
Chapter 4

**Chapter 4: Library Date?**





Shoko's POV

She had a plan.

Since Jin was also going to the library, which honestly brought her immense joy. This was a chance to meet him! She planned to go to the library at a early time, and wait for him there.

This town was small, leaving this library the only one existing. So her plan was pretty smart…and creepy.

Though of course there was also issues, such as what if he doesn't show up? Or already did and left by the time she got there?

11 am was kind of late to, but she couldn't come any earlier.

But now imagine her shock and joy, when the first person she meets when she walks through is Jin.

Seated at the table, he presented a striking appearance. A captivating fusion of features—almond-shaped, expressive eyes with a rich brown hue that exuded warmth and depth. His tousled dark brown hair, catching glints of sunlight, framed a face adorned with a mix of Japanese and brown facial characteristics. A strong jawline and a hint of facial hair added a touch of rugged handsomeness. His skin, a harmonious blend of a sun-kissed tan and a natural Japanese complexion.

Dressed in navy pants and a well-loved white shirt, he embodied the familiarity of everyday attire. The navy pants, subtly faded and the white shirt, its fabric softened by time and washes.

She forze. He looked so handsome. She didn't know what to do. Does she approach him?..but that was to nerve wracking itself.






Jin's POV

As Shoko entered through the the door, a summer breeze played with the loose strands of her light pinkish hair, cascading down, framing her face, partially veiling her hearing aids. Her sundress, a simple yet vibrant choice for the season, swayed with each step. The warmth of the sun accentuated the soft glow of her fair skin, which carried a hint of a sun-kissed hue. Shoko's eyes, a gentle shade of brown, reflected both the sunlight and the depths of her gentleness.

Wow man. Thats a girl to die for. Such a adorable face, makes you want to Instinctively protect her.

She freeze in her steps. Do I go up to her to greet her?

It would only be gentlemanly for me to do so, right? I can't just let a lady stand while I'm sitting down here.

I get up and walk to her.

As Jin walks close to her, Shoko's eyes moves with nervousness.

Jin greets her with a small smile, already having written a number of words in a dedicated notebook he brought for this purpose.

"Hey Shoko! Long time no see, huh?" Jin says with excitement, though a hint of nervousness colors his voice. Simultaneously, he shows the written page to her so she could understand she he just said.

She takes out her notebook in panic, not expecting this, even droping her pencil in rush.

{Hi Jin} She writes downs so so fast, let's just label it anime logic.

{ I didn't expect to meet you here. Well, a bit only, but what a coincidence, right?}

{Yea} She sure is shy, even more stiff answers than me.

{To think we would end up being here at the same time. Come let's sit down and talk.} I took the chance to lead her to my table. We been standing for a bit already, since talking through notes can be time consuming.

Pulling the chair out for her, I gesture for her to sit down. I take the seat in front of her.

The sunlight reflects gently on her face, adding a golden warmth to her beauty.

{Is the sunlight bothering you?} I scribble down quickly.

{No iim fine}

{You sure?}


{Soo then, what kinda books are you looking for?} I change the topic.

{Romance} I could imagine if she was talking it would be a shaky tone. The one you would use when presenting in school.

{Do you already have any books in mind? Or I can help you look around. I'm interested to.}

{No no, not r-really}

{Okay then let's look around!}

I stand up, walking to the novels section. She timidly walks behind me, while facing the floor.

I try somthing, I suddenly stop.


She doesn't crash into me, she also stopped. Dang it animes! You lied to me! Okay that was embarrassing, I kept walking, pretending nothing happened.

{Wow look at all these colorful books, makes me want to get them all.} No it doesn't but gotta make some small talk..

{Mhm! I want to do that as well. But unfortunately my mom would get angry. And the librarian won't let me borrow that many at once} Shoko "says" excitedly, though I could just imagine her getting a bit sad towards the end.

This was the first time she spoke so much, and not that shyly as well. Looks like she really is a book lover. And how would I tell she wasn't shy? You would have to see through my eyes, she wrote that down so fast and with a look of joy in her eyes.

I don't know why, but it makes me happy too, seeing her happy.

Okay then! Books it is!

{Is romance your favorite genre?} Good thing I'm a pretty fast writer; otherwise, this conversation would have taken much longer.

{Mhm! I love reading how couples form and the struggles they have to go through to make their relationship work. It's so sweet, though there are many sad stories too, but those are so well-written as well! And-} I had walked to her side a bit earlier, to see what she was writing


She spots me and stops writing, red all over her face.

{Why did you stop? I was intrigued!}

{Uhm..nothing} She blushes.

{I like romance to, but I like mystery better. Or horror books, those are my favorite. I loved "My House Of Horrors".} I continue the conversation.

{Oh oh! I heard about that, but I get scared easily, so never went into it}

{Haha is not that scary, for sureeee..Maybe we can read it together one day, so you won't get scared.} Tried a bit of rizz.

She just blushes and looks over to the shelves.


We pick up some books and return to our table. This time I sit down next to her.

I'm stepping up my game ya all.

She looks over to the other books I was reading before.

{I was just getting ready for high school

In advance haha..}

{wow Jin, your so hard working, reading these type of books even in the summer}

{ Hey! Are you calling me a nerd!?}

{ NO NO! I was just saying your a hard worker!}

She looks at me with those eyes, as if saying something more might make her burst into tears.

Ughhhh why is she so cute.

This is like the hundredth time I said she was cute.

{ I know I know, I was just playing with you} I bring my book closer so she would read as I write. She leans in a bit closer as well, to get a better look.

I hand her the pen, offering to write in my notebook. She accepts. {You meanie}

We go back and forth, talking until the page was full of our writings. I think she forgot she was here for the books and not me.

What can I say, I just have that rizz in me.

The page gets full. She then notices how close we were, and blushes, she backs away quickly. Her face was a sight to be seen.

Glad only I get to see it.

I was about to write something else down but her phone gets a notification.

She reads the message, and a sad look appears upon her face. What happened?

She writes down, {I need be home soon}

I look over to the time. 2:20 PM

HUH HOW. How is it that late already!?

{Oh alright. It is getting late. Want to leave together?}

{Okay} She looks a bit happier after I said that.

We exit the library together.

We start walking. It was still very sunny.

Sunny… dang it! I could've bought an umbrella! Then I would've invited her under the umbrella with me. UGHHH I always think of the better things to do after it's already too late.

It would be weird writing while walking, so we don't do that. Though we could've used our phones, but it's fine. A silent walk is enjoyable too.

Wait, why didn't we just use our phones to communicate in the library? She was also prepared with a notebook as well. I guess I got too excited and lost myself.

We keep walking. The summer breeze occasionally graces us. She looks beautiful under the sunlight, and her dress complements her well. I should've complimented her on that, a missed opportunity!

We eventually reach to a point where we both take different paths. I wave her goodbye as she walks away.






And there!! YES!!

She turns back, I wave to her again a bit more excitedly. She waves back.

As they bid each other farewell, their shared waves and exchanged glances hinted at a promising connection, leaving Jin with a sense of longing as he reached home, ready to immortalize the day in his diary.


Let's write my diary a bit early today.

[ Dear Diary, Day 2. Today was amazing. I got to spend the day with a girl, all alone. It was kind of a date I guess. It was a good time spent with her, we also walked for a bit together. I like this girl. She seems like someone with a beautiful soul.

Beneath the sun's gentle touch, a breeze so


She walks beside me, a picture refined.

Brown strands play in the sunlight's gentle kiss,

Her sundress whispers stories of bliss.

Eyes reflecting warmth, a tender glow,

Fair skin painted in the sun's soft flow.

In quiet steps, our journey unfolds,

With hues of warmth and light, we sway,

Her grace outshines the sun's display.

A tender whisper in the sunlight's hold,

A portrait of beauty, a love story told]

Well it really be a love story told though? Maybe.

Words: 1683

Author's Note: Sup! If you cringed at the "poem" don't blame me but blame Jin! He wrote it not me.

And by the way, should I use Japanese name terms or just leave it the way it is?

That's all!

Got any ideas for the story? Let me know!

Till next time!

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