
Chapter 27 Part 4

Once Kaijin left I decided to take a look around. Most of the apprentices were focused on their craft but some were paying attention to me.

I took a look at the weapons on the walls, most of these were relatively low grade, Unique Grade at the highest and even those seemed quite mediocre for Kurobe's work. I assume Kurobe and Kaijin keep the truly good stuff somewhere else.

But even the best of their works likely couldn't quite yet compare to a weapon I create with Material Creation using Stardust, last I heard from Rimuru the highest grade Kurobe could make so far was top of the line Unique Grade, along with bottom of the barrel Legend Grade. And even then he needed superb materials for them.

Of course that changed when Stardust is involved.

The reason I'm having him forge a weapon for Raiden, and upgrading Saeko and Sukuna's weapons rather than just making them new ones is due to the bond they will create with their weapons.

If they work their asses off evolving it themselves there is a sort of connection that forms with the weapon and the wielder, something that allows them to use the weapon to its full potential.

I have such a connection with my weapon, the Demoness Trio does not however since I just created God Grade weapons for them. Though it's not a big deal for them, their greatest strength is in their Magic.

Though there is another reason that I don't want to straight up give Saeko and Raiden God Grade weapons… they aren't ready for them. God Grade weapons can allow someone who does not possess an Ultimate Skill to fight against someone who does without instantly losing.

That kind of power needs to be built up towards or else someone may not know how to wield that much power. Let alone the fact that neither Raiden nor Saeko have enough Magicules or Magic Power to properly wield such a weapon.

But I'm sure they'll reach that level in time.

I turned towards the door I sensed Kurobe and Kaijin about to come through.

Kurobe bowed. "Welcome to my workshop Lord Felix."

I gave him a nod. "Thanks for having me and making time for me."

"It is no problem for one of Rimuru-sama's friends and a Demon Lord."

Understandably the culture in this world is a bit different so most Majin go out of their way to please those with power, it's basically self preservation.

"So which weapon would you like crafted? We will do the modifications first as that will take far less time, but I would still like a general idea of what you want made."

I nodded, I was taking inspiration from Raiden Shogun for Raiden's weapon. "I want a Tachi, one that is extremely adept at enhancing and manipulating Lightning." 

A Tachi is a Japanese sword that was used by samurai, though it had a slightly longer hilt and blade compared to the far more famous katana. 

I also didn't need to specify the length or anything as once equipment reaches a certain grade the user is easily able to make subtle adjustments to make the weapon more personalized.

Seeing as this weapon is going to be created partially using Stardust it will definitely reach such a level.

Once Kurobe was finished writing everything down on a notepad he led me into another room, his personal workshop. Kaijin at some point along the way went off to do his own thing, while Kaijin was a good blacksmith, he wasn't nearly as prodigious and skillful as Kurobe.

Hell I could see Kurobe one day making Legend Grade Equipment with just normal Magisteel, dude is a beast.

"Give me one moment while I gather everything I need Lord Felix, for the brand new weapon what did you want the main material to be?"

Hmm, maybe one suited to Dragons since Raiden is one herself. "Do you have any materials that go well with Dragons?"

Kurobe's eyes brightened up considerably. "Yes! I have wanted to work with this material for some time but did not wish to create a purposeless weapon out of it! Raiden-san's weapon will be perfect for it!"

"That's great and all but what material is it?" I asked. Kurobe can get rather excited when it comes to blacksmithing, it's something he is passionate about after all.

"Ah! It is Dragotite! Something that can only be created when Adamantite is bathed in the Aura of a True Dragon! A never before seen material!"

Damn, that's impressive. Who knows what the Aura of a True Dragon can add to this weapon, now even I'm a little bit excited.

"We're still doing the upgrades first though right?" 

Some of the excitement in Kurobe's eyes faded but he did still seem passionate about the weapons.


I took the weapons out of my Infinity Space, Kurobe seemed quite interested in Sukuna's weapon, likely due to how unique it is in this world.

"We shall start with Saeko's blade since I am most familiar with it. Has she given it a name yet?"

I smirked. "Yes she has, Hercules Edge." At some point I told Saeko about some mythological heroes and such from my old world, it seemed she took some inspiration from those.

Kurobe nodded firmly. "A good name for a good blade."

I nodded and handed it to him while setting Sukuna's weapon on the side.

Saeko's blade is currently a Unique Grade weapon, with the potential to reach Legend Grade with some time and use.

Hopefully after the upgrade it will be a whole new beast entirely.

"Lord Felix, can you supply and control your power in very small bursts so I can imbue it properly into the weapon?"

I nodded and began to supply him with extremely miniscule amounts of Stardust, I made sure to control it as even the slightest mishap could destroy Saeko's weapon and kill Kurobe.

Stardust is not to be fucked around with.

Kurobe soon began hammering away, making the blade sharper, stronger, and more durable. His Unique Skill: Divine Craftsman really helped him figure out how to best use the Stardust.

I of course took the chance to analyze his Unique Skill. I might as well be called a Skill Slut at this point.

I needed to help him for about 3 hours total to finish upgrading Hercules Edge and Sukuna's weapon, not long at all compared to how long it takes to forge a weapon.

Kurobe looked at the two weapons produly. "These two are truly some of my finest works, even if I didn't craft it from scratch."

And he's right to be proud, both of them are now bonafide Legend Grade weapons. Sukuna's weapon had the ability to manipulate electricity to create discharges originally, now it can do far more than that. He can use it to help enhance his Cleave and Dismantle by imbuing his Skill in his weapon and using that to attack his opponents. Along with that the Electricity Manipulation is far more powerful now.

Saeko's new weapon is also a beast. I shared my idea of allowing her weapon to directly attack one's Spiritual Body. Kurobe seemed intrigued by my idea so I transferred all the knowledge necessary to include such a function into the weapon.

Now Saeko's Ōdachi is capable of attacking the Spiritual Body directly, completely bypassing one's physical body and a good chunk of their defenses.

I'm sure she will be happy with this. Though I'll need to upgrade her scabbard, eh I'll just make her a new one.

Maybe one that is bigger on the inside than the outside so that it isn't so bulky to carry around.

I turned towards Kurobe and gave him a respectful bow. "Thanks for your help Kurobe, I'm sure Saeko and my other subordinate will like them a lot."

I could visibly see the panic appear on Kurobe's face. "Ah! It was my honor Felix-sama! Please don't bow to a blacksmith like me."

"Haha, one's profession doesn't matter when thanking someone for doing a favor, it's basic manners." Or at least it should be.

"Anyways, how long do you think it will take to forge Raiden's weapon?"

Kurobe looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, "It will most likely take between one to two weeks."

I nodded. "Then I'll come pick it up in two weeks."

Kurobe nodded. "I shall have it ready by then for you."

"Great thanks! Anyways, I'll take my leave now, thanks for the help Kurobe, and give Kaijin my thanks as well." 

"Have a safe trip Lord Felix!"

Hmm, I should probably pay Rimuru a visit before I leave.

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