the bandits so they could get the animal transformation upgrade.

I didn't have a huge use for the transformation but I couldn't turn into an animal. No matter what I tried before I couldn't just change forms. That was what got me interested in Ozpin's bit of wizardry in the first place.

"The 'knot' in your soul is a prison for the raven's soul." I started. "When you focus on the raven's soul your soul turns inside out, pushing the raven's soul to a sort of bubble over your soul, letting you use the lesser soul as camouflage. Your two souls are linked so you can control the raven almost effortlessly although you may have some urges as a raven might. This is also why you have consciousness. You're not using a raven's brain. You're using your soul to puppet the raven's soul."

"Then why does she transform?" Vera asked.

"The knot isn't just a prison for the raven's soul." I paused a moment for dramatic effect. "It also houses the raven's affinities, which are linked to Raven's body."

A moment of silence passed. "So Raven puppets the raven form and soul through her soul." Vera said slowly. "But just having the raven's affinities in her soul would just lead her to absorb them like you've done a few times, right?"

"The raven affinities switch out with her human body's affinities, letting them essentially switch places. The bodies and their mass are transformed to their base affinities and stored in the knot and switch out whenever you turn your soul to go inside out again."

"How does the body get turned into an affinity and back again?" Raven asked.

"A basic enchantment called 'disassemble'. It's a component of the knot. It'll take some testing but I'm certain I have the mechanism used for the transformation down." I glanced at the clipboard, which was full of my scribbles to sort my thoughts, and then to Vera.

"You got all of that?" She nodded. "Good. Made a sketch of the process and mechanisms of the transformation and the knot. Distribute it amongst the clan. Tell them I'll likely have it ready soon. I just need to run some more tests to make sure it's completely safe." Vera nodded, a small gleam in her eyes. She turned to the table but paused.

"Can you have more than one 'knot' in your soul and have multiple forms?" It wasn't like Vera to often ask questions like this. Something's up.

"Probably. I don't know if it's safe though. I'll test for a maximum limit. I can probably hold a soul together with the mana stitches Poledina used and let the soul grow over the wound, sealing the knot. But you would also need to be able to sense mana to distinguish the forms individually. Most people could only have one. I suppose I could store other knots and creatures to transform into in containers but I don't think it's really worth it. Better to just have one."

"Yeah… can I become a cat?" Vera glanced to me as she revealed her real question.


"I'm rather tired of being a raven myself." Raven mused. "It's worn out it's novelty, though flying is nice. Maybe a wolf?"

"I'll need to test if long term exposure to a knot means it binds to your soul." I said with a flat look to Raven, who looked lost in thought. "And I get first dibs." I felt a small smile come on at the thought of turning into a jaguar. Hey, don't look at me. I'm living up my faunus heritage! A big, deadly, stealthy cat… mmm. That'll be nice.

I might be able to do grimm transformations with some research. It'll probably take a corruption affinity though… ugh. I don't like that affinity. I might have to get it again soon.

"I wonder what Ruby would want to be?" Raven asked idly.

Oh, that'll be fun for her. "I'm betting on a canine of some sort. She always did want a puppy. I nearly got her one last year. Come to think of it… I'm going to get a camera when we break the news to her. I'm going to get testing.

[|||| == ||||]

"EEEEEEEEEE! OHMYGOSH! Uh… oh so you're not… Auntie! There's a… a cat on my bed."

"Ruby what are you - Abyss get off of there. Nobody wants to deal with your shedding."


"Shut it furball."

"How did Abyss become a panther?"

"He pieced together how to change forms from the ritual Ozpin used on me so long ago. This is his way of showing off."

"I was demonstrating for Ruby. I felt it was more effective than just telling her, which is rather underwhelming."

"And leave your fur everywhere as a result."

"Can I be an animal too?!"

"I'm going to be giving you the runic matrix too. You're old enough for it now. We'll be working on training the two new powers of yours over winter break next week. Pick out which animal you want to be and put it on your christmas list. Raven and I will track down a good specimen and do the ritual around christmas. I'm doing the same thing for the subI class around then."

"I want to be a cardinal!"

"A cardinal? Well flying is quite pleasant."

"I just lost a bet. I thought you would want to be a puppy or a fox."

"Why would I want to be a dog? I get to fly as a cardinal. Puppies and stuff have soft fur and are adorable but I wouldn't want to be one."

"Fine. Raven and I will track down a cardinal in peak condition. Shouldn't be hard."

"What did your class pick for their animals?"

"Cesium chose a tiger. Kerrigan chose a falcon. Ocean chose a spider. One of the really big ones that eats birds and doesn't spin webs I mean. Bella chose a snake but she has a friend that sells extremely exotic and dangerous creatures and things. She's ordering a black mamba or something."

"One of the dangerous venomous ones from anima?"

"Yeah. I don't mind snakes but I'm not exactly thrilled that Ocean can turn into a giant spider now. She's terrifyingly stealthy now. On par with Bella. Probably better with her spider transformation. She just lacks experience and combat technique. Cesium could probably take over the criminal underworld from Roman right now. I'm proud of them."

"Your pet projects have come far. They'll make fine minions."

"I prefer to think of them as captains serving under my lieutenants."

[|||| == ||||]

I picked up the call with a feeling of irritation. What could Roman possibly have that's so important that he'd call my emergency line (Which was just my normal scroll) in the middle of a somewhat late dinner?

"Problem?" Raven asked with focused eyes, all traces of relaxation gone from her entirely. Ruby eyed us both with interest.

"Most likely. Follow me. Put on your armor in case of trouble." Raven nodded and walked to her room with a quicker step than usual. She could have her armor on in under a minute. I walked to my own room, where my DEX helped my put on my outfit just as quickly.

"Roman," I said in Mystic's voice. "What's the emergency?"

"You have a visitor." He said calmly, though from my experience with him I noticed a strain in his voice.

"She'll be there in under a minute." Just then I heard Raven's door opening several doors away and her heels quietly hitting the floor with each step. "More like now actually." I hung up and finished pulling over my combat suit, an illusion of Mystic seamlessly going over me, indistinguishable from a real person.

"Emergency," I said swiftly. "No portal. Pretend that you're making the decisions for now unless I show myself, in which case make clear your position. I don't want her making the connection to nature's bounty if possible but this situation might be too delicate to allow anything less than a personal touch. Make sure your mana hiding rune is activated."

"Understood." Raven acknowledged. Her rune was already on but there was no reason to not emphasize that hiding her mana was important right now.

"Here." I put a hand out and she touched it. Without a sound she disappeared, appearing at my marker a building over from Roman's HQ, where he was if a meeting was taking place.

Cinder certainly wouldn't wait too long.

I disappeared from the room to the same marker I teleported Raven to quickly under invisibility. Everything was suppressed from mana to aura and so on.

Mage sight showed Cinder clearly. She looked as she did in the flashbacks of RWBY. She had her hair cut short over a dress hanging by twin straps around her neck. Most noticeable to me were the two swords at her waist and what appeared to be a foldable bow hidden at her waist. A ring that gleamed of magic in the familiar mark of spatially attuned mana lay on her finger. It seemed one-use and was most likely for a marked teleport.

Raven was at the door to Roman's office, Mercury blocking the way. Mercury had an unfamiliar scar over his left cheek. A knife wound. Curious. Likely the butterfly effect taking place. Emerald seemed unchanged and stood behind Cinder on her right looking every bit the loyal subordinate. Neo was no different with Roman, though she was sitting down and almost seeming relaxed.

Without paying Mercury any mind Raven strolled through the door. He didn't stop her but smirked at her as he stepped aside and waved at the door welcomingly. It looked irritating.

I blinked silently into the corner of Roman's office, making absolutely sure that I wouldn't be detected by carefully handling my mana. Cinder didn't seem to notice me. I doubt she did. I worked hard to be stealthy.

Cinder Fall

Title: Queen's finest; Maiden aspirant

Level – 299

HP – 11,040

AP – 14,600

MP - Locked

STR - 214 (+500%)=

VIT - 164 (+500%)=

DEX - 353 (+500%)=

INT - 331 (+0%)= 331

WIS - 365 (+0%)= 365

LUK - 88 (+0%)= 88

Semblance: Shatter - Create and manipulate glass constructs ranging from weaponry to statues.

Affinities: Locked


Favor of the queen - The queen of grimm, Salem, has grown attached to you. You have devoted yourself to her and been granted a unique boon as well as other effects. You are damaged by purity affinity. Some grimm will obey you and none will attack you. All entities with a natural born purity affinity will be able to sense your alignment and will be naturally hostile in nature to you.

Boon: Grimm aspect: Inside your left hand dwells a grimm parasite capable of sapping aura, mana, affinities, and special powers from foes to whom the parasite attaches. Given time this boon may be expressed more powerfully as it develops. Additionally, this trait causes Grimm to instinctively avoid prioritizing you as a target as you are recognized partially as kin.

Bio: [Blocked]

A grimace met her status screen. She was nearly as powerful as Raven besides her lack of magical ability. She was strong as all hell. I have no doubt that she was drilled from dawn to dusk every day on combat and conditioning. I recall she knows how to use dust extremely well in the show too. So skilled, deadly, and well conditioned. She's born and bred to be the strongest of Salem's side and she certainly reaches the high standards Salem no doubt established.

"And you are?" A trimmed eyebrow of Cinder's raised at Raven's appearance and mask. A glimmer of what might be recognition showed in her eyes. Perhaps Salem already knows about Raven being the spring maiden. I doubt it. I hadn't changed much up to the point of the spring maiden being killed.

"I am Roman's superior," Raven said simply. A tilt of her mask showed her attention turning to Roman. "Why did you let her in?"

"She knocked out security." He explained. A flash of mage sight showed that Cinder and her team had indeed knocked out every gangster in the headquarters.

"I see." Raven's attention turned to Cinder and she let a hand rest on her sword. Cinder didn't look phased. "Explain why I shouldn't gut you and hang your corpse in the streets for disrupting my operations."

"Because, miss Branwen," Cinder said in the same elegant voice. She simultaneously confirmed that she had been educated on possible enemies she might face. "My plans will benefit you and your… clan greatly. In more ways than a profitable venture."

"Explain." Raven's hand didn't leave her sword.

"It is to my awareness that Ozpin and his group have troublesome feelings towards you. If he were to be removed it would benefit us both greatly and will certainly allow you multiple opportunities. You wouldn't even have to do much to benefit."

Raven stayed silent for a moment, seemingly contemplating the offer. "What would I need to assist you with? My time and resources are valuable."

"Only the use of your underling for less than a year." A glance at Roman elicited a scowl from him. "That and some small reign in your city. I assure you I will leave it mainly undamaged." Lies. She'll jump ship before Raven can properly punish her for the fall I believe. And the maiden's power would certainly offer an advantage against Raven, a supposedly normal huntress albeit one of immense skill.

"So you barge into my underling's compound," Roman didn't give any signs of offense from Raven calling him her underling, "Use my emergency number of all things in the middle of a rather delicate piece of business," Raven's sword inched out a little. Just enough to gleam menacingly. Cinder merely glanced at it.

"And you expect that I will simply offer you my city to your hands on your words of what, opportunity? Don't make me laugh."

"Of course my words are cheap. That's why I offer you something a little more… substantial." Two of Cinder's fingers slipped into a concealed pocket and reached out to hand Raven an envelope.

"My employer has offered you thirty million lien-" Roman coughed off to the side at the lien just being given to Raven "-a contact with Adam Taurus, acting lieutenant of the Vale branch of the white fang, the use of my comrades Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai, and several other contacts I believe you may well enjoy.

"I can assure you that all expenses will be paid for by my employer for my time in this city. Is there something else you require for me to prove my honesty?"

Raven was silent for a moment. I was the same. Thirty million lien was quite a sizable amount of money and the contacts she was offering, even if only Adam Taurus, were alluring to any crime syndicate.

Not to mention the others. The all-expenses-paid operations for the year was also extremely appealing. She wouldn't impact the annual profit of the city-wide gang at all. It was all profit for us.

That all said profit was utterly useless to me.

Nature's bounty brought in about eighty to one hundred twenty million lien a year from all its sales. The SDC brought in around four to six point five hundred million a year but they were remnant's biggest company so they somewhat dwarf us.

Nature's bounty isn't really in business for the profit, however, leaning more towards political power and improving remnant for the better.

Even so, I have half a billion stored away from all my time doing nothing with the money. So profit is worthless to me. I have all the money I'd ever need.

The contacts are slightly more appealing. Adam and I already know each other and have each other's numbers so that doesn't matter. The other contacts might be slightly more interesting but not quite worthwhile to me.

I'd prefer the one contact that Cinder can give me that matters. Of course it's risky but I hope that I can prove my general trustworthiness with some talking down and assurances. Maybe prove I can kill her if I care to. Yes. that will help. Cinder respects strength. I'll show I have that and that I'm no friend of Ozpin's. I'm not eager to piss off Salem.

Come to think of it I should be powerful enough to enter the game between Ozpin and Salem, assert myself as a power. Not to Ozpin I mean. But I could stand against Salem and make clear my unfriendly nature towards Ozpin. I don't see any huge downsides to that…

But there are no real benefits to it either. I suppose meeting with Salem could be beneficial but then again do I really want to deal with her early? Probably not. Having Raven deal with Cinder is fine though.

"I will consider your deal." Raven said finally. Cinder didn't look surprised or irritated at all. She expected this.

"On a separate matter, I would quite like to purchase any information you have on the Mavros family." Raven didn't appear to react behind her mask, though her body language changed slightly. Oh no. I know that posture. That's her defensive posture.

"Why?" Raven's voice held some aggressiveness to it. Cinder seemingly sensed the change like I did. Roman certainly did. He pressed backwards in his chair slightly and he looked nervously between the super-powered and very violent women.

"They are of interest to me." She said simply. I could tell that she was watching Raven closely for her reactions.

"You will have to find your information elsewhere. We do not deal with that family." Cinder seemingly sensed information. Reading closely makes it sound as though the clan or the gang dealt with the Mavros family in the past.

"Certainly you must know something of interest." Cinder pressed. "The family is very important to me and my employers. We have plenty to offer in exchange."

Saying you have plenty to offer in a business meeting was like putting chum in the water. Even so Raven was clearly having none of it.

"This meeting is over. Contact Roman in a week for my answer." Cinder paused at that.

"Very well then." Rather suddenly the meeting came to a complete end. Cinder briskly walked out, a natural grace in her steps and a seductive sway to her waist. Blake could do the same but not quite as well.

"Mystic." Raven said. I put down a portal to the apartment and she stepped in without hesitation. I walked in right after and closed the portal.

Immediately Raven turned around.

"Who does she work for?"

"Salem." I said with as little hesitation as she'd had. "She's her second in command of a sort. The closest thing she has to one anyways. An irreplaceable member of her operations."

"Shit." Raven cursed. "You have a plan?"

I didn't try to stop the frown on my face from showing. I was worried. I had a few different plans but only a few held appeal and several had murder deeply involved in them.

"Perhaps the best plan is to follow Amber, the fall maiden, and wait until Cinder kills her, which she most certainly is. I'll step in and help to assure my bad intentions towards Ozpin while avoiding his wrath."

"A good plan." Raven nods. She remembered her mask and took it off in a practiced movement. "How do you know Amber will be attacked?"

"Wizard things." I said blandly, which was just me saying to not ask.

"Fine." An eye roll followed her easy acceptance of my half-hearted excuse. "Be careful with her. If she's as close to Salem as you say then we shouldn't kill her. Making an enemy of the queen of Grimm would be… rather unwise of us."

"Absolutely." I agree completely. Making an enemy of one of the two most powerful and famous beings on the continent is sort of a bad thing.

"Allying ourselves with either side seems out of the question." Raven muttered.

"Definitely. Salem and Ozpin are completely focused on each other and the relics. They're aggressors in a war against each other.

"We, on the other hand, are defensive. We don't quite want to fight but rather preserve what we have. Besides that the morality between our three sides is too different for a true stable alliance would be difficult if not impossible to accomplish.

"Maybe if Ozpin was desperate enough we could work something out. I doubt Salem would ever be open to anything similar to an equal alliance. She's rather controlling, as you might see in her subordinates."

"Yes, I believe she is quite like that." Raven looked down contemplatively, apparently mulling something over. "Rather than an alliance… What about a trade?" She glanced back into my eyes. "Salem is not somebody I would consider working under. Perhaps as an equal, though I highly doubt that you are her equal at the moment."

I couldn't really fault that. Salem was ancient and powerful with remnant's entire dominant species at her beck and call. I'm a teenaged wizard with loose morals and powerful magic.

"Salem, however, doubtlessly possesses powerful magics. Dark magics, even. Things Ozpin wouldn't dare give you. He fits the good wizard stereotype enough to assume that, though he likely knows magics some would consider forbidden in his old age. Magics he wouldn't share with you to preserve his power."

"You're saying we play both sides." I said in slight awe. I never considered that.

"Precisely," Raven smirked.

"Ozpin values you immensely. That value no doubt will be mirrored by Salem if not only due to his interest than your potential and power and not just in magic. You're smart enough to see the value in manipulation even if your methods are blunt and rather unrefined to the elegant games Salem and Ozpin play. You are valuable and more importantly, you are available to either side."

"Drive the two to grab my allegiance with gifts… like a kid with two divorced parents." Raven snickered at the analogy.

"There will be resistance obviously." Raven pointed out. "You will have to prove your value as a player in their games. Display yourself as a neutral to be swayed. A deciding vote between two conflicting parties. Do not show arrogance but rather an assurance to the other party's devastation should you join them. An offhand comment on your intention to gain mastery of the arcane and you will likely see yourself receiving a great many ancient tomes of magic."

"All I have to do to start this scheme is get in contact with Salem…" Another broad smirk crept onto my face. Old memories of Lionheart speaking with Salem entered my mind. What were they called? Seers? Perhaps there would be one in forever fall's darkest depths. Or I could just ask Cinder. "I believe I have an idea. I don't think I'll have to hide from Cinder at all."

[|||| == ||||]

"Next year, Crimson…"

"Don't remind me."

"How were the last two?"

"Hellish. Glynda has a spine of steel and the patience of a stone. I saw everything from a student's perspective. It's so much worse as a teacher."

"It is, isn't it? Glynda is a fantastic secretary by the way. I barely need to lift a finger to manage beacon."

"How did she deal with… anything?! It's like all of them think with their genitals and the other half don't bother to think at all! I treasure the rare few that seem to have a brain. And why do we have co-ed dorms?! They always smell like sex too."

"The teams have to learn to get along somehow."

"Make-up sex isn't exactly the best way to work through problems."

"They're teenagers. They're prideful, gloomy, hormonal, emotional, and quite often they make bad decisions. That's why schools exist. To provide a safety net for those children to make mistakes."

"So many mistakes. I mean sure my team had a few… experiences. We were never this bad though."

"A team of four girls rarely has such problems to the extent that mixed gender teams have it. Anyways, how has your monitoring of Abyss gone?"

"I've had less time than normal to monitor him but he hasn't gone on any excursions. He goes to school, sleeps through half the classes, does the things he always does with his subterfuge group and goes home to do dust knows what. His teleportation is the most terrible counter for reconnaissance to ever exist."

"Aren't you thrilled that he's finally coming this year?"

"No. Not at all."

"I have an offer for him actually."

"Please no."

"He rejected my apprenticeship before but he has advanced startlingly quickly. He is quite capable as a wizard, though that he keeps his affinity increasing techniques active constantly is rather foolish. I suppose he doesn't consider that I or Salem might sense them. Nevertheless, he is competent and powerful. He might truly consider learning from me now. When Beacon begins I will give the offer for his free time."

"No means no. He's grown in power and shown independence. Not to mention political power. His 'white sap' was a stroke of genius. I've no idea where he got those magical plants and he rose as a company so quickly…"

"Making magical plants is rather easy so long as you have the required affinities. I have a few ideas as to how he managed to make the sap so powerful but whatever he did to make the affinity so concentrated was advanced even for me. That's part of why I want to bring him close once more. I'm losing track of him. Not just in loyalty, if there ever was any, but ability. I don't know quite what he is capable of. That needs to be rectified. I still doubt that he knows nothing about the murder of the winter maiden as well."

"I'm going to my home for the summer. Are you still planning on matching Jaune with Abyss?"

"Yes. They will complement each other well I believe. Mister Mavros is cunning in ways mister Arc is not but lacks the perspective Mister Arc has. There are other compliments as well. Mister Mavros is smart but doesn't listen to council freely, only trusting his family and closest friends. Mister Arc lacks the smarts mister Mavros has but will happily lend an ear to anyone. I could go on but suffice to say that they are quite opposites. I have high hopes."

[|||| == ||||]

"This is not what I meant when I said I wanted information on the Mavros family." Cinder said neutrally.

"I felt that a primary source would be more useful to you." Raven said innocently. A malicious playfulness was behind her tone. She was enjoying this meeting immensely.

"Besides, I work for Abyss personally." Cinder didn't bat an eye at that.

"Is that why you dress like a whore? So you can sell yourself to a teenager?"

Raven's sword was naked in her hand. "Care to say that again?"

Cinder rolled her eyes. Bitch.

"Quit your catfighting." I spoke dismissively. Cinder's irritation and Raven's ire turned towards me. I immediately wanted to run away and hide but sadly that's not an option.

"Let's be blunt here. Raven works for me because I respect her and I'm powerful enough to compete with Ozpin and Salem." Cinder's expression tightened at hearing her mistress' name.

"I am here because after deciding that the criminal underworld might be marginally useful to me and my following conquest of it you've arrived with all sorts of fun little questions and requests."

Cinder's ring finger curled a little and I remembered her teleportation ring. A flex of void and the enchantment collapsed on itself. I don't really want her escaping before I make my intentions clear.

"Of course, it's rather obvious that this all revolves around harming Ozpin and acquiring the maiden's powers. I'd be entirely unsurprised if this was a sort of campaign towards acquiring a superiority over the other.

"I want in."

Cinder's eyes narrowed on me.

"Not to join Salem." I clarified. "But in case you haven't noticed I'm a wizard. I am not, however, Ozpin's apprentice to shuffle around this grand chessboard called remnant. I want what he won't give me. Power."

A glimmer of understanding showed in Cinder's eyes. I recalled that a desire for power was something she could relate to. I wasn't quite lying about my desire either. I just thought of power as a tool to be used rather than a goal to fulfill.

"Salem doubtlessly has darker magics. I want some. Supply me with them and I will help you. I suppose you want to kill Amber with that boon in your hand?"

Cinder scowled at how informed I was. Her hand with the parasite in it drifted a little closer to her body defensively.

"I'll help so long as you accept. Send one of your master's seers here in case she wants a negotiation of my bargain. Would I be correct in assuming there's one in forever fall's depths?"

"I will speak with her on this." Cinder said in a clipped tone. "We will consider your offer."

I shrugged. "You should consider it personally as well. I've made plenty of advancements in magic. Do you think you can just wave your hands and learn a maiden's magic? Spewing fire is so very crude a magic. Besides, I control Vale's underworld and influence the white fang. Do you think Taurus would prefer a lady who can cause a few sparks as an ally or the figurehead of the faunus?"

Cinder glared at me but she certainly saw my point. "Goodbye Mavros." I rolled my eyes.

"Sure. I took away the enchantment on your ring so do you want a portal to northern Vacuo? To my understanding it's quite a long walk to the continent."

I barely saw Cinder's teeth grit for a moment before she swallowed her emotions.

"I will be fine. Goodbye." Cinder turned and began walking away. Don't leave just yet now. I have one more thing to get on.

"I'd love to meet your sister Ember by the way."

Cinder's right hand touched her sword for a moment. I faintly heard a growl from her and smiled.

What a productive meeting.

[|||| == ||||]


"Cinder… why are you contacting me so soon?"

"I have met Abyss Mavros."


"I approached Roman Torchwick as planned. His boss was revealed to be Raven Branwen. I scheduled a meeting after making my offer. She responded with hostility and vague warnings after making my request for information on the Mavros clear.

"In the next meeting I was surprised with not just Raven Branwen but also Abyss Mavros. He revealed that he knows about me and my servitude to you and requested a meeting with you and a deal to me. He asked to meet with you also and mentioned the seer Grimm, theorizing that there was one in forever fall."

"Fascinating. Do you know how powerful he is?"

"No Milady."

"And this deal he proposed?"

"He offered two. He would assist us in our goals in exchange for knowledge of magic. He believes you possess knowledge of darker or more powerful magic Ozpin would not reveal to him.

"His second offer was to me personally. What he desired from me was unclear though he hinted that it would be related to power. He offered to teach me magic as well as his assistance I dependant of my affiliation to you."

"How troublesome. Inform him that there will be a seer at the railroad tracks of forever fall. Let him find it's exact location himself if he claims to be so powerful."

"Yes, my queen."

"Anything else?"

"He deactivated the enchantment on my escape ring."

"Oh dear… that is troublesome. Knowledge of enchantments is not quite a common art and my enchantments are nothing if not masterful. I will send you a spare through your sister's shadows. Did he touch the ring?"

"No Milady. He simply said that it was deactivated. I did not see him even move near it, though I later tried the ring and found that he was not lying. When he could have gotten to the ring to disenchanted it is unknown to me."

"You've done well. Inform Mavros of the seer and accompany him to it. Observe his power to later report to me on it."

"Yes, Milady."

[|||| == ||||]

"Oh no. A beowolf." I droned. The beowolf roared. I looked at it in mild annoyance. Cinder sighed in irritation behind me. I took at least some mild amusement with messing with her.

"Behold. I shall unleash my full power against this mighty beast of legend."

I flicked my wrist and just because I felt like it I discharged about a tenth of my mana against the beowolf with the storm affinity. The wind facet of it, some lightning specifically, was in there as well. In less than a second the entire area in a half-mile radius was nothing but wood chips.

Trees were thrown for miles away. The wind screamed as it tore them to bits. A stray ursa was caught in the carnage and thrown across the newly made clearing in under half a second. It died as it was brained by a rock that decided to fly.

Just for fun I threw in some ice into the mix. The sharp shards slammed into the already totalled devastation around me.

Cinder looked around jealousy at the destruction I caused. We were miles away from civilization. Nobody would notice what just happened and I'll grow some more trees in a moment.

"Must you really cause such destruction?" She griped.

"Fear not fair Mai-oh wait you're not a maiden." She growled at me for the little quip. I chuckled at my teasing. Yang has taught me well.

"Just bring us to the seer." She said impatiently.

"It's over there about a mile and a half away." I waved in the seer's general direction.

"Then why aren't we there?!" She demanded.

"I felt that you were a little stressed," I said innocently. "Nature walks are good for the soul."

Cinder scowled and I kept a saint-like smile on my face.

"Is it because I called Raven a whore?" Cinder looked up as if looking for some sort of divine answer.

"No, I just felt that breaking your facade of control was amusing." For the first two hours of our nature walk I had led Cinder around annoying her because it was fun. She hadn't reacted much but around half an hour ago she began to break. Now she's responding to my jabs in equal measure.

Or at least showing her true feelings a little bit. We might become friends at this rate.

Cinder muttered some curses towards me and I opened up a portal with a roll of my eyes.

"Is that…" Cinder trailed off as she stared through the portal directly at the seer Grimm.

"I never told you I know space magic did I?" I walked through while Cinder glared at me as though I should spontaneously combust. If she became a maiden I might actually have caught on fire but as it is Raven's glares are more impressive.

"So how does the seer work?" I asked. Observe showed that it had an enchantment on it to show a light-based illusion on its gelatinous body of the other person as well as imitate their voice through a rather complex air based enchantment.

I would have just used mind magic personally. It's nefarious. Maybe this one is a special seer that doesn't twist your mind. I wouldn't use one that exposes me to mind magic anyways.

The mana used for the enchantment to work was, fascinatingly enough, a pocket space bound by a runic matrix that spreads through the enchantments on the seers. It was like the runic matrix was a radio tower and the seers portable radios. Fascinating.

"Salem." Cinder said slowly, making sure to enunciate the pronunciation of her name. A faint hum emanated from the seer for a few seconds before a face appeared.

Salem didn't exactly look pretty but I wouldn't call her ugly. Her veins did stand out on her otherwise pale face, channeling some sort of black substance throughout her body.

Far more captivating were her eyes. A glowing crimson hue like blood and often seen on the grimm. They were different on her though. Hers had an intelligence.

Oftentimes eyes say something about a person. Summer's were soft. Even in combat they seemed almost kind. Ravens were piercing. They always seemed to be stabbing into you. Ruby's were innocent, making you feel as though you were being seen in the best light. I've been told that mine were like mosaics that drew in the eye and had you look away for fear of being trapped.

Salem's eyes were different. I wouldn't call her eyes a crimson red or a bloody red. Her eyes were a vicious red. Her eyes didn't pierce into you or dissect you. They mauled you, clawed you, and brutalized you as they tore you apart and looked at the pieces of you.

I didn't really like her eyes.

"Abyss Mavros." Salem's voice was elegant. "A pleasure to meet you."

"I've waited a long time before meeting you. It is a pleasure indeed." It really wasn't a pleasure. I wonder if there's some sort of natural revulsion to Salem?

"You want power." She said simply. It wasn't quite a question.

"I want to learn more of magic." I corrected. "Power is useful and certainly my greatest tool. My goal, however, isn't in power but understanding magic through learning it's forms. I want to learn."

"Hm." Salem seemed to consider my goal. "Once long ago there were many like you. They called themselves the sages. You appear quite like them."

I frowned at the information. I guess I could look for these sages or something. What she's told me isn't really useful though.

"Cinder." Salem looked away from me. "How powerful is he?"

"Very." Cinder said. Even in front of her mistress there was a hint of jealousy in her voice. "He decimates the forest and grows it back seemingly at will and teleports over miles easily and without a doubt. Something tells me he isn't using his full power."

"Truly?" Salem looked at me curiously. "What affinities do you possess, Mavros?"

"I recall that the mages of old used to exchange affinities in greeting." I said a little flatly. "I will tell you mine if you tell me yours."

Salem laughed at me like I had made a joke. Cinder glanced at Salem warily.

"How amusing! I suppose Ozpin told you this?" A wry smile touched on Salem's mouth. Something in her eyes told me she was humoring me.


"That ritual is done between a master and an aspiring apprentice. It was a way to gauge the apprentice's worth as a student and mage as well as the power of the master and what the master may teach a student with their corresponding affinities. It was also done in high-class social gatherings to show off but I doubt that that was Ozpin's intention."

I pressed my lips together. Either one of them could be lying but Salem's version has more evidence to back it. It also made sense that Ozpin would want to know my worth. Whatever. I learned more from our meeting than him. His information is outdated.

"I would guess he wanted to take you as an apprentice?" Salem's smirk grew a little more.

"He offered secrets of the arcane and power beyond what I could achieve on my own. I declined. Even back then I knew there was no such thing as a free meal."

"True. He would have tried to twist your mind to make you one of his group." Salem took a brief moment to collect herself and pushed away her amusement. "I believe I can fulfill your request. Though I must ask…

"Why not join me?"

I stared at her for a moment. "Do you want a list of reasons?" Salem didn't answer but continued to look at me in amusement. I sighed.

"Most of my reasons would add to a simple 'I don't trust you' so I'll refrain from listing the many reasons why I don't." Cinder and Salem, unsurprisingly, seemed unperturbed by my lack of trust. It was expected really.

"Firstly is that besides that I don't trust you to not take advantage of my family. Holding them hostage would not be stupid and I can't defend my sisters very well when I'm busy. Vale is the safest place for them.

"Secondly is that our goals may align on the subject of crippling Ozpin's forces but where you may desire the death of him and all his allies I have a select few that I would greatly prefer alive. Pyrrha Nikos, for example, is a friend of mine that will doubtlessly be dragged into your and Ozpin's war due to her power and affiliation with me.

"Thirdly is the difference in power. You are far more powerful than me and more experienced easily. I know that you use fear and intimidation to control others often. Your power and willingness to use it makes you dangerous to me even if we were to be allies. I have no doubts that you would try to control me at least slightly.

"Finally, would I be correct in that you intend to have Cinder collect multiple maidenhoods?"

Salem's amused smirk slipped from her face in an instant. "Well aren't you well informed." Her voice was cold. "For your information… Yes. Cinder is to acquire multiple maidenhoods. Her power would prove useful."

"Then you would end up killing my sister." I said blandly. Salem's eyes narrowed.

"Your sister is a maiden?" Her voice was nearly a growl. Cinder was looking at me intensely from the side.

"Yes," I said simply. "And I will not have her killed. Perhaps her maidenhood can be transferred without death but this is where our goals divide most. Family is of the ultimate value to me and you would have my family killed for your ends."

"Dianthus." Cinder whispered.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"You killed a maiden?" Salem's eyes were almost burning me with how intensely she was focusing on me.

"I crippled that annoying spring maiden with Summer before we killed Ashaya Fall." Cinder's breath caught and she let loose a shuddering breath. Salem didn't appear to care. "But no I was not responsible at all for Dianthus' death."

"…" Salem looked closely at me, seemingly in thought. However, she wasn't quite aggressive. More imposing, as though she finally recognized me as a potential threat. A player in her game rather than a surprising pawn. "What a complicated situation we are in, Mavros." She was quiet for a moment longer.

"Do you have any ill intent towards my group?" Salem asked simply.

"If you were to directly attack Vale itself I would defend it and cease any and all contact with you. The city is mine. Kill Ozpin, kill the fall and summer maiden, grab for the relics, and I won't bat an eye. I don't care about those games of yours and Ozpin's though I'm not so naive to ignore that I'm a powerful person that neither you or the old man will ignore to my peace. My desires, I think, are rather simple. Family, magic, and peace. I enjoy my life and I want no change in it. That is why I prepare. So I might keep my family and friends while I strive towards magic."

"So you desire your family's safety." Salem said. A hint of something was in her voice. I couldn't place it.

"That is all. Knowledge can be gained on my own. It is more rewarding that way, even." Salem was silent.

"I used to have a family once." She started. I blinked once and then again. Did I hear that right? Maybe Othos and Althea she means?

"Children. Four of them." Or not Othos and Althea.

"I had a kingdom, a husband, and all I could truly desire. The world was at peace under my rule. Faunus and humans were equal. The streets were paved with gold and I was revered as a goddess and my husband a god. I had gone through strife. The world had gone through a cataclysm partially of my making. So I took responsibility and fixed it with my beloved."

I and Cinder were silent. Salem seemed almost lost in memory.

"Then I lost everything. I dreamed too large for my husband. Of a world independant of the gods where everyone could perform magic. Where the world was whole and united under us, two immortal rulers of humanity. I spread war, yes, but to unite the world. Growth requires pains. My husband disagreed with my warring, my vision of a brighter future in exchange for a darker present. So he betrayed me. He took my children and tried to leave. I met him under the escape. Our children died under the blinding roar of mana and affinities clashing. Everything fell apart. Everything was lost. He destroyed far better than he claims I ever could."

I heard some sort of rumble as Salem's face darkened in anger. Her expression tightened. Then she glanced at me and Cinder. In a blink Salem seemed to remember we were having a conversation.

Not a word was said for a moment. Then Salem sighed. She waved her hand in front of the seer grimm and I reeled back.

I felt the sheer power of Salem. It was incalculable. Immense. Her mana dwarfed mine. It probably dwarfed Ozpin's. I felt a sleek array of powers arrayed inside it as well. Darkness, light, fire, water, lightning, mountains, storms, and corruption. Not the vicious and malevolent corruption of the grimm but a tamed corruption. It didn't show the slightest hostility to me. Somehow Salem's affinity for corruption was so great that it eagerly served her as my storm affinity does me.

"Take that as my invitation. I will show you more that he ever will. I don't desire the destruction of your loved ones and there are other ways to proceed with my plans than the death of your loved ones. Cinder will achieve other ways to power. Assist her if you wish. Do not hinder me or my own and I will not kill yours unless they attack mine."

She looked into my eyes. Her eyes seemed much less vicious than before, as though she considered me to be less of a threat to her. "Trust begins mutually. Do not squander the trust I have given you freely."

The seer suddenly turned off, or the signals from Salem stopped. I was still reeling from the mana Salem had shown me. I was in the deep end and I think I was just given a hand to help me up. From Salem of all people. Wasn't she some sort of demon from ages past? Or was she something else… I have trouble doubting her reminisce of a family, if she could have ever had such a thing.

I have a lot of questions and I don't think I have much time to answer any of them. Beacon starts at the end of the summer. Hell, signal graduation is in about seven days. Seniors always graduate about a month and a half earlier than everybody else since they don't need to take combat finals or educational finals. There's a sort of field trip with a professional huntsman that takes place after graduation every senior year but it's basically a party in the woods with grimm killing pit matches and stuff.

Being antisocial most of the time I won't be going.

"You killed my mother." Cinder said calmly. I had forgotten she was there honestly. "When my mother was killed my sister didn't shed a tear. I didn't either. Salem has been my mother more than she ever was." I frowned at that. I knew Ashaya was a pretty terrible mother but Cinder didn't seem exactly angry about my killing her.

"Ashaya died killing Summer Rose, Ozpin's right hand, a silver-eyed warrior. Even with my help Summer had to endure a deathblow to kill Ashaya.

"Your mother landed a crippling blow in her death. Qrow Branwen fell into drink and Summer's family fell into pieces, her daughters divided between me and her father.

"If you wanted some sort of closure you have it now. Ashaya died doing all she cared about. Serving Salem… do you want to avenge her?"

"Not particularly." Even with what I knew about Cinder's personality and Ashaya the ease with which Cinder threw aside her mother's death was discomforting.

"My mother birthed me and Ember to serve Salem. We were never more than an offering and another burden to bear to her. She made it quite clear how little she loved anyone but my mistress. I don't like that you killed her but I can't say I have any strong feelings over it. I do, however, appreciate the closure."

I had a dark look on my face after Cinder was done speaking. What a terribly broken childhood Cinder had… it's even worse than my own.

"Goodbye Cinder. I'll give Raven the order to work with you."

Cinder was quiet as I teleported away.

It was only as I sat down that I realized that I left Cinder stranded in the wilderness. I just pulled a Pyrrha again didn't I? Ah, whoops.

[|||| == ||||]



"No not straight vertically. Diagonally. Cover your body. You aren't using a katana."


"Cover your openings. You're slacking."


"No. The dagger is used for parrying and attacking. Not for distracting your opponent. Keep it level to their eyes. The dagger is thin. The eyes lose track of it easily. Show them the edge and move it quickly and the enemy will lose sight of it."





"Not good enough. Train harder Ember. As you are now you aren't good enough. At least keep up with your sister."

"O… okay."


"Don't cry. It's only purpose is to appear innocent when tricking others. It also works for persuasion and garnering pity. As it is now it is useless and serves only to prolong this session and waste my time further than you are already wasting it by not learning as you should. Again."


[|||| == ||||]

"Abyss Mavros." An array of clapping rang out. It was louder than before. I, in my huntsman gear, as is traditional, stepped onto the podium. The principal shook my hand but I saw the glare in his eyes. He hated me.

Well, he was the one blackmailing the two cafeteria ladies into sleeping with him. Not my fault he couldn't properly cheat on his wife and cover it up. I was just using the opportunity for my own benefit.

"Congratulations, young man." The man said formally. "Great things lie ahead of you." I rolled my eyes just to piss the man off. He tried to clench my hand and hurt me so I responded in kind. The drop-out huntsman turned principal winded and withdrew his handshake. I walked past him as he moved onto the next student to graduate.

Next in the line was Qrow. He clapped me on the shoulder and passed me a flask with a ribbon on it. "Congrats, kid." he said with a small grin. "But I won. Three hundred six to two hundred thirty-four." I scoffed and tucked the flask in a pocket.

"And in the past year it's been fifty seven to my one hundred twenty."

Qrow snorted. "Yeah sure. Go kick ass. And stop being so distrusting of Ozzy. He means well." I shrugged a little and moved on.

I passed through about five teachers, all of whom I had blackmailed, coerced, or otherwise used foul play against in order mostly just to not put in any effort. I actually respected a few, who took my efforts gracefully and in two cases even cleaned themselves up a bit. They still hated my guts but whatever.

Then I came to Mister Jam, the sciences teacher, a man built like a string bean wearing wire-rim glasses. He had tears in his eyes as I got to him. "You were the best student I ever had." He said with a sniff right after.

What can I say? I like science. I didn't even blackmail the guy. I mean sure I didn't learn all that much in his class but I sure educated the rest of signal on science.

Next was… Oh, I like this one. Miss Kramps, who was as gnarled, old, and irritating as her name might suggest, glared venomously at me as I ignored her hand, not even bothering to shake it. Screw math. Sure it's technically easy for me to do with my INT stat but dear dust I can't stand the subject.

Miss Kramps grabbed my shoulder before I walked off and leaned close to my ear. "You're a horrible student. That you passed is practically a black mark against this institution." She hissed. "Rely on your little sister for all your math problems in the future you horrid child." I almost laughed at that.

I'm not even mad. I'll definitely rely on Ruby for the complex math stuff. Or just hand the job to my mostly unfeeling parallels to do.

I passed a few more teachers I had known. Then I was at Bella. She looked at me with lazy and amused eyes.

"As if you're getting rid of me." She rolled her eyes at the thought that we weren't going to see each other again. The idea is pretty ludicrous. Bella's sticking around. We met in a short hug and I passed on but not before she got in one more word.

"I need to meet with the group after this. It's important." I have a short nod and she turned to the next student.

Things went smoothly for the most part.

Then I looked right into the face of Taiyang. He glanced away from my eyes and held out his hand. My smile dropped greatly. As a friend or just a person I disliked Tai. When he was with Summer he was better but he lacked the anger Yang had or the pure heart Ruby does. He might have been different before.

He's still a good teacher though.

I grudgingly shook his hand and made sure to imply at least a smidge of respect in it. He didn't say anything and I passed onwards.

The line quickly ended with the last few teachers and I walked backstage, where students talked. Cesium, who's name was actually Jamie Cesium Mirrow, was right after me. I always forget that's his name. I always think of him as Cesium. Everyone calls him Cesium in fact.

Glancing around I saw a few faces that I barely remembered. Aero Overton. He was the guy who wimped out on the confidentiality of subI.

Janice Beige. She had been with him and slipped out with him after he opted out of subI.

That smithing girl cesium knew. Melody something. She and Cesium dated for a little while in our third year.

There were others who I had heard of or otherwise knew somehow, most of them second-hand introductions when someone brought them up or the gossip somehow reached my ears.

I passed over the people a few times, letting myself drown in the memories. Kerrigan showed up first, standing silently beside me.

Ocean was invisible as a giant spider under the table with the punch just next to us. She's been absolute nightmare fuel ever since I gave her the ability to do that.

She got fed up with her parents one day and terrorized them for a night, cutting the electricity, calling in a favor of hers to make me rune the windows and exits with a solid barrier, and then scaring them senseless for a night.

Cesium was the last to join us. Being the socialite he is he said his goodbyes before meeting the group.

He exchanged contact information, made some promises, and enjoyed some sort of social scheme he set up to embarrass some enemies of his.

Well, as close a thing to enemies as he had. With his refined talents and my influence just in case he didn't have many people to compete with for most popular or anything.

He was the golden boy of signal now, being in the top ten fighters of signal, the 'most handsome' (he used makeup) boy in the school, and a charismatic bastard. I'm glad to be his friend.

Blake was with Bella talking right now. She always was off doing her own thing in this class. A part of the group but not the whole. She was a friend to us all but not the friend for life that the rest of us had.

On the other hand, she had the closest relationship to Bella out of all of us. I had known her longer, sure, but I hadn't been her apprentice for three years.

It was for this reason that I'll let Blake enjoy herself with Bella before I bring them both to have our own party.

"Let's see the subI room one last time." I said solemnly. I opened a portal that ocean scurried into and we followed after. Nobody noticed us leave, or at least nobody mentioned it.

I looked over the room, which was eerily silent. Very faintly I could hear the partying going on across the campus. All the chairs were stacked quietly in the corner, the lights turned off to a dark gloom, and Bella's desk mostly cleared out.

She had mentioned that she was packing up all her stuff as a sort of spring cleaning. She said she might even quit with my suspicion of the Ozpin/Salem war starting again next year and the lack of real talent in the younger students.

She only has two students among the freshmen. It's disappointing, frankly.

With a flex of magic the lights came on. Four chairs were set up and I brought out a table from my soul space. A parallel stole some of the spiked punch and a snack bowl from the party room and set them out on the table with some other snacks I had. Chips, gummies, and the like.

Without pause everyone sat down. I sighed as I sat down. It was sinking in that this would be the last time I would be in this room as a student. Technically I'm not even a student right now. I've graduated. It just hasn't really… hit.

A moment of silence passes. We all faintly heard the ticking of the cheap school clock on the wall. It wasn't uncomfortable but more somber. I was technically the leader of the group. It would be up to me to lead the conversation. The hierarchy among us was clear and we were all patient.

"I remember my first day here." I started fondly. "It was quite boring. Maths, English, and so on. All very basic and as disappointing as I expected." A little amusement hit everyone for a moment. "Do you all remember those other two that opted out?"

"Aero and… wait there was a second person?" Cesium's eyebrows scrunched up a little as he tried to remember the other person.

"Jennifer Beige." I recalled. "As boring and bland as grass."

"I know her." Ocean said as quietly as always. "She's quiet… and a bitch." Cesium grunted an agreement and sipped his punch.

"Aero is… okay." Kerrigan said thoughtfully. "He's a bit of a coward. He's one of the ones who surrenders a spar he knows he can't win. Nevertheless, he tries to help where he can. He's the sort of person to stack the chairs after everyone is gone but wouldn't make a sacrifice to help a friend."

"Ah." I hummed. "After my first subI class, putting your papers in your pockets-"

"You cheated and used magic?" Cesium looked at me with a scandalized expression. I sent him an amused expression.

"Of course I did. I sucked at pickpocketing before. I hadn't picked a single pocket in my life before this class."

"Cheater." Cesium sighed and sipped the punch again.

"Huntsman studies, throughout all two years I took it, was a complete waste of time." I hadn't learned a single useful thing in that class. Well, other than the huntsman ranks but those are somewhat arbitrary outside of a wartime scenario. "Then came combat class. Qrow kicked my balls."

Laughter broke out. "I forgot about that!" Cesium laughed.

"Pointed dress shoes!" Kerrigan guffawed. "I heard some people snickering and calling him twinkle toes! Oh, that day was a good start to the year."

"Didn't he kiss you by accident once?" Ocean wondered.

"No that was another guy. Maple Tines." I remember he tripped at exactly the wrong time. Qrow semblance was fun for everyone not involved. It led to plenty of embarrassing stories.

"What's going on with the island?" Cesium asked. "Are we still using it for anything?"

"If the need arises yes but I think I'd prefer that it's used by future generations."

"Future generations?" Kerrigan scoffed. "I don't even have a girlfriend. How would I ever get a wife?"

"That's a mystery I will never parse out." I said mysteriously.

"You never got a girlfriend because you were antisocial." Cesium pointed towards me accusingly. He then pointed towards Kerrigan. "You scared off the few girls that showed interest in you and ignored the one that actually persisted."

"I did?" Kerrigan looked puzzled.

"He did?" I was similarly stumped by what Kerrigan means.

"Dust help you." Ocean sighed and probably labeled it as a guy thing. To be fair it probably is that.

"For the love of - Yang Xiao-Long!" Cesium exclaimed.

"Oh we're just friends," Kerrigan said dismissively. "We've been that way for almost three years now."

Ocean put her head into her hands and Cesium took a long drink from his cup, emptying it. I realized that we would run out of punch at this rate and assigned a parallel to tend to the table. The cups refilled quickly.

"Just… Aren't you supposed to be… ugh." Cesium seemed to give up Kerrigan. I'm pretty sure Yang is just friends with Kerrigan. Actually he might be one of her only good friends. The others I know of are more like party friends. The ones you occasionally have a social event with rather than one you can trust.

"She hasn't dated anyone in the past six months because she's been trying to get your attention." Ocean said sullenly.

I frowned. "That's true. Yang has been on a suspiciously dry spell for a few months now. It's more like five months but the point stands. She complained about the guy she liked not asking her to the prom too."

Kerrigan zoned out for a moment. We all gave him a moment before his eyes refocused. He seemed somewhat dazed.

"Oh." He said simply. "If you'll excuse me I have to go fix my blindness."

"You like her?" Cesium asked.

"I think Yang is a close friend and someone I'm always happy to be around." Kerrigan explained. "That is enough to start."

"Here." I opened a portal for Kerrigan right by Yang. "For you."

Kerrigan gave me a nod and pocketed some snacks before stepping through the portal, nearly bumping into Yang as he exited.

"I hope he does well." Cesium said fondly. "I actually tried my hand with Yang, you know."

"Oh?" I already knew Yang had never dated or even kissed Cesium so I wasn't really worried.

"She punched me in the nose and called me a socialite." He grinned, like the memory of being called a socialite was a good one. "I lost my temper a little and called her looser than pocket change."

I nearly snorted my punch and set it down. "That definitely worked well for you didn't it?"

"I got the snot beaten out of me. I had a black eye and a slight concussion. I never really talked about it since, while Yang is pretty loose, I acted like a brat because she rejected me a bit harshly. Besides, she respects physical strength more than mental or social strength. I'm definitely not the first guy to jump into a fight so I doubt we would have worked out much."

"Probably not." I agreed.

Another moment of silence passed. I flashed through mage sight to look for Kerrigan and felt a slight blush come on.

"What?" Ocean asked, confused at my sudden blush.

"I used mage sight to find Kerrigan. I also found Yang. They haven't gone and… well had sex, but they're certainly at second base. This summer is certainly going to be an active one for Kerrigan. Yang is a bit high maintenance."

"Good for them." Cesium seemed pleased. "Kerrigan's always been a little bit of a loner but he has the most patience I've ever seen. The Granite family has some stake in nightclubs too. I'm sure Yang will appreciate that."

Cesium began to grin a little. "Now we just need to find you a girlfriend."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Wait, I never mentioned Vera?"

Cesium looked a little confused. "Your assistant? Well yeah. Don't tell me you're dating her."

"No we aren't dating. We just have a sort of arrangement. We needed a partner for those affinity smoothies. What did you think I just didn't get the mate effect?"

"The one that means your aura acts as a personal aphrodisiac?"

"That's the one." I confirmed. "We enjoy the sex and the boost in her power is nice. Vera isn't much of a fighter but in raw power she has one of the strongest semblances in existence."

Cesium thought for a moment. "Those affinity smoothies were actually awesome for my relationship with my girlfriend." He muttered. "I can see why you two have that relationship."

I nodded my agreement. It was mutually beneficial. I disliked being a virgin and Vera liked the sex and power rush. We evened out.

"Bella wanted to talk to everyone by the way." Ocean said. "Something important."

"She told me that too." I focused on Bella's location and found her still with Blake. Kerrigan was also done with Yang, a smile on his and my sister's faces.

I opened up a portal and he said a quick goodbye to Yang and a promise to meet at a date somewhere before they split up. I would probably end up giving Yang and Kerrigan an airship ride to a restaurant.

I think I'll just arrange a date for them on my own actually. It'd be a little kindness. It's not like I have anything better to do either.

Blake snuck through the portal with Bella, a small smile on her face. Kerrigan sat down again and drew up a seat for Blake. Bella moved to the side of the table.

"It's good that we're all here." Bella smiled at us. "It's been a weird four years, huh? Magic, turning into animals, and pretty much ruling the school. Mainly Abyss instantly K.O.-ing whoever tries to challenge him at all but also Cesium slowly playing the social games to the top."

Bella glanced at Ocean and Kerrigan. "Well you two haven't changed much." Then her eyes narrowed. "Kerrigan, is that lipstick?" Kerrigan blanched and touched Yang's faint gold lipstick around his face and a little on his neck.

Bella gasped dramatically. "Finally! You and Xiao-Long got together! Way to wait until the last minute, Kerrigan. Nevermind only Ocean didn't change much."

"I like spiders a lot more than I did before." Ocean offered. We all collectively shivered.

"Ah, right." Bella shook off the terror of giant invisible spiders with the habit of stalking people and continued.

"Anyways, we've all changed a lot. Even I have. So I want to say that you guys are the best class I've ever had. That's why I want to come clean."

Bella made direct eye contact with me. "Abyss, congratulations for holding the spymaster spot for four years straight. That said, it's time you know the truth."

"There is no spymaster position. I made up the position in the spot because I felt like it. Cesium always knew because he talked to the other subI classes."

I was silent for a moment. "... Huh?"

I wasn't quite mad. More confused.

"Uh, sure. That's fine." I mean technically the position did exist. I still had all the authority a real spymaster might have and generally filled out the role.

So whatever. I don't really care.

"Huh, that went over more smoothly than I thought it would." Bella mused. "Oh but I have kept another secret for about three months now. I'm being replaced next year."



"You've done well though."


Blake was silent. She had probably just gone through this with Bella.

"Well actually I'm pseudo-retiring." Bella amended. "I can't take care of a kid and do this job at the same time. Well, I could but I don't want to. So I'm quitting based on maternity."

A general silence went through the room.

"So you're pregnant. Congratulations." Kerrigan nodded a little as if this was all perfectly expected.

"Qrow and I have been engaged for about three months now. He probably would have proposed sooner but he's always out on missions nowadays. It makes us go a little slower than normal with our relationship."

"Oh." I said, feeling uncomfortable after being caught so off-guard. "So… well alright then. Ah, good for you. When's the wedding?"

"In September." Bella smiled. "You're all invited, of course, but now seemed like a good time to tell you all." A less happy expression came onto Bella's face.

"This also means I'm going to be… well not joining Ozpin but I'm going to be with his 'side'. I'm sorry."

I was silent. "That's alright." I nodded. "But I have been keeping some things from you as well. It's fine that you've joined Ozpin since it doesn't really matter anymore."

"Huh?" Everyone looked at me with varying degrees of confusion. Blake was still quiet. We had told her of the supernatural and proven it but it didn't change her much. Equality was her goal and magic existing didn't change that at all.

"A week and a few days ago I met with a woman named Cinder Fall." Bella's face darkened at the last name. So she remembered Ashaya Fall.

"Cinder offered quite a lot to gain the assistance of Roman's empire and information on me and my family. Money and contacts mostly. I remembered her name from a long time ago. When I and my best friend Summer killed a woman named Ashaya Fall in a race for a maiden."

The looks from around the table were focused and grave. This wasn't the happy and reminiscent party I had hoped it would be.

"Of course I looked into it. She worked for Salem."

"Shit." Bella cursed. I ignored her.

"Perhaps unwisely I approached her on it and, deciding it was better to confront Salem on my own terms, arranged something if a meeting with her."

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard you do." Bella said darkly.

"Not a face to face meeting, obviously. She has a type of Grimm that can communicate long distances easily and to a small extent channel mana since they have an enchantment woven into them.

"I won't go into what she told me about. I learned a fair bit about Salem and Ozpin from what she told me and the facts that conflicted. The end result, however, was that we worked out something of a nonaggression pact and she offered me an apprenticeship."

"You clearly didn't tell her about when you rejected Ozpin's apprenticeship." Cesium muttered.

"I accepted."

"No." Bella said instantly, her face darker than I'd ever seen it. "No you just… Abyss she's a monster. She controls the grimm."

"And she has emotions and feelings and goals just like anyone else." I said calmly. "Don't misunderstand me, we aren't friends. We aren't going to be exchanging secrets or plotting the end times."

"Abyss I'm not sure about this." Cesium said with a frown.

"I agree." Kerrigan concurred. "Killing is one thing. Crime is another. Direct association with the grimm is a different subject altogether."

"The point of our pact is to not associate at all." I then reconsidered that. "At least with Vale and it's citizens. I suppose I will have associated with her personally. I don't expect anyone else to. Just understand that speaking to the queen of Grimm doesn't mean I agree with her on her methods or that we have a companionship."

A moment of silence passed. Not everyone was convinced, though Cesium seemed to understand. He talked with Roman. That didn't mean he liked him. I sighed and continued on.

"For this summer I'll be with her learning magic. Cesium I'm assigning you to monitor Roman. He's working with Cinder while making sure she doesn't harm Vale. You'll be watching him to make sure nothing of a malicious magical nature happens and helping to pick up the slack on Roman's duties as Mahogany and leader of Vale's underworld.

"Kerrigan I don't have any critically important task for you. I would prefer most that you be the backup. If Cesium somehow fails something be there to clean up after him. Make sure Bella doesn't get killed over some misunderstanding joining Ozpin. I'm sorry about not having anything too important for you to do."

"It's fine." Kerrigan nodded. "You are sure you will be safe with Salem?"

"Of course not." I rolled my eyes for good measure. "But I don't trust Ozpin. I don't really trust Salem either but I trust her to not kill me without good reason. She's fair in a way. She isn't some murdering beast. She isn't a grimm, though she's far from human. Now is there anything else that needs to be addressed?"

"Actually yes," Blake said. We all looked to her. "With everyone going on with their summer plans I figure I might as well tell mine."

"Aren't you going to menagerie to report in again?" I asked curiously.

"Only for a month." She explained. "I'm coming back to get in some final training with Bella. Then I'm going to beacon. Sienna's planned that for a while. She wants me to be like Abyss. A symbol of faunus pride. So… I'll see you all at the wedding?" She looked towards me specifically, being the only one off the grid for the summer.

"I'll get there." I nodded. Bella smiled a grimly at that.

"You better."

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