
Stunning News

The news of the Demonic Invasion was like icy cold water being spilled on the heads of everyone that heard it.

"Demonic Invasion? When did that happen?!" Aria asked out loud.

Her hands seemed to be trembling lightly and her breath had already become uneasy.

"It's been over two weeks already." The guard answered. "All these people were driven away from their villages as a result of it." He added.

"Two weeks ago? Are the demons still out there?" Clyde narrowed his eyes while his right hand automatically went towards his sword.

"From what I've heard, they've all been killed. At least in this area." The guard answered hurriedly, seeing that the knight and the lady seemed to tense. "But the appearance of the demons seemed to have not only spooked people, but also animals and beasts." He added.

Hearing that though, Clyde seemed to understand something.

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