
Chapter 23: Battle For The Black Citadel

Ark One, Part Three

(Third Person POV)

(With Vult)

When news got out that Crow was to marry not one but four of the Shield Princesses, it was a severe understatement to say the news spread like wildfire. Men admired and despised his existence simultaneously as the Lunarian was marrying four of the most beautiful women on the island, would become the king of Eostia, and was prettier than most women. The women's reactions on the island were similar to men's as Crow looked like something out of a maiden's fantasy and was envious that the Shield Princesses got to have such a powerful young man to themselves.

The marriage between the five wasn't the only thing that was talked about, as many recognized what Crow was and were shocked to see a Lunarian walking among them. Like Celestine, the Lunarians were seen as gods by the people of Eostia and were worshipped by them. Many saw the marriage between the Princesses and the Lunarian as a great boon to the kingdom as not only would they have a strong king ruling beside their beloved queen, but they would gain a significant increase in power and security as the union between Crow and the leaders of the Shield Alliance would bring the next generation of Lunarians. However, not everyone was happy about the news, as many saw this union as an obstacle to their goals.

"What the fuck are we going to do about the fucking Lunarian?" Hicks asked.

"What do you mean what are we going to do with him? Were either going to kill him or persuade him to join us," Kin replied with an annoyed tone. "However, logically, convincing him to join us would be better. With a Lunarian on our side, we'd be nearly unstoppable."

Hicks couldn't argue against that. The mercenary isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but even he knows the stories and value of the near-extinct species.

"I don't know if I'll be able to convince him," Vult said grimly before downing his drink.

Vult was a man of many talents, and one of thoughs skills was reading a person. Crow didn't come off as the time to harm innocents or betray his allies, but he also didn't seem green. He also didn't seem like the type to share what was his either, so if Vult managed to get the Lunarian on his side, he, his men, and allies wouldn't be able to get a taste of his women. The thought of the teen having so many beautiful cock sleeves to himself angered the leader of the Black Dogs greatly, and he had no doubt the others would be pissed, either. However, sacrifices would need to be made if they were going to conquer Eostia and turn it into an empire where men could fuck any woman they wanted without fearing the consequences of their actions. Besides, there are plenty of whores besides the princesses, so he didn't mind the slight inconvenience.

And if Vult couldn't get the Lunarian on his side, he was confident he could deal with the teen as he had plenty of tricks up his sleeves.

"What do you mean?" Hicks asked with a worried tone.

"The Lunarian didn't come off as the backstabbing type," Vult clarified to them.

"So he's just another pussy that the women have their fingers wrapped around," Hicks remarked with a hint of disgust.

Vult shook his head. "No, if anything, it's the other way around," Vult replied, grinning. "Crow is what all men should aspire to be! And for that, he's got my respect. However..." his smile was replaced with a solemn expression. "If we can't get him on our side, he's just another obstacle in our way. "

Kin and Hicks nodded. "So when do you attempt to recruit him?" the mage asked.

"After we capture the Black Citadel, and if he needs a little more convincing, I'll offer him Olga as a gift," his top looked at him surprised...

"You sure thats a good idea? The others are already gonna be pissed off about the Lunarian keeping four of the princesses for himself but also the Dark Queen? Sounds like more trouble than it's worth," Hicks commented.

He shrugged. "If the men have a problem with it, they can take it up with him themselves."

Kin snorted. "That would be an amusing sight to see," he said with an amused tone.

The young mage knew only Vult and their top men stood a possible chance against the teen, but even then, their chances of killing him were extremely low. The only way Kin could see themselves winning against Crow was if they teamed up against them and planned accordingly, but even then, it was a big if since they didn't know the Lunarian's full capabilities.

"Alright, that's good, but what if he doesn't join?" Hick asked.

Vult grimaced. "Kill him, and if that fails...I'll have to call in a favor from our main benefactor," he replied, making the other grimace.

They didn't want to get that person involved...

"Then let's hope for the best or otherwise; I don't see things ending well for anyone," Kin said, and the others agreed.

"Did you learn anything else about the guy?" Hicks asked Vult, and he shook his head.

"Other than what I just told you, no. I'll have to ask around before we leave for the Black Citadel, and hopefully, we'll have something to work with. Until then, play nice with the guy and try not to get killed," they nodded, and the meeting ended.

When Hicks and Kin left Vult, his snail rang, and he answered it.

"Any news?" the voice from the snail was deep and lacked emotion.

"Yeah, you could say that," Vult informed of everything he learned.

"I see this is quite troubling. Do you expect the Lunarian to side with us?"

"If I'm being frank with you, no. The kid doesn't seem like the type to enjoy harming innocents."

"I see...if you cannot recruit or kill the Lunarian. I'll send my men to deal with him," Vult felt shivers go down his spine.

He didn't want that. "Understood."

(With Crow)

Today was the day the Crow, Mikasa, and the Black Dogs marched toward the Black Citadel, so his current and new fiances naturally wanted to see them. Currently, Uta was doing everything within her power to dominate Crow in a passionate tongue-filled kiss and was holding onto him for dear life. The two forgot they had an audience, as Ulti, Mikasa Page, Celestine, Maia, Alicia, Prim, Claudia, and some of the Black Dogs watched the scene with varying reactions.

Ulti and Mikasa looked annoyed, albeit the latter was envious, while the former just wanted her turn. Page looked at the scene with amusement but also felt lonely as fuck. Celestine, Alicia, and Prim were blushing furiously and wondered if they should attempt anything. Maia was grinning, and she might try to see what it was like to be dominated by a Lunarian. Claudia remained professional as she should, but her cheeks were slightly pink. And the Black Dogs looked at the Lunarian with respect, awe, envy, and rage.

"Could you hurry the fuck up? I want my turn already!" Ulti screamed.

The young couple chuckled and broke the kiss, and the Oni quickly swooped in and stole Crow's lips for herself. After a moment, they broke the lip lock, and the Lunarian brought his pregnant fiances into a firm yet gentle embrace.

"Im gonna miss you guys," Crow said affectionately, and the girls held him tighter.

"You better hurry the fuck up and kick that stupid bitches ass, or otherwise I'm gonna be really fucking pissed," Ulti threatened, making her boyfriend chuckle.

"Don't worry, I will. The moment the Black Citadel is captured and secured, I'll come flying back as fast as I possibly can," he assured her.

"Good, or I'll kick your feathered ass."

"And you better not get killed, or I'll find a way to revive you and kill you myself. Am I understand?" Uta looked at him sternly, but the Lunarian found her serious expression adorable.

Crow smiled. "Yes, ma'am," he said jokingly, kissing their head, making the girls giggle. Once they broke the hug, Crow looked at Page. "Take care of them for me."

Page smiled underneath his mask and nodded. "You got it big, bro."

Crow then looked at his other betrothed. "I'll see you guys soon."

"Yeah, it's too bad I can't come and fight with ya," Maia pouted. "I would've loved to see you in action."

"Likewise," Alicia chimed in. "Unfortunately, we have to return to our duties."

"Well, when I get back, how about we spare, and you can see what I'm capable of," he said with a wink, causing them to blush.

"I wouldn't mind that~," Maia said huskily.

Alicia blushed and smiled. "I f-forward to your return then," she replied.

Crow then looked at Celestine. "I'll contact you as soon as Black Citadel is captured."

Celestine smiled and nodded. "Be safe, and do not underestimate Olga. She's an incredibly powerful magic user."

"You got it."

Prim spoke up. "G-Good luck on your journey, Crow. I hope you return unscathed and in good health."

Crow smiled. "Thanks," he patted her head, making her blush and smile brightly.

After their final goodbyes, Crow, Mikasa, and the Black Dogs left.


After ten hours of nonstop walking, the sun started going down, so the Black Dogs stopped in their tracks and started making tents.

"Hey Crow..." Mikasa called out shyly, and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What's up?"

She squirmed slightly, and her cheeks were bright red. "Is it ok if I sleep with you in your tent?..."

Crow knew she only asked that because she knew what men, the Black Dogs, were and thought it was safer to stick with him, but he still decided to tease her.

"Oh?" he grinned. "Why do you wanna sleep in my tent with me?~" he leaned toward Mikasa's ear, and she felt his warm breath, causing her to shiver and blush furiously. "Are you trying to get into my pants?~ How naughty."

Redder than ever, she pushed him away and cutely glared at him. "T-Thats not what I'm trying to do!" she stammered.

Crow chuckled. "I know I'm just giving you shit, but yeah, you can sleep with me," she visibly relaxed and nodded.


"Hey, Crow," the pirates turn to the right to see Vult walking toward them with two people by his side. "There's been some people that have been dying to meet you."

Crow looked at them and wasn't impressed with what he saw.

The one on the left was a man who looked to be in his early thirties, had fair skin, short slicked, back brown hair, and hazel eyes. He was lean and had a decent amount of muscle mass. He wore an open green vest, which showed his physique, gray pants, brown boots, and two daggers strapped to his sides.

The one on the right was a man who looked to be in his early twenties, had fair skin, short brown hair, green eyes, and wore glasses. He wore a long purple cloak, green shirt, dark brown pants, and light brown boots.

"Is that so?" The Lunarian asked with a raised eyebrow. "Can't really imagine why."

"You're the first Lunarian to be seen in centuries. It's only natural for one to want to see you for themselves," Kin replied, looking at the Lunarian with amazement and curiosity.

"Fair, I guess. What's your name?"

The mage faintly smiled and replied. "I'm Kin."

"And I'm Hicks," the man added.

"I see. It's a pleasure to meet you both," Crow lied, giving them a false smile.

After their introductions, the trio invited them for a drink, and Crow attempted to decline the offer; however, Vult proved to be incredibly persistent, much to the annoyance of the young pirates, so they reluctantly agreed. Mikasa was glued to the Lunarian the entire they were interacting with the Black Members as she didn't feel like getting sexually harassed or hit on. Crow proved quite the deterrent as no man dared go near or even look at her with her leader by her side. She smiled happily and snuggled closer to the teen, to his surprise and delight.

Meanwhile, Crow answered the trio's questions as vaguely as possible, knowing they were attempting to get information on him. Even with them constantly giving him alcohol to make him loosen up, and to their disbelief, it was ineffective, much to the annoyance of Vult. The Lunarian internally smiled at them smugly as the booze they gave them was nowhere near strong enough to provide him with a buzz, much less get him a drunk. Plus, his physiology naturally burns away the alcohol rapidly, so he's never had to worry about getting intoxicated or drugged.

After a few hours, everyone besides the young pirate was wasted or unconscious. The duo decided to head to their tent and get some rest, as tomorrow would be chaotic.


Crow opened his eyes and let out a yawn. He is about to get up and stretch but quickly realizes someone is resting on him and holding him with a vice grip. The Lunarian smiled and looked at the black-haired beauty.

"You know, when you don't look like you're trying to rip someone's spine out from their body, you look pretty adorable when you're sleeping," he chuckled and moved some of her hair out of her face. "Wakey, Wakey, sleepy head," he said softly.

Mikasa shifted in her sleep and held him tighter. "Five more minutes, Eren."

Crows stiffen, and his eyes widen to impossible levels. "Who the fuck is Eren..." he whispered.

Nearly two weeks had passed, and the atmosphere between the duo was awkward, but more so the Lunarian's end. Mikasa attempted to figure out what was wrong with Crow, but he'd shrug her question off, ignore her, or change the topic whenever she asked. It was beginning to piss her off, and she was about to beat the answers out of him but stopped when Vult informed them they were only a few hours away from the Black Citadel.

The Black Dogs were now more alert than ever, as the area surrounding the Black Citadel was the most dangerous location within the region. Not only did legions of incomprehensible monsters patrol the area, but the land itself was incredibly inhospitable as the plants and wildlife were deadly. After an hour of entering the region, they lost a few thousand men to man-eating plants, abnormally large apex predators, or small monster patrols. If it hadn't been for the help of Crow and Mikasa, the Black Dogs would've lost a good portion of their forces, which were currently within the twenty-five to thirty thousand range. However, little did they know that the Dark Queen had prepared something for them that was worse than anything they could ever imagine...

"Fuck," Vult cursed. "This wasn't how things were supposed to be," he whispered.

The leader of the Black Dogs knew going deep within the Dark Queen's territory was dangerous, but it wasn't supposed to be this bad. Sure, he expected to deal with some monster patrolling the area, but he didn't expect creatures as tall as trees and plants that could swallow entire men whole, nor did he expect to get ambushed by large groups of predators every half hour. As much as it pained him to admit it, he was glad that Lunarian and his sexy companion quickly eliminated the threats before things got too out of hand. Unfortunately, they would likely become enemies by the end of the raid.

It was even more unfortunate that he wouldn't be able to get a taste of the Lunarian companion as she looked like one hell of a lay, but he knew she was more trouble than she was worth. Vult watched Mikasa closely and was surprised she could keep up with Lunarian quickly and kill monsters nearly the size of towers with a few strikes of her blades. Oh well, one can't have everything in life, he supposed.

After another hour, they were able to see the Black Citadel, and if Crow was being honest, he was pretty disappointed with its size. By usual standards, it was rather big, as the fort and city were several times the size of Ken. However, compared to Kaido's Castle, it was tiny and insignificant. Yet Crow could give the Black Cidatel the benefit of the doubt as what it lacked in size. It made up for it in defense and appearance.

Surrounding the entire fortress was a massive moat. The only way to gain access to the area was a well-defended drawbridge. The walls surrounding the fort were tall, sturdy, and well-defended. However, its biggest was the strange energy surrounding the place. Crow felt it and immediately knew it was black magic. He could only tell it was a different type of magic thanks to Kin spamming fireballs like it was no one's business. The aura that radiated from the mage's attacks was neutral, while the magic surrounding the Black Cidatel was cold, dark, and sinister.

His instincts were screaming at him not to attempt to fly into the city while the Black Magic was protecting it. Crow, being an intelligent person, listened to his intuition. He wondered how they would breach the fortress with the magic surrounding it. Crow guessed that would be Kin's problem to deal with.

Once they reached the outskirts of the Black Cidatel, Vult instructed his men to make camp far enough to where they wouldn't get hit by projectiles and for them to wait for him to find a way into the fortress.

"So, how are we going to get in?" Crows asked Vult, looking at the fortress with narrowed eyes. "A moat surrounds the area, and the drawbridge is the only way to gain entry."

"Couldn't you just fly into the area?" a random merc asked, looking at the Lunarian as if he were stupid.

"No, he couldn't," Kin replied before Crow could. "The Black Cidatel is protected by a powerful barrier that will instantly vaporize anything or one that isn't a soldier or citizen of the Dark Queen."

Crow turned pale hearing that. "I knew I was right to trust my instincts...there's gotta be a weakness," he stopped talking and concentrated for a moment. "...I can feel a fluctuation within the barrier, and if my instincts are right, the instability is coming from the north side of the fortress."

Kin looked at the Lunarian, impressed. "You're correct in that assumption. Do you, by chance, practice magic?" the Lunarian shook his head.

"No, I can just sense magic," everyone but Mikasa looked at him surprised. "Anyways, let's start heading toward the weak point," everyone but Mikasa nodded.

"Wait..." Mikasa said, stopping everyone in their tracks.

"What's wrong?" Crow asked.

"Something doesn't feel right..."

"What do---" Before he could ask further, the ground began to shake, and Crow's danger senses were going off.

Multiple deep, deafening, and spine-chilling roars were heard from the south, east, and west directions. Everyone besides Crow and Mikasa went pale when they saw what made those ominous roars.

Coming out of large portals and charging toward them was a small army of mutated undead giants. They stood at an astronomical twenty meters in height, had milky white eyes, and their skin was sickly gray with their flesh peeling off, exposing muscles, organs, and bones. They varied between strong to bloated frames; some were missing a few limbs. These abominations would be a problem, and to make matters worse, several more portals appeared from all directions, and what came out of them were legions of monsters ready to tear them apart.

Crow looked at Vult. "We'll take care of the giants!" Vult nodded, looked at his men, and shouted at them to prepare for battle. Chaos ensued as Olga's forces clashed with the Black Dogs, and the young pirates went to intercept the undead giants before they could reach their temporary allies.


Crow created two gigantic fire dragons and sent them to deal with the undead giants on the east and west sides while he and Mikasa faced the ones on the south, as that side had the most of them.

The Lunarian flared his wings, grabbed Mikasa, and ascended into the skies. Within three seconds, Crow was above them.

Crow grabbed her by the side and asked. "You ready?!"

Narrowing her eyes and taking out her swords, she yelled. "Yeah, throw me!!!" With all his strength, the Lunarian twirled around and threw the eldian at the closest giant.

Mikasa shot her grabbling hooks towards the chest, and once it connected, she carried her right sword in a reverse grip with the blade out and held it behind her. She then spun in a circle rapidly and began her attack. Faster than the eye could follow, the eldian was slicing through the undead giant's body like butter. Chunks of dead flesh were dropping to the ground, and blood-painted the area. After thoroughly chopping up the undead giant, Mikasa landed the final blow and severed its head from its shoulders. The headless abomination collapsed, and the Ackerman grappled to her next victim.


Meanwhile, Crow summoned a field of crystal spikes that burst from the ground and impaled multiple undead giants simultaneously. Some of them were killed instantly, while the ones who weren't dead were wiggling around and attempting to free themselves. However, this action was useless, as Crow quickly covered them in fire, and within seconds, they were turned to ash.

The Lunarian easily evaded an attack from one of the giants and shot several fireballs at its face, causing it to shriek and hold its face in agony. He then flew towards a group of the abominations and summoned another field of spikes, killing another dozen instantly and setting the ones that survived on fire. After a couple of minutes, all of the undead giants were eliminated.

Crow descended to the ground and landed near Mikasa. "I was honestly expecting more of a fight," he commented, looking at all the dead bodies.

"Me too..." she sighed and looked at the bodies of the dead giants.

Mikasa smiled sadly at the sight as it brought up old and painful memories.

"You alright?" he asked with a tone of concern.

She looked at Crow and nodded. "Just reminiscing...come on, let's rejoin the others."

Crow nodded, picked her up, and flew back towards the battlefield.

(With Vult)

To say Vult wasn't having a good day would be the understatement of the century. Nothing was going according to plan. It was supposed to be easy. They had to get into the Black Citadel and capture the Dark Queen. Instead, they're surrounded, fighting for their lives and losing people by the thousands. The only saving grace was that the Lunarian, his fire dragons, and his sexy companion had eliminated all the undead giants before they could reach them, preventing even more deaths from happening.


Vult slammed his foot forward, causing whoever stood within his sight to fly into the sky as massive pillars of earth slammed against their bodies.

He ducks underneath a sword swing and quickly spins around to depreciate the orc. Another orc comes charging and swings its axe toward his head, but Vult moves out of the way and impales it. Vult heard a road and turned around to see an enormous monster moving in his direction. With a flick of the wrist, a medium-sized boulder appeared in front of him, and he hurled it toward the giant monster, causing it to stumble and fall to the ground. Not wasting any time, he dashed toward the fallen giants, jumped high into the air, put his sword into a reverse grip, and embedded his massive blade into the monster's skull.

Vult took his blade out of its skull and looked at the battlefield. It wasn't looking good for them. The Dark Queen's forces were neverending and relentless. Vult didn't know how Olga could obtain such a force, but he'd be sure to put them to good use once he convinced them to join his empire. The leader of the Black Dogs got off the giant's body and returned to fighting alongside his men. While he was nowhere near the level of the young pirates, Vult was a powerful Haki and Devil Fruit user in his own right.

He was a demon on the battlefield, cutting through his enemies with quick and deadly proficiency and his Devil Fruit powers to eliminate large mobs of monsters within moments. His other allies were doing reasonably well despite the odds, as Hicks was dancing around his foes and killing them before they could even blink.

Kin was casting devasting spells that killed many foes with a single attack, and he was protected by a magical barrier to prevent enemies from attacking him. Crow flew around at high speeds, turning thousands to ash with his devasting flames or into shish kabobs with crystal spikes. Mikasa was like a goddess of war, slicing through her foes with better efficiency than Vult and Kin combined and like a blur, killing dozens of foes within the blink of an eye.

Slowly, they were pushing back the Dark Queen's forces, and after an hour of constant fighting, they began to overwhelm her army despite their numbers advantage.

(With Olga)

"Your grace," a random dark elf loyalist kneed before the dark elven queen. "The Black Dogs are pushing back our forces," he informed, shocking Chole and causing Olga's eyes to narrow.

"How's that possible?! Those disgusting humans should already be dead!" Chole shouted.

"T-They have powerful warriors aiding them, my lady. One is a woman with black hair and eastern features, and the other is a man with large black wings who can cast powerful flames," he explained, and Olga's eyes widened at the last part.

"It can't be..." Chole looked at her Queen in worry. "Simon, you may go," he stood up, bowed, and left the throne room.

"What is it, my lady?" she asked, her tone filled with worry.

"...if what Simon said was true about the winged man, then the Black Dogs have a Lunarian aiding them," she replied, shocking her loyal servant.

"A L-Lunarian? How can that be?! I thought they were just a myth!" Chole all but screamed.

Olga shook her head. "They were very real..." she smiled sadly. "Unfortunately, they're so rare nowadays that they're believed to be extinct..." she stood up from her throne.

"My lady, what are you doing?"

Olga glanced at Chole. "To confront the Lunarian."

"I-Is that w-wise, my lady?" the blonde asked.

Like many people of Eostia, Chole knew the tales of the Lunarians and their combative prowess. She was reasonably terrified of facing such a deadly foe and feared for her queen's safety. The odds of their confrontation turning into a battle were all but guaranteed, and the probability of winning was significantly low. Nonetheless, if this face-off turned into a fight, Chole would fight and die by her queen's side.

(With Crow)


Massive waves of flames shot out of the Lunarian and enveloped hordes upon hordes of monsters, turning them all to ash within seconds while his nearby allies were unharmed by the powerful flames of death.

Crow continued to spew his flames and impale his enemies with his crystals throughout the battlefield and never stayed in one spot for too long. He was beginning to get annoyed as no matter how much he spammed his attacks, the Dark Queen's forces never dwindled in number. If anything, their forces increased and became more tenacious the longer they fought.

The Lunarian grimaces at their current predicament. He needed to find a way to close those portals, or else his allies would all perish within a few hours. However, before he could formulate a plan, all the monsters on the battlefield abruptly stopped fighting and vanished from thin air, greatly confusing everyone.

"What the fuck?" Hicks questioned.

Before anyone could question any further, a loud female voice was heard from the south side of the battlefield.


Seeing that there was no other choice, Crow flew south and stopped mid-air when he saw two elven women looking at him with astonishment, disbelief, and trepidation. He landed five meters away from them and slowly took in their appearances.

The dark elf on the right with a scepter in her left hand looked like she was in her early thirties. She had copper brown skin, long black hair with a bang covering her right eye, and golden eyes. She had a figure all women would be jealous of, as every part of her body was filled out, with her breasts being her most prominent feature.

She wore a silver crown with dark jewelry, a purple robe down to her knees, and long boots. Black pieces of sleek armor protected her shoulder, chest, and forearm.

The dark elf on the left looked like she was around his age or slightly older. She had lighter brown skin, long blonde hair done in a ponytail, and ruby-red eyes. Her figure, while not as filled out as the older dark elf, was just as alluring.

She wore sleek purple armor with black inner plating and held a helmet to her side that exposed the front. She had two short swords strapped to her hips.

"I'm guessing you're Olga," she nodded and smiled.

"That I am."

"And her?" he glanced at the other dark elf.

"Her name's Chole, she's my handmaiden."

"I see...I'm Crow."

"Quite the particular name...tell me, Crow, are you within the ranks of the Black Dogs?" the Lunarian snorted.

"No, I'm not. I'm working with Celestine, and she asked me to capture and ensure nothing happens to you," he replied, making Chole growl and glare at him, but she said nothing.

Olga chuckled. "Who would've ever thought she'd send a Lunarian to capture me? How amusing. I have a proposal for you," Crow quirked an eyebrow in interest.

"Oh yeah, and what's that?"

"We challenge you to a duel," she said, surprising him and Chole. "If you win, we'll come with you peacefully and won't try any attempts to escape. However, if you lose, you and the Black Dogs will surrender and leave my lands peacefully."

"What's stopping me from taking you either way?" he asked out of curiosity.

Olga smirked. "I can tell you're not one to go back on your word, but if I'm wrong, I could always have my army go back to attacking your allies until they're dead. I have an infinite army of monsters at my disposal, and we both know you can't fight forever," Crow grimaced and mentally admitted she was right. "So what's your decision?"

Crow thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Fuck it, why not. Just give me a second," he was gone for a minute and returned, but this time was fifteen meters away from the duo. "Alright, let's get this shit started!" he shouted and took his swords out.


Crow sent a wave of spikes toward them, and both elves reacted instantly. Olga cast a magical barrier over herself, and Chole jumped from spike to spike while gracefully avoiding getting impaled.

Once the handmaiden was on the ground, she dashed toward the Lunarian, imbued her swords with Haki, and thrust her right blade toward Crow's mid-abdomen.

The winged teen easily dodged it and went to stab her in the eye, but the dark elf ducked her head and attempted to slash at his abdomen. However, he erupted into a violent burst of fire, forcing Chole to jump back.


In the blink of an eye, Crow appeared before the dark elf and swung his right sword toward Chole's head. Her eyes widened, and she quickly blocked the attack but was sent flying into the air and crashed through multiple large crystal spikes.

Chole landed hard on her back and spat out a mouthful of blood. She groaned in pain, quickly got up, and rushed back to get some much-needed payback.


Olga shot a large and devasting magical blast toward the Lunarian. Crow quickly dodged it but sensed it returning toward him, so he flew into the air, and once it was inches away from him, he smacked toward Chole. She leaped over it, barely dodging it, and landed on the tip of one of the spikes.

When the soul-seeking blast hit the ground, everything within a twenty-meter radius evaporated. Chole barely managed to teleport in time, but she nonetheless reassumed to attacking the Lunarian.

While Chole and Crow were clashing blades, Olga continued to shoot magical soul-tracking blasts at the Lunarian from a distance, so not only did he have to evade attacks from the handmaiden, but he also had to make sure none of those projectiles made contact with him, or otherwise he would be in some serious trouble.


To make things easier on himself, he created multiple miniature fire dragons and had them intercept all of Olga's attacks.

Olga growled as she was annoyed that the small fire dragons were preventing her from giving Chole support. So she blasted them away with her Conqueror's Haki. The blast also caused a massive chunk of the Black Dogs to be knocked out cold, while some were unlucky enough to be killed.

Crow's eyes widened in shock when Conqueror's Haki hit him. The Lunarian was so surprised that the Dark Queen had that power that he momentarily lost concentration, enough for Chole to land a devasting kick on his face, sending him stumbling backward.

Crow quickly shook off the pain and narrowed his eyes at the handmaiden. He needed to take out Chole and deal with Olga soon because everything within the area would be obliterated if this battle continued for too long.


Crow imbued his swords with Conqueror's Haki and his flames. He dashed toward Chole and assaulted her with a barrage of lightning-quick attacks.

The dark elf could barely block the Lunarian's attack and was beginning to get overwhelmed. Soon, Crow relentlessly sliced through Chole's flesh but ensured his cuts weren't too deep.

Chole hissed in pain as the Lunarian's blades cut and seared her flesh. Her movement was becoming slower, and her grip on her swords was weakening. The pain was becoming overwhelmingly unbearable, and Crow, seeing her state, decided to end the fight.


With a final devasting slash, Chole was sent flying and tumbling to the ground. The dark elf lost consciousness, leaving one more for Crow to handle.

Enraged by her handmaiden's state, Olga decided to take the fight to the Lunarian and charge rushed toward him with her scepter raised high. Crow meets the Dark Queen's charge head-on and flies toward her with his swords ready. When they were close enough, they swung their respective weapons at each other, and when they made contact, a massive shockwave was created, and the skies began to split.

"Wasn't expecting you to have Conqueror's Haki," Crow commented, pushing against Olga.

She smirked. "I'm full of surprises," she attempted to knee the teen in the balls, but Crow moved faster and kicked her in the lower abdomen, sending her skitting a few meters away.

The dark elf grunted in pain and glared at the Lunarian.


Dozens of massive black tendrils burst from the ground and attacked the Lunarian. Crow dodged some of their strikes, and the ones he couldn't avoid, he sliced through them.


Crow blasted the tendrils with his flames, and they let out shrieks of agony before evaporating.

The teen dashed toward the dark elf and began exchanging blows. While the dark queen was a mage at heart, she was an excellent melee fighter as the dark elf easily overwhelmed the Lunarian regarding skill. Crow was on the defensive, either dodging or blocking her attacks.


A single crystalline spike burst from the ground, nearly impaling Olga, but she was quick enough to coat her abdomen in haki.

The attack hit her with enough force to cause all the air in her lungs to come out, giving Crow the perfect opportunity to hit Olga in the face with the flat side of his sword.

Olga stumbles to the side before returning to swinging her scepter at the teen. However, she jumped back when he shot a fireball her way.

Crow wanted to fight the dark elf longer as he was enjoying their skirmish but knew he couldn't waste any more time, so he decided enough was enough and stopped holding back.


Conqueror's Haki, fire, and electricity burst from the Lunarian body, and multiple swords made from flame and lightning floated on both his sides. Crow's eyes shined brightly, and his black hair turned fiery red with the tips of his being engulfed in fire.

Olga's eyes widened in shock when she felt the power radiating from the Lunarian, and the dark elf looked visibly worried as she just realized she had bit off more than she could chew...

"It's time to end this," Crow dashed toward Ogla, and she barely had enough time to react to his attack, so she quickly put up a magical barrier.

However, it quickly began to crack as the attacks sent toward her were relentless and powerful, so she had to increase the distance between them. Unfortunately for her, the Lunarian didn't make it easy as he was on her ass, never allowing her to prepare a counter-attack. All she could do was evade his devasting, powerful strikes.

After one last strike, Olga's barrier shattered, and she received a jaw-breaking roundhouse kick to the face, sending her tumbling to the ground. She attempted to stand back up and fight, but she felt the tip of his sword gently press against her next.

Crow stood above and gave her an unamused stare. "Don't even think about it."

Olga glared at him momentarily, but she dropped her expression and sighed. "...I yield. My handmaiden and I will be in your care."

After cuffing the dark elves with anti-magic and Devil Fruit restraints, the teen asked. "How do we take down the barrier surrounding the city?"

"Use my scepter and press it against the barrier," he nodded and picked up the magical weapon.

Once the barrier was down, the fortress was quickly taken over and secured.


Also, as you guys will notice, I decided to give some of the Kuroinu characters Haki and Devil Fruits because if I didn't, then this ark would have been incredibly short. I also added magic to the One Piece power system because I thought it would be interesting, and I even came up with lore beyond it and all that fun stuff. I need to flush it out a bit.

I hope you guys liked the names of the techniques, but if you don't, feel free to suggest new names for them.

Devil Fruits

Vults Devil Fruit

Earth-Earth Fruit

Type: Logia

Description: The user can create, control, and transform into rock, dirt, and soil.

Strength: The Fruit has high defensive and offensive capabilities.

Weaknesses: The Fruit has the typical weaknesses of a Devil Fruit.

Olga's Devil Fruit

Monster-Monster Fruit

Type: Paramecia

Description: The user can create, shape, control, and summon monsters.

Strengths: The Fruit allows users to create limitless monsters from nothing, manipulate their biology at will, telepathically communicate with them, have complete control of them, and teleport them.

Weaknesses: The Fruit has the typical weaknesses of a Devil Fruit and rapidly drains the user of their stamina.

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