
The Monk and the Hero

"That's definitely a monk…" Shane muttered after seeing the muscular figure of a man who was wearing a familiar robe with an earthly gold color.

Shane could tell that the man was definitely a man, but there was an aura about him that spoke of more than mere mortality.

'Awesome…' Shane couldn't help but praise the Monk and thank the Epic Recruitment Stone.

His presence was like a still lake, deep and calm, yet hinting at fathomless depths beneath.

The other people in the estate had also noticed the commotion. This was especially true for Gene, who was currently at the watchtower near the estate's entrance gate.

Gene had seen a monk before, so he was able to tell that this figure wasn't a zombie with a bad sense of clothing.

The fabric was like a muted gold that caught the light with every movement. His head was shaved, and his skin bore the weathered tan of one who had known the sun and wind.

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