
Chapter 11: Duke Hyou

City Of Sai

Kyou En's Pov:

The matter between Ei Sei and Sei Kyou was settled quickly... Although the King didn't have much power within his ifaction.... He was still able to promote me in nobility rank to a Earl...He also allowed accepted my request on building and reinforcing my city walls when he asked for any requests that I had.... Although he said that they wouldn't be helping with the money and that'll be on me....

Shou Bun Kun also tried to hint that he wanted my support for the King's faction however I politely rejected them since I didn't want to get involved into the political world that much... Sei Kyou's rebellion was a different matter as I couldn't refuse Rei when she was looking at me like that. I smiled while looking at my soldiers train.

I hope Sai will continue to be at peace like this.... I thought worried that it might not stay longer as this new King seemed resolute on conquering all the other states and try to unify all of China which is something I didn't really like.... As it would disrupt the current balance by a lot which could affect Sai.... This only further enhanced my determination to become a General like no other..... Just like Ouki who's presence alone in Qin deterred most states from deeply invading it... Afraid that they would awaken the monstrous bird.

I gripped my hands thinking about Ouki.... As it reminded me of my powerlessness that day.... I then decided to go train with the soldiers myself.... However before I even moved a step...m I was suddenly poked from behind as I heard a sigh right after....

"Don't push yourself En...." Said someone a gentle voice before hugging me from behind....

"Hehe... I'm sorry for making you worry about me... Rei... However it's fine.. you don't need to worry." I said after identifying the person to be my Wife.... who pouted after listening to what I said and poked me harder this time before saying worriedly...

"Hmph.... Do you think I'm dumb? I can see how you're hastening the speed on the many things you usually do...not to mention that you even got involved in the prince's Rebellion because of me...." Said Rei with a sad voice.... However I just laughed and flicked her forehead.

"Ow!" She cried out feeling the pain and surprised by what I did.

"Hehe... You really don't have to worry about me Rei... however thank you... Im feeling a lot better from the hug you gave me heh" I said while laughing before leaving which annoyed Rei.


Days Later...

Kyou En's Pov:

It seems like there is another big war coming up that started from the strange movements that the Wei have been doing since Great General Mou Gou started invading Han with a massive army of over 200 thousand...

I have been positioned to be with the main army led by our Great General Duke Hyou... Quite a bit seems to already have happened in the war that's been creating a bad tension within our army... Even more since the Wei outnumber us heavily.... I thought as I went inside the main headquarters tent. 

"3 thousand man commander Kyou En here!" I said announcing my arrival to which I got nods from most of the people inside.... In the middle... There was someone looking at the board who didn't even glance at me.... An old man with grey hair and eyes like a beast.... He also had the same beard style as Ouki..... Duke Hyou.... I thought before hearing him speak.

"Hmph You're flames are quite big kid" Said Duke Hyou before he took his eyes off the board to face me.

"Now that you're here.... I can start the preparations" Said Duke Hyou in a blunt voice.

"It is an Honor to go to war with you Duke Hyou" I said respectfully.

"Heh save the pleasantries for yourself kid, I can tell that you don't even think that way yourself." Said Duke Hyou looking annoyed.

"... hehe... You got me there.... Anyways what's the plan Duke Hyou?" I said while chuckling which made a few of the officers there glare at me... however they didn't do anything.

"Hmph... I've already stationed the armies to the locations in places that have a big fire.... Currently the fourth army is the one that's in trouble the most...." Said Duke Hyou as he looked at the board again.

"Then did you want me here to help out the fourth army?" I said while also looking at the board.

"Heh... Of course not.... Your unit has already made a name for itself... And I know how strong it is... I'm having you come to help me in the decisive battle that I'll be having with Go Kei!" Stated Duke Hyou.

".. When do you think that will be?" I said after calming myself from being stunned a bit.

"Hmph... I am looking for a good place to start a fire...." Duke Hyou said without looking worried one bit.

"Report!!!! The Fourth army seems to have taken the Mountain!!! The Qin flags are flying there now!!" Said a messenger which made Duke Hyou Smile widely.

"Heh... There it is...Kid.. bring your army... We'll be going to take Go Kei's head now!!"Duke Hyou said while leaving the tent with his officer's following him.

"Yes Sir" I said before going to Yi, Shi En, Shuu Ki and Ga Rin who are my liteunants and Advisors.

I told them of the plan to get Wei's Great General... Go Kei's head.... However it seemed that Shuu Ki and Yi were worried while Shi En looked delighted at being able to fight the Wei elites surrounding Go Kei... Ga Rin seemed to have already expected it as he's a hero of a past era that experienced warfare day and night... Just like Ga Rin... I've also been to war under Duke Hyou a few times... However his type of Warfare is completely different... Even my teacher... Ko Shou said his warfare is too unpredictable even for him....

"Brother!! Is he seriously planning to attack Wei's General Go Kei's army of over 40 thousand with only the troops here which is less than 10 thousand??", Shouted Yi as he couldn't see the logic in that.

"Don't underestimate Duke Hyou Yi.." I said while looking up... remembering the times I fought with his army....

"What?!" Yi was confused and shocked...

"The Qin Army.... The Wei Army.... You and Shuu Ki.... Underestimate Duke Hyou mmm far too much... Don't try to find any logic within that man Yi...." I said while reminiscing the past.

"Huh?!" Shuu Ki, Yi and other soldiers near me were all confused... However I shut them up before having them follow me.

"You took your time kid, Now lets go!" Duke Hyou who was waiting for us said as he got his army of 5 thousand to charge... Including my 3 thousand.. that's 8 thousand vs over 40 thousand....

I then have my Army charge trying to keeo up with Duke Hyou... It was not long after until we were finally able to see Go Kei's army in sight... It seems the enemy is going to a much more formidable foe than I thought. I thought internally as I saw the Wei army changing formations so quickly... I then decide to change my direction a bit to give Duke Hyou a better chance at victory. 

"Follow me Everyone!" I said to my unit before changing directions.... trying to go behind them....

Duke Hyou noticed my plan and charged even more ferociously.

"Here they Come!!! Ready you're spears!!!!" Said a Wei Commander getting his soldiers to defend... However they were all blasted through by Duke Hyou and his army.

"Ha Hah!!!" Duke Hyou shouted still blasting the Wei.

"Heh" I grinned as Duke Hyou noticed my plans and then sped up around the Wei even more.... Most of their archers were in front so they can't really affect us with it now. The Wei army however seem to have already prepared their defences on me with the time they had while I was changing directions... However .. just like how they underestimated Duke Hyou.... They also underestimated us!!!

"Smash through them everyone!!" I said as I swung my black glaive with strength greater than any that I've swung with before.... It seemed to go well since we got a lot of them flying and our momentum is still good.... The Wei seemed to increase their second line of defense... However it was clear as day that it wouldn't be capable enough to stop us...

"Haha easy!" Said He Ya who laughed before getting shocked by me.

"Everyone quickly halt and retreat!" I ordered which stunned all of them as our momentum was still good... However they still listened to my orders and quickly retreated before the enemy recovered..... I then smirked when my troops asked me why I ordered that..... I then got them to change directions and repeat what I did before.... However this time... I had my unit and Ga Rin split off from Shi En and Shuu Ki.



Go Kei's Pov:

Duke Hyou's might is even more formidable than the rumors say... I thought before giving an order to Ma Ki and Shu Ki to... My two strongest duo's to slay Duke Hyou.

I wanted to use more of my troops to surround Duke Hyou but I wasn't able to... All due to the two powerful units in the back that keep attacking before changing directions.... Which is to get us cautious and prevents us from being able to send more troops to Duke Hyou. However if they're only going to attack before changing directions... Then it's fine to send in a bit more troops I guess hmph. 

"Use the Long Eagle formation and isolate Duke Hyou from his army and have Ma Ki and Shu Ki slay him.!" I ordered before looking at a disturbance that was happening behind me which made me click my tongue as I saw the units from behind changing their tactic and started to go deep to our army and continue their assault.

Their strength and momentum is nothing to scoff at... No normal army would be able to defeat them quickly... And their commander is capable as well.... If they continue then it may be very bad for me....

"S-Sir! They've already reached our third line of defense... I fear that they will truly be able to make it to us swiftly at this rate!" Said one of my advisors which caused me to get rid of my hesitation.

"Have Ma Ki and Shu Ki withraw the order I sent and instead go to the back and slay the commander that's leading the unit behind us!"

"Lastly... have the troops behind us use the great arrow formation to corner them.



Kyou En's Pov:

Things have been going well for us as we've managed to reduce a lot of the fighting power meant for Duke Hyou to us... I thought as Me and Ga Rin kept saying and blasting our enemies as we were both in the front leading our units together.

Our strength together was definitely something as we were able to get this far with ease.... I thought as we were already getting past the third line of defense before noticing a strange movement from the Wei who seem to have taken a weird formation that seems to attack us in both the front and back... I wasn't worried however due to two reasons....

The first is because of our units strength and power.... I thought while we were crushing the new Wei enemies at the front....

The second is because of Shi En and Shuu Ki who are in my left side also attacking the Wei... I internally said as I looked at my left past the Wei Soldiers... I could see Shi En and Shuu Ki slaying the Wei while getting to us from this direction... It didn't take them long before they got past the Wei and made it to behind us destroying the Wei soldiers who were charging at us from behind...

I separated my unit into two because it'll give the enemy more things to focus on and also because we could also help each other when needed like this... Now that Shi En and Shuu Ki are back with their troops... Our unit doubled by two thus increasing our momentum even more... However it seems that Go Kei also thought this formation wouldn't be able to beat us... As he sent those two here. I thought while looking at the two large men who seem strong....

"Tch... Ga Rin... You take one of them and I'll take the other!" I ordered to which Ga Rin accepted.

"Yes sir..." Ga Rin replied before looking surprised as I looked at his direction watch showed me only to see a little brat riding a horse with red clothes coming in and take one of their heads in an instant...." Something which made me amazed as it showed me their growths and weakness.

"Hyou!" I shouted to which he nodded and lightly.

I wasted no time as I continued charging tom the other guy who was pretty strong... However it was easy when I just cut his horse and got him off balance before ending him with one slash to the throat.


I then have my unit soon stopped fighting as Duke Hyou got into a 1v1 combat with Go Kei....

However although they were around equal in the beginning... Duke Hyou soon showed his superiority and cut him down....

The war was soon ended although there was a bit of trouble a bit before as Go Kei's vice commander was about to launch an all out attack... Although Great General Ouki who was seemingly watching our battle went personally and stopped the Wei in its tracks....



Authors note: Heya guys 😎 how are u all? Been a bit busy and this chapter kinda rushed so don't blame me 😭 🙏

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