
Class Is Now In Session

After such an exciting weekend, teaching his first class seemed like a good way to wind down.

Making sure to wear his "access pin" under Mimzy, Kir spent his morning at the school investigating the new library. While Lumin said she'd had copies of every book in the school for her own collection, Kir had no way of verifying it. But he did know that the girls' dorm had lost the entire collection of "less than proper" fiction they'd built up over years and generations.

He wondered how Stella would handle learning her first steady source of lust was now in the possession of his father and associated demons. For his part, Kir hoped that book never saw the light of day again.

His subject of study for the day was enchanting. Refreshing the basics and trying to figure out how it might be used to best effect. The afternoon, and his first class, was upon him before he knew it - mostly because he got so deep into his study that he wound up skipping lunch.

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