
Chapter 155

Poseidon stood just outside the cabin door wearing his blue hawaiian shirt and khaki short shorts. The green eyed god smiled, "I'm glad that word comes freely to you Percy. I was afraid you still not have ah….forgiven me for my actions in the past."

Percy smirked, "you were just wondering whether I would hit you again."

Poseidon nodded and smiled, "yup. You got me. So are you going to punch me?"

Percy chuckled, "nope. I got over that. Anyway come on in, it is your cabin after all." Percy stepped to the side and let his dad in. The god smiled and quickly sat down on the bed with Percy joining him.

"I like what you have done with the place."

"Yeah, I heard messy is the new clean," Percy said with a chuckle, "so what's up? I'm assuming this isn't just a casual visit."

Poseidon's face turned serious as he nodded, "yes Percy, it often never is. It's about you mother."

Percy's smile dropped, "what happened to her?"

"Nothing Percy, but she is in trouble," Poseidon told Percy in a somber tone, "I need you to go to this address," Poseidon slipped Percy a piece of paper, "this is the new apartment I got for her."

"Is this where she is?" Percy asked memorising the address before he got up and grabbed his black leather jacket and his armband of Cerberus.

"Yes. Right now she needs your help Percy, and she needs it fast."

"What happened to her?" Percy asked as he quickly walked to the door with his father following closely behind him.

"The police are talking to her about Gabe's disappearance, and if you don't reach her in time she might be arrested."

Percy paused for a second before her hitting himself in the face with the plan of his hand. His actions in the past was coming to get him. He shouldn't have lost control back then, but knowing that Gabe was hitting his mother caused him to snap. He never lost sleep over the action, but he did wonder what the results would be of his actions.

Percy sighed before taking out the gauntlet of Kefka and summoning Marchosias who appeared before them in her wolf form. "Hello master, long time," Marchosias said before looking at Poseidon with narrowed eyes, "hello Poseidon."

The god of the seas played, "My-Minny?! What the hell are you doing here?!"

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?!" the demon wolf asked as she tried to charge Poseidon who was already running away as fast as he can.

"Stop Marchosias," Percy called out just as the demon wolf was about to fly off chasing Poseidon, "we don't have time for this."

"Tsk, fine," the demon said before lowering herself, "get on."

Percy quickly mounted her and they were off, flying towards New York city. "what was that back there?"

"Oh? You didn't know? Your father was one of my…..friends back in the day."

"Okay…..and what exactly happened?"

"Something I rather not talk about," Marchosias replied in a very loud grumble.

"I'm assuming it didn't end well."

"Very smart master. Now shut up unless you want me to drop you."

Percy gulped and nodded. Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned indeed. They quickly reached the address Percy memorised. It was just a few blocks away from Central park and Percy had Marchosias land right in the middle of the forest before dispelling her.

Percy quickly walked out and reached the road his mom's new apartment was. It was a giant blue building which looked like it was built in the Victorian era with gargoyles and the such plastered on every corner of the building. Percy entered the lobby and saw the post box for Apartment 3-B had the name, 'Sally Jackson' on it.

Percy took the elevator to the third floor and got out. 3-B's door was blue, exactly like something his mother would do. Everything was quiet, too quiet. Percy reached for Riptide and slowly approached the door. He then saw that the solid blue door was open, inside was dark, something was definitely wrong.

Percy took out Riptide and uncapped the blade. He then slowly opened the door, the light from the corridor went into the dark living room showing nothing moving inside. Percy took two steps in before channeling his mana into the shadows activating his shadow control.

Just then something moved in the back, something big. Percy charged and raised his blade, "ARGH!"

"SURPRISE!" came a voice as the lights turned on revealing the big thing to be Poseidon.

"What the hell?!" Percy cried out as he pulled Riptide back in the last moment. Poseidon jumped back as well as behind Percy was a large amount of shadow spike ready to impale Poseidon.

"Ah Percy, since when can you control shadows?" Poseidon asked eyeing the several shadow structure behind Percy.

"Nevermind that," Percy said putting away Riptide and dissolving the shadows, "what the hell are you doing here?! Where's mom?!"

"Right here sweetie," PErcy heard his mom's voice call out. The demigod turned and there standing by the light switches was his mom.

"Mom! You're okay!" Percy rushed his mother and grabbed her into a tight hug, "I thought something happened! Did the police ask you anything?!"

"I'm fine Percy. And what's this about police?"

"But dad said," Percy turned to Poseidon who was grinning, "what is going on?"

"Well.." Sally said turning to the clock which slowly moved to 12, "we just wanted you here. I asked your father to try and get you here, who forgot by the way."

Poseidon rubbed his neck, "well things kind of got….complicated."

"You were supposed to take Percy around the city, spend time with him before you brought him here Poseidon."

"I know I know. But something came up."


"A crazy shapeshifting ex girlfriend."

"Wait can someone please tell me what's going on!" Percy cried out bringing both adult's attention to him.

"Right then, it's almost time," Sally said as she turned away from Percy to the dining room table on which was a giant blue cake with a single candle on it. Sally light the candle with a match before bringing the cake towards Percy.

"Mom what-" but just then the clock strung 12 and Percy heard it;


It's your 13th birthday! Congratulations! Here are two presents!

Level up!

Percy Jackson

Health-3,300/3,300(+1000) = 4,300

Mana-1,725/1,725(+1000) = 2,725

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-21 Exp- 0/73,000









MONEY- 92,677$/466D

New Perk!

Equus Tamer- user of this perk can control members of the Equus Genus, like horses and zebras with relative ease. This also includes magical beasts like unicorns and pegasus!

Percy blinked at this. Was today his birthday? Had he really forgotten? Percy looked at a calendar hanging across the room and sure enough today was the 18th.




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