
"How to make them talk!"


Oriana POV

The old woman jumped at the sudden presence behind her and whirled around. Her face was deathly pale and sweat began to flow down her face.

"P-Poison?" *cough* "I-I don't know what you are talking about..." she stuttered

"Is that so?" I giggled ominously and playfully reached out my hand to her face.

"Y-Yes" she stuttered and tried to back away from my outstretched hand

"Mmmm" I murmured and gently, almost calming stroked her shriveled cheek

Of course there was nothing reassuring about this gesture and of course she tried to walk backwards, but the wooden wall wouldn't give in no matter how desperately she pushed herself away from me.

"I... what are you? You're not human, t-that much is *cough* clear..." she said trembling.

I let my hand slowly and menacingly move down her cheek until my thumb rested on her throat. The village elder must have understood what danger she was in because she swallowed when she felt one of my sharpened black nails digging into her neck. Blood flowed down her shoulder and was absorbed into her brown shirt, at the same time I raised my other hand to carefully pull my mask off my face. The woman began to tremble even more when she saw my fangs and after she finally looked into the dark red of my eyes she fainted.

"Demon..." was the last thing she was able to mutter before she lost consciousness and broke down in my arms

"Not quite" I giggled evilly, pulling her unconscious body with me


When I came out of the village elder's house, as expected, hell broke over me. The village was in turmoil, people were running around like headless chickens, screaming and stumbling over each other as if their lives depended on it without any consideration for their fellow human beings. Some had been trampled into the muddy ground by the panicked crowd, others were trying to drag a bundle with them and some even had their children in their arms.

I dragged the old woman's lifeless body behind me and started moving in the opposite direction of the panicked mob. Sure, some people tried to push me out of the way to get past me quicker. But after I hit the third person aside with my backhand and probably broke their neck in the process, the crowd parted and let me go through the middle. At the end of this makeshift alley I could see Mariana and Zelon surrounded by several guards who were either dead or unconscious on the ground. Some surrounding houses were either destroyed or burned down, which at least seemed to explain the panicked crowd.

"My Lady" Mariana greeted me happily and immediately showed a smile on her neutral face

"Mariana. Explain yourself what is the meaning of this chaos" I asked with a hint of displeasure in my voice.

"I am terrible sorry mistress, but these guards tried to attack us supposedly on orders of the village elder. The wanted us alive, but after we resisted they switched to attacks that would have injured a normal human." explained Mariana.

"That old witch again? That's really strange. She tried to poison me during our tea time together, even though I don't know whether the poison was supposed to be fatal or if she just wanted to knock me out." I stated

Mariana's eyes darkened, and she looked full of hatred at the lifeless body in my hand.

"Is that so? How disrespectful I should let her suffer" she spoke with fanaticism in her eyes.

I laughed clear as a bell and threw the unconscious body at the angry Mariana. She caught it easily and just looked at me in surprise.

"I don't care, just wake her up and make her talk about why the whole village wants to kill us. As long as you don't kill her, you can use any method necessary."

A deranged grin crossed Mariana's face as she raised her hand and slapped the woman on the cheek. The woman groaned in pain and had a coughing fit as she looked into my servant's eyes in fear.

"Rise and shine elder" I greeted her and bowed mockingly in fake respect

"Stay *cough* back you demon" she started to ramble, and writhed in the iron-hard grip of my servant

"So full of energy, and that in your age elder" I laughed cheerful

"...begone our guardian god will smite you as he has done a thousand times before..."

"Enough games! Mariana make her talk, and I want to hear something other than nonsense out of her mouth" I ordered.

"As you wish Mistress"

"I WILL NEVER *cough* TALK I AM...ARGHG" she cried out as Mariana broke one of her fingers

"Are you willing to talk now?" Mariana asked innocently.

"NEVER, NEVER I WILL NEVER DISCLOSE ANYTHING TO A DEMON" Screamed the old hag her anger seemingly giving her new

power and disrupting her coughing

I smiled at her desperate cries and looked around happily. The people who had retreated to the edge of the village to escape now stood still. After all, my subordinates had long since sealed off any escape options, making escape impossible. A trembling figure on the ground caught my attention, it was our guide who had taken me to the elders' house...Yato if I don't remember correctly. Mariana and Zelon must have knocked him out, and he had probably just regained consciousness. His look of horror as he looked at the tormented village elder gave me an idea and I just had to try it out.


"Hey elder" I interrupted her playfully

"You better start talking soon, or I fear my hand is going to slip" I taunted her, holding the young man by his neck my other hand stretched out behind his back

"YATO, LET *cough* HIM GO YOU MONSTER, HE IS JUST A KID..." Cried the old hag desperately.

"A kid?" I asked looking at the man in his early twenties.

"Let him goo pleasee, I tell you everything you want, just let him gooo" Whined the old woman

"Oh, you're suddenly quite talkative, good. Tell me why you wanted to kill us" I asked.


"Elder, my hand is slipping" I remarked neutrally

"Fine, as you *cough* have probably noticed, many of us are sick. Even me. *cough* If we don't do something about it soon, all of us will die." explained the elder reluctantly


"I aaaaam slippiiing" I sang as the old witch didn't continue her explanation and swung my right arm in demonstration

"THE GOD, *cough* it's our guardian god okay? We have to make an offering, soon if we want to prevent *cough* our downfall. It is best if these offerings are alive. Even better if it is a young woman."

"Mmmmm, and where can I find this god" I asked



"He resides in the east, behind the mountain range. It's the same *cough* place where the old city was located. I *cough* told you everything, please let him..."


"Uppps, it seems my hand slipped" I stated innocently and licked my hand clean, which still grasped the young man's beating heart

the old hag had become completely quiet. Her wide eyes stared into mine in disbelief, and she touched her face to wipe away a few bits of blood with her finger as if she still couldn't believe what had happened. I let the lifeless body fall into her arms and knelt next to her. I waited, and after a while reality seemed to set in.


"And I did" I interrupted her coldly


"I let him go, directly into your arms" I finished

Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth, probably to scream, but I didn't let her get that far. As soon as my words sunk in, I snapped my fingers to cause a small blood stagnation in her head, just short enough for her to lose consciousness.

"Mariana, we are going, take that old hag with us, we will need her for directions later"

"As you wish My Lady"


"I am already here."

"Good, then let us go on a little hike"

"Ehm, Mistress, there is something else... What is to become of the remaining villagers?"

"Ahh, yes the villagers" I started looking at the outskirt of the settlement and the still shaking guards on the floor in front of me

"Execute them, all of them"


What do you think guys.

I really miss your comments

Who is this guardian God and what is going to happen next?

I already dropped a hint.

See u guys next week.

Ciel_Best_Waifucreators' thoughts
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