


Rebekah's Pov

The morning sunlight dawned in through the dark crack holes of the cage. I had begun to know day from night by my instincts. Had nothing that do much with the arrangements of the guards.

By day, I would hear new guards come in and they had much to complain about such as the pay, the way life had been treating them and the responsibilities in which they had to fulfill to keep the pack going. And by nighttime, this was the time where the guards would slack a little more to go find their girlfriends and lay with them. However, it didn't matter how slack their security was. Because darkness automatically made up for the weakness of their lacking because werewolves, at night, our senses because more heightened which meant that I was more vulnerable to being caught if I attempted escape at night. However, the risks were higher during the day because of the high number of present guards. I therefore, made up my mind to keep my plan close to my chest.

It didn't matter whether day or night, as long as I kept planning and strike when the iron was hot, I would make it.

So I decided to be still regardless of what was behind and ahead of me. I would not falter.

However, even this was more like a prayer for me. I kept my heart pure in a stance of worship and constantly decreed, whenever I was fully charged in my mind and soul.

It was still a bit during the midday I perceived a familiar odor.

Then she came into view.


Today she had her hand tightened in front of her in a humble pose. Her face was bright and her cheeks were rosy which gave her a dewy look. I wanted to compliment her because she was much more than an ordinary pretty face. She had a good heart as well. I didn't want to even bury aside that fact.

A few minutes later, she looked to the back and a guard entered holding a bucket of water in his right hand, and a full bag in the other.

The moment he appeared and placed it next time to her, she murmured, "Thank you."

The guard looked at her, and his nose turned red instantly. My cheeks turned as I recognized that look. I would recognize it anywhere, the look of a man in love.

Once, I went hunting with a paired partner to track down a rogue wolf who had killed a secret agent of the pack who delivered information to us.

Three days in the job, I noticed we were down on food and water. I grew suspicious of my partner because we always did as we were supposed to, as well as eat at the same time but his meal calculations didn't match the amount of food that was missing. So I gave myself permission to see if there was a deeper meaning to what was happening. And so I did.

I pretended to be asleep that evening and saw that he took off into the woods after testing to see if I was awake. I had secretly followed him, my paws dashing against the wind in a brash asunder, but he didn't hear me. Neither did he perceive my scent because I was covered in plumwood scent. It was around that moment that I saw him go into a hidden cave alongst that path and it was then I saw her come out of the cave. The rogue wolf we had been in the wild for, for three days and three nights.

My partner on the task ran into the embrace of the rogue and I saw them hug each other like their lives depended on it. That was when I knew what love really was. Although this partner of mine knew better, he'd succumb onto his wildly trailed passions and engaged in intimate lust with a criminal!

That day I was frantic and hurriedly attacked them in my wolf form. I had ended up killing the rogue in my anger and this brought out an anger from my partner in the task that I didn't even know existed. He turned on me. Slamming his wild claws into my face and his sharp teeth into my jawline and I had been low. Refusing to dig back into his fur nor fight back. It was against the code of our laws. Fighting him back or sinking my teeth into his neck would have been fatal to him and I didn't want to kill him. He was like a brother to me and we don't kill our brothers on the job. Or so I had thought.

Jasper, an independent mission agent just like me entered the scene with a javelin in hand and ploughed it against my mission partner's heart.

When I shifted back into my human form, my humanly instincts kicked in, and once I saw what had happened I was both confused and wrought that I broke down into tears.

Jasper covered my naked body with his shirt as I crouched down and mentally broke down at what I was seeing.

"Oh my God. This can't be." I mumbled to myself again and again.

"It's okay." Jasper soothed me.

I looked at the scene of the amber-haired rogue female. She was now in her human form and her stomach was bleeding open from the fatal injury I had caused her. Though I could still see the beauty my mission partner probably saw in her. She was a beautiful girl and her wide Penelope eyes gave it away. Although she was gone now and those eyes would never be as scarlet as they were now.

My mission partner on the other hand was now in his human form and there was a wide hole in his chest, courtesy Jasper's spear-shaped javelin.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Jasper said, his arm still around my shoulder while I stared at the scene with horror and contemplation. "The tracker found out you were circling around the woods. Then I figured you must have been sidelined by your mission partner."

I did not respond.

"I'm sorry this happened, on behalf of the organization. We would have never thought it would be like this. We sent you the best, but he ended up…" Jasper trailed off.

"Would you like to have a bath, my lady?"

My memories were interupted by the voice of Marble. I was brought back to the present again from the horrible unification of true memories in my mind that were dauntingly heavy. Marble seemed like the type someone would fall hard for and fight for. Perhaps she was my loophole to get out of here even if she didn't know it yet.

"Do I have a choice?" I grumbled under my breath. Marble set down the bag carefully and unzipped it, then she brought out a case. She opened it and I saw that it contained food, especially some different types of assorted delicacies.

"Shall you eat first or shower?"

I scottted closer in front of the cell. "I'll eat."

Rebekah passed me the food through the open space. I opened it and instantly began to eat, little by little. But I felt uncomfortable.

It was clear Marble was not the same as she left the previous day. Perhaps my attitude towards her had gotten into her. I didn't feel bad about anything because all I did was say my truth. I expected her to be more accepting regardless of what was being sent her way. But I guess she was not like I expected her to be. I smirked to myself and then continued to pick on my food. But internally I was a bit worried. My meals could be poisoned by her.

"Ugh!" I sighed internally. I didn't like it when there was a new development in people. I usually didn't know how to manage it well. And now I had to deal with an annoyed maid I barely knew.

"Well then,if you're done eating. The guard will escort you to… bath and change your clothes." She said. Then she turned around to leave.

"Are you leaving?" I asked right as her shadow became non-existent in sight. No response. Just silence.

I let the moment sink in for just a little while before I was thinking again. My life. All the experiences I garned, could it just end with me feeling this way? I didn't think so.

Hence, it would have been more appropriate for me to make friends with Marbel. She was an easy chatter, until I stopped that. Consciously or unconditionally. It should have been more efficient and competent on my part to have been on her side, regardless of what story she spoke about so brightly. Perhaps I would have found really quirky questions about the palace to ask her and would have gotten more ideas to escape. As it was right now in regarding to me leading myself out of prison, it was like the blind leading the blind.

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