
War: abrupt end.

Fluder freely floated In the air as he watched The rage on below him, by the looks of it the Re-estize kingdom had the upper hand, thanks to the likes of Gazef Stronoff and Brain Unglaus, not only that but their strategy was aiding them.

Of course, their spy in the kingdom had told them which strategy they would use, which meant the empire had a counter, however right now they were letting the kingdom believe they had the upper hand.

"Seems everything is going as it should"

He said to himself, he wasn't that too high up from the ground, just high enough to not get hit by anything thrown In the air and he used an invisibility spell to help himself be undetectable.

While watching the war below was helping with the boredom of having to search for his enemy, the person he was tasked to kill, his attention was grasped by an anomaly in the battlefield.

The figure was fast. It was akin to a blue blur that glided across the ground, cutting down any enemy that was on its path.

"a martial art?"

He questioned as he watched the blue blur that he assumed was brain Unglaus glide through the battlefield. Each foe he encountered was viciously cut down with expert level precision and swordsmanship

Blood sprayed in the air as Brain Unglaus displayed his sword skills to the pitiful soldiers that crossed his path


Fluder contemplated going back to the camp and inform the emperor about the situation in the Battlefield, but he decided against that, it was fine even if they lost this war as they already have something they can gain from the Re-estize kingdom, of course that's on the count that prince Barbro successfully manages to take the throne.

"The coup should be underway as we speak"

He whispered to himself before deciding to ignore what was going on below. It was time he took his task seriously.

However, just as he began to do so, Chills ran down his entire body, and an explosion of magic power made itself known.

Just as he was struck by shock, the battlefield below paused, Every single soldier felt the overwhelming presence that suddenly made itself known to them.

"This is…"

His words were left unsaid as his eyes laid witness to something that he had never seen before, small levels of excitement bubbled with his old heart.

To the average soldier below it probably felt an ominous feeling, accompanied by a pressure that pressed down on them wanting and demanding them to get down their knees, however as a practitioner of the arcane arts he could see it clearly, both the magic power being released and the dark aura that accompanied it.


To his eyes that had bulged out of their sockets it was like a beautiful golden and bright flame that expanded out of a singular point, as if a candle had suddenly gained the intensity and power of great fire that endlessly flowed out of a single source.

He could feel it in his body. He had reached it, this was what he had been looking for his entire life. Surely, this might be the abyss of magic.

The mana flowed from the body of the individual he was watching like a dam that had burst; however, it was accompanied by something else, an eerie aura of darkness that demanded all who saw it to bend the knee or die.

Luckily for Fluder he had a stronger will than most and could resist the effects of the dark aura, however the same could not be said about the Soldiers of the Baharuth empire who seem to have begun hyperventilating out of fear and signs of panic began to show on their faces.

Like an ocean, the Re-estize Army was split in two as the soldiers made way for one man who leisurely walked his way towards the front.


Gazeff Stronoff shouted, and the Re-estize army began to pull back, letting the lone knight with blonde hair do what he came to do.

Fluder revealed himself, foregoing the disguise and was about to order a retreat for the seemingly stunned Baharuth army however his words were stuck on his throat as a bright beam of golden light shot through the sky and he was once again shocked as he realised.

"IMPOSSIBLE!! he's not about to…"

He would be impressed by the release of such potent magical energy however the realisation of what the knight was planning to do became the priority on his mind.

"Is this HIM, Arthur Pendragon?!"

He questioned. He remembered Marquis Bulloupe referring to the man as a demon in human skin, but to refer to such a being as a demon was disrespectful..

Arthur exhaled as if tired, despite having done nothing since the war began, he watched as his allies started to retreat behind him, it was a good thing that he could control his Demon lord's Haki, otherwise his allies would be just as stunned as the Baharuth army.

This was not part of the strategy, he was the trump card of the Re-estize kingdom, someone who was to turn the tides of the war should Baharuth overwhelm the kingdom.

Unfortunately Renner's strategy for the war was disregarded or as the nobles put it "modified" to ensure it would be a success, and so Arthur decided to do his own thing.

If they decided that a perfectly viable strategy for the war was hindering them from getting achievements in said war, then why should he not just end the war prematurely? That's certainly a viable option when he has the power to do so.

His doubts about what he was about to do were still unsettled, however he had decided to carry on with his decision nonetheless, if he comes to regret it then he'll deal with it once it is done.

Essentially, he had delegated the problem to his future self. That's what a king does, delegate. The reason why he chose to carry on with this was because he remembered something, something said by the King of conquerors.

'A King must be Greedier than any other, he must laugh more loudly and rage for much longer, he must embody the extremes of both good and evil '

It was somewhat ironic that he is currently Arthur Pendragon, yet he chose to follow a philosophy different from what she believed in the fate series.

Gripping Excalibur with both hands, he raised the blade up above his head and released a golden beam of magic energy. He could hear the screams of awe from all sides.

Strangely enough, the thought in his head at this moment was not even the slightest related to his actions, rather he thought of Renner and Lakyus, he imagined their beautiful bodies naked before him.

As he swung his blade and the air screamed as the golden light eviscerated and reaped the lives of thousands of soldiers, splitting apart the land and scarring the very earth, had it been alive, its screams would have echoed high to the heavens, alerting the gods of this crime committed against its being.

In perhaps a twisted sense of humour. Arthur, the perpetrator of this act, thought not of this atrocity he was committing but instead of the future, immediate future but a future nonetheless, his mind already considering this an event that has already passed.

The golden light dimmed and revealed the scarred earth, a wide cliff was created, one that was vastly deep as its bottom was unseen and showed nothing but darkness below.

Starting from where Arthur stood, a < shaped spread open wide and only stop where the Baharuth army's camp was located, creating a pointy oval on the ground. <>

The Baharuth army was nearly gone. Only a handful of soldiers were left, their numbers not reaching five thousand. They were the lucky ones who were further away from the battlefield.

No trace of the rest of the Baharuth army was left, thousands upon thousands of men were completely destroyed without a single trace, almost as if they've never existed.

The very emperor that sent them to this battlefield stood in stock shock as the horror on his face was portrayed well, his mouth hung ajar and his eyes wide open.

He had made a mistake.


A/N: Does this feel rushed? I didn't want to drag it out too much and have it become boring, so I chose to quickly end it, but I fear it was taken quickly.

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