
Your Creator!

The silence that followed the statement was too loud. They all thought they'd heard him wrong, he was dead so what would he want his body for.

The more things were unveiled the more Conor wishes they hadn't come here, this was obviously an elaborate trap. And they ran straight for it.

"What the hell wolf boy, we have to do something!"

"I have a name you little shit. There's nothing we can do. If you want to interfere knock yourself out."

Valerie was done just sitting around doing nothing, if it was the same result whether she did nothing then doing something wouldn't hurt.

Her weapons of choice were holstered since they were only doing to make the statue stronger. Her sword was out, she stepped off the ground, travelling at amazing speeds straight for Mephistopheles.

When she was close enough she slashed with all her might and went right through as though there was nothing there, she couldn't stop herself and hit the wall beyond hard.

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