
Chapter 28: Before Death

Ding Yukang was born amiable, no wonder he was accustomed to mediating trivial family disputes – with such a face, it was indeed easy for him to join in conversations.

The coroner's report was very brief: "The subject is Ding Yukang, 49 years old, the body is four feet and five inches in length, with five abrasions and three bruises. The fatal injury is located at the temple, with two fist-sized wounds."

"Did Constable Ding have any cultivation level?" Pei Ye asked as he untied the shroud and examined the area around the neck.

"Ah? No... replying to your honor, Uncle Ding had no cultivation level," Xu Liu answered with some restraint.

Zhao Yi had his reasons for not wanting to come here. Autopsies were not only dirty work but also exhausting. It was Xu Liu's first time observing a homicide victim so closely in his two months at the County Office.

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