
Cause and Effect(2)

Cause & Effect: Harvey possesses the ability to erase a cause or effect for himself, others, or objects as long as he can see said thing. Theres a 20-second cooldown after each use, whether successful or not.

Executing this ability requires precise timing within a small window to erase the desired cause or effect; otherwise, the effect will still take place.

As a Zone Amp Manifest, Causma Nexus enhances his proficiency with the innate technique, enlarging the activation window significantly. This reduces the likelihood of missing the timing.

In Causma Nexus, Harvey's technique extends to the surrounding area, enabling him to erase causes and effects without cooldowns due to the infinite mana granted by the manifest.

Moreover, he gains the ability to revert both causes and effects, providing Harvey ultimate control over his power.

While it might seem confusing, here's an example to help with further understanding:

Illustrating the ability, consider a rock falling from a cliff and breaking upon impact. If the cause of the fall is erased, the rock never falls, but the breaking effect still occurs. Meaning while still on the cliff, the rock would suddenly shatter.

Removing the effect allows the rock to fall without sustaining damage.

Another example:)

Envision a combat scenario where an opponent swings a sharp katana at you. If you erase the cause the moment he initiates the swing, the blade would never move, yet you would still suffer the effect or damage of the swing. However, if you miss the activation timing and get hit before removing the cause, nothing changes, as the cause has already occurred, vice versa.

(Removing the effect would make the sword swing successfully, but the damage would not be applied as it was nullified/erased.)

Now, when dealing with multiple occurrences simultaneously, consider the previous example of a rock falling off a cliff. If a bug is on the rock, and the rock falls off the cliff immediately, the bug moves and falls as well. (Both the Rock and Bug are close together.)

Instantly removing a specific cause becomes more challenging in such situations, given the multitude of causes at once, and there is a risk of removing the wrong one. This complexity also applies to effects, if an effect is removed, it raises the question of what exactly is being eliminated—whether it's the bug dying on impact or the rock breaking.

If theres anything missing be sure to tell me.

Jeffery_XXVIcreators' thoughts
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