
Winston Uses The Mirror Dimension

Hearing Kayden's announcement, none of them disagreed since it was already quite late in the night.

They didn't know how dangerous Windesburg Hotel was at night but the spectral activities at Windesburg Hotel were already several times higher than before. In other words, just walking in the hallways, there was a moderate chance of encountering an evil spirit.

According to Kuroneko's words, it was due to uncovering the forbidden areas that released the dark miasma from those forbidden areas into the hotel, causing the dark miasma at the hotel to thicken and form evil spirits.

Winston spoke up, "Before we return to our hotel rooms, can we loot Maverick's private study first? Kenshi, Kayden, and I couldn't get all of the items there since some of them couldn't be stored in the player inventory for some reason."

"There were journals of Maverick's dark experiments there as well as scrolls that contained dark magic and black magic."

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