
Mindless Humans

As we climbed to the roof, I felt the epic skill from Eris strangely take some of my Mana. It stretched out in strings and connected to five people on the roof. 

'So even though that douchebag died, they were not freed. I hope I can still free them and have them join us.'

On the roof, there were five people, just mindlessly doing tasks. Some were preparing food, one was chopping up wood, and the last was… doing pushups?! 

'What the fuck?'

As my friends walked towards the mindless people, I tried to mess with my new Epic skill. I went into my soul-space with half of my consciousness, and I walked and followed the others with my other half. 

They were talking to them and walking up to each of them. Zane waved his hand in the face of a beautiful woman who was cooking food. "Hey, hey, are you there?"

Everyone was getting the same response and they all bewildered. They finally all turned to me who had been silent the whole time.

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