
Zombie Wave ( 15 )

However, Shane didn't bother much about them as he looked at the advancing Tyrant Zombies!

He knew very well how tenacious these Zombies were, so he had to make his move while they were still quite far.

Shane adjusted his Laser Sniper Rifle, his finger on the trigger. He aimed for their heads, knowing that anything less would be futile.

Shooting their body or limbs would just be a waste of ammunition, and they'd just be more cautious once they got used to his firing speed.

Thankfully, the reloading time of the Laser Sniper Rifle was quick… He could easily fire three shots in succession before he had to wait for 10 seconds to cool it down.

The shots rang out—one, two, three.

The three advancing Tyrants staggered, but they didn't fall. Their decayed flesh smoked, but they kept coming! Half of their face was already destroyed! It means that about half of their brains had also been hit!

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