
Chapter 6-8

The Seed family had safely landed in Boston.

"4 god damn days to get a rental car." Joseph says angrily

"It's Hertz, I don't exactly know what you expected." Faith replies.

"How are they still in business?" Joseph asks

"They scam people, Faith, you took full video of the condition of the car right?" Jacob asks

"Of course!" Faith replies with a smile.

"Great let's head on up then." Jacob says


May 7th 2011

The court was in session once again, and although this case is a legal case it was playing out how one would expect a civil case to go.

The court watched in fascination as Saul Goodman was dragging a TV on a stand with a VHs player below it into the center of the courtroom.

"I would like to apologize for the last minute entry of evidence into the case. I do have to thank Judge Lawson for approving it last night. As we know the crimes talked about in this case are still under investigation and sometimes new info comes to light." Saul says with a smile

Judge Lawson gives a nod while Saul turns on the TV to static snow before he enters in a VHS tape.


The video playing looked to be from a security tape. It seemed to be recording from a corner of a ceiling having a full view of a dark unlit room at an unknown location.

A ray of light swings across the room which could easily be attributed to a door being opened before the entire room lights up brightly. The White painted walls give off an almost hospital-like feeling.

"Why! Why does my plan to kidnap Diana Aclott never work! Now I have that new Ship girl running around and my timeline abilities are getting worse whenever BB-70 is involved!" A voice shouts angrily.

A few seconds later said voice is revealed to be a man in a black bodysuit with the pattern of a snake on it. The villain by the name of Coil walked on to the screen. He was facing away from the camera and with a sigh his arms reached around behind his head and pulled off the head part of the suit.


Inside the courtroom Thomas Calvert gets up from his desk in a panic and tries to run as his identity is revealed to the world.

The villain is stopped by the police at the door and Thomas grabs a pistol and is nearly ready to kill himself to end the timeline.


Meanwhile in Coil's other timeline.

He sits up from his desk in a panic and looks up to see a bug with a camera in the corner of the room.

"What the HELL!" Thomas shouts when suddenly the entire bunker rocks cutting the power and a red emergency light comes on.

A second ground shaking explosion happens and the timeline ends


Thomas freezes with the gun already in his mouth.

He looks at the panicked police who smile back at him.

A quick glance at the observer stands and he can see that Georgia is smirking at him.

Thomas is forced into cuffs and marched out of the courtroom while Saul Goodman smiles at all the gawking from the jury and the viewers.

"Now, I am confused. Was he not the one who was in charge of the PRT while Director Piggot was out on sick leave?" Saul asks aloud to the jury.

"You made your point Mr Goodman." Judge Lawson says

"I don't think I have your honor, in fact why don't we call Thomas Calvert to the stand and ask him why." Saul

"I feel like we should call it for the day. In fact everyone takes the next two days off and we will be back next monday." Judge Lawson announces

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