
True Demon King 8

The atmosphere was so tense that even these dense anime main characters would notice it and that said something.

Regardless of what choice I make, there will be a battle and with our strength there won´t be much of Britannia left once the battle is over. But this was still better for them as neither liked the alternative, I however didn´t care.

I gave them the kindest smile I could and replied ''Fuck off'' and gave them the middle finger.

Although they didn´t know what it meant, they new that it was an insult.

Facing my rejection plus the insult, they no longer hesitated and attacked me together.

I have to say, I got used to being way taller than anyone else and them still standing at more than double my height really irked me.

The Demon King swung his giant sword at me, while the Goddess threw golden lightning at me, first time seeing this lightning.

I raised a newly enhanced earth wall between us, successfully blocking both their attacks. They did do some damage to it but it was quickly regenerated.

The fact that they could actually do some damage to it shows that even if I have immense among of NE, I don´t know how to use it properly. Sure, I had all the experience and knowledge form the absorbed souls, but I never used any of these spells myself and just because I got all their stuff, doesn´t mean that it's the best way to use it. For that I will need to train and experiment on my own, which is also the reason why I decided not to recruit Merlin to do research for me.

Anyways, back to the fight.

I began casting my next spell, when suddenly a sword enveloped in Darkness and burning with Hellfire cut through my Wall with only some resistance. Damn, that is a powerful combo but it didn´t matter right know as I finished with my spell.

While the sword was once again swung at me, I strew the grey orb in hand at the Supreme Goddess.

Restraining the Goddess was the most important thing in this fight because she wasn´t only the easiest to defeat but also because if she decided to aid the Demon King by throwing magic at him, he would recover immediately due to his Unique Power.

The Goddess wasn´t stupid enough to actually ignore my attack so she quickly raised a Light Barrier, only to be caught off guard when the orb just went through it like it wasn´t there and hit her in her massive chest. Damn, their big, wonder how they feel.

Wait, not the right time for this, I can check later.

Right after throwing my spell, I got hit by the giant sword right across the chest. I´m certain if I weren´t immune to both Hellfire and Darkness and didn´t use my own Darkness to protect my already strong body, this would have been much worse that this finger deep cut.

The Demon Kind Looked stunned that his attack only didn´t so much damage because he wasn´t holding back in the slightest. He could feel that although I had Darkness, mine was weaker than his and I mostly resisted the attack with my body.

Apparently, he didn´t fight many battles before and they weren´t long, just like me I must confess, because the second of shock was enough for my spell to completely bind his ally in chains, seal her magic and freeze her in space.

With this she was fully neutralized and I could focus on the other god.

He already recovered and was launching his next attack, a giant sword of darkness and I don´t mean his usual one. He held his sword above his head and enveloped his sword in so much darkness that the sword length went above the clouds.

A little big if you ask me, I can just side step but I have to give him something, the among of darkness he had was way above mine. While I absorb his Soul, I might also just absorb his body as well. I mean, he is the founder of a whole race, was created by the creator of this universe himself and I would love the new height boost. At his 80 meters, humans won´t even be the size of his toe.

When the blade of darkness descended, I teleported behind him and kicked his spinal cord with a powerful side kick. The sword missed, cutting at least cut one country in half, my kick however destroyed his back armor, send him flying across the world and severely damaged his spine.

I used his small absence and added some more seals to the Goddess and teleport he into my Prison. I was going to eat her soul but after closer inspection I decided that she was just to hot to just dispose of, not to mention that I wanted to finally use my torture and sex dungeon and lets not even talk about the ego boost it will be to have a Goddess as a pet.

[Image here]

I was of course going to put a soul back in to keep her alive, although I'm sure her body won´t decay, not sure if I will just use a self-created soul with her memories and ego or just grab the soul from her in the other universe, should be pretty easy considering she will be sleeping for 3000 years.

Not a moment after I safely stored her away came back. He had already healed his spine with his darkness and his aura told me he was furious but I could tell that my kick didn´t heal completely.

The darkness of the demon clan wasn´t capable of healing heavy wounds in a short period of time and was often just gluing wounds together until they healed on their own, so he was now basically just holding his spine together with pure will.

In his fury, he didn´t even notice of the Goddess, or maybe he did and simply didn´t care.

We both had suffered injuries from one another, one was heavy while the other one not so much.

Time for round two.

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