
Chapter 101

Underwater Percy struggled to break free but the monster had too strong a grip on him. Bubbles started to flow out of Percy's mouth and nose and slowly Percy stopped moving altogether. As the last bubbles left his mouth the Nokken smiled in victory.

But just then Percy's eyes shot open and he grinned, "surprise mother fucker!" Before the monster could even react Percy had Riptide out and swung the blade cutting off the monster's head.


Quest Completed!

Find out who is messing with your head!


A way out of this god forsaken place,

Skill book: Mist illusion techniques

The Nokken's body then disappeared into dust leaving behind a skill book and some cash. Percy grabbed both and put them away in his inventory for later. He then began to swim away but just then he noticed something at the very bottom of the lake, something very shiny.

Percy swam down and there buried deeply into the muddy lake surface was a silver disk shaped like a halo with symbols written around it;

Disk of Surge,

A magical tool used by magicainaspeacising in water attacks. The more mana you put into the disk the stronger blast of water is sent out as an attacking force.

Cost- depends on user

Attack- 5 times the amount of Mana put in.

Percy put the disk away and then swam back to the surface. He broke the water surface and saw John and Christy look at him in shock, "w-what? How?!"

Percy just smiled, "I'm special."

Percy then lifted Christy on his back while John helped Grover. Luke woke up soon after that along with Jet and soon the whole group was back in the cabin. Percy feed Grover some Ambrosia which immediately healed his wounds. The human of the group quickly packed up and ran to their vehicles.

The theory of the Nokken stopping them from leaving was proven true when they found all the cars working now. Soon Percy, Luke and Grover took one care while Nat, Jet and John took the other.

But sun rise they had cleared out of the cabin and were driving back to town. On the way there the mist was finally clearing up and the sound of animals returned to the forest. Soon the road hit the main road as the two cars stopped and their occupants got out.

"So I guess this is it," Luke said as he took a breath of fresh air.

"Will we ever see you again?" Asked John.

"Hopefully no," Percy replied.

"Ain't that the truth," Jet said chuckling, "oh god this is going to be such a mess. I have to tell Nat's parents what happened to her."

"We have a lot of people to inform that their loved ones are gone," Christy said with downcast eyes, "but at least we are alive."

"Just tell them a bear killed them," Luke said, "they will never believe you about the Nokken."

"But in case you need help," Percy said s he took out a business card, "call this guy. Tell him Percy sent you and he will help."

Christy took the card and read it, "Edward Neak? Who the hell is this guy?"

Luke smiled, "he is family." He then bent down and hugged Christy, "take care wheels."

"Oh haha very original," Christy said as Luke smiled back. As he broke the hug and stepped back Christy spoke, "that's it? A hug? I save you from a freaking monster and you give me a hug?"

"Well I mean-" Luke stammered. Christy grinned and then pushed herself out of her chair and grabbed Luke's neck, "careful!" Luke shouted but Charity just smiled. She then pulled him closer and pressed her lips against his. Luke looked surprised at first but then gave in as he hugged her tightly.

Finally after Percy coughing on too many times the two decided to stop. "There now you have something to remember me by," Christy replied as Luke helped her back into her chair.

Luke smiled, "I don't think I can ever forget you Christy."

The girl smiled and with that the two groups parted. The questers went West while the humans went East.

Percy sat on the front seat as Luke drive and smiled as he felt the wind role across his face. "So where are we going now?"

Luke looked at Percy and with a look that was a mixture of worry and uncertainty he replied, "Denver, we are going to Denver."

"Right, Denver," Percy repeated as he looked head. He didn't know what Luke was planning, but he knew one thing. The son of Hermes was up to something, and Percy was going to find out what.




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