
Where Is My Mate?

Doctor Gray looked at me silently; his head cocked to the side right now as if he was trying to figure out if I was telling the truth or not.


If I was lying, he was fine. Everything would continue to go on as he planned, but female shifters would continue to die, and his breeding experiment would continue to fail.


But if I was right… that was where his problems started. Would he remove the collar and allow the females to go into heat and potentially shift, or would he keep the collar on and hope for the best?


It was Einstein who said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.


And I wondered just how insane the doctor beside me really was.


"If you are correct, and a female shifter can maintain a temperature of that magnitude for that amount of time, what stops them from dying or having their brain be affected?" asked the doctor finally.


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