
Arrival at the MSV-Arena

It took about half an hour for Jason to drive down to the CTFD Portogaia from his house and on getting to the training center, he parked his car in one of the available parking spots before getting down and taking out his luggage.

Joining the few teammates that had already arrived, Jason left his luggage to the staff who would be doing the loading and he sat comfortably inside the bus after greeting his teammates.

As more teammates arrived, Jason received quite a few congratulations from his teammates who had heard of him sweeping up three LPFP awards.

While waiting for the bus to fill up, Jason put on his headphones and began listening to music as he waited and it didn't take too long before the last teammate who would be going to Germany with the team arrived.

Telles had arrived last and had surprised everyone with a new look of dying part of his hair blue while dying his beard grey. 

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