
Among Us

Later on the same day the door was knocked Belle went to open tge door as she saw Milan she was shocked to see a handsome man infront of him. Milan walked inside without his mask nor his gear. Belle welcomed him on the dining table, there were lots of foods. "Welcome" Tine went to hug her Belle and Caroline were staring they sat down but there were five chairs one didn't have a person. "Come on guys lets start eating" Caroline said "No I have one more person I invited my best friend too, he should be here any moment now" Belle speaks as Caroline and Tine didn't expect. The door was knocked Belle went to open the door they were all shocked seeing Jason. Jason was invited to sit down, he was sitting right infront of Milan facing eachother. "Hello everyone, thank you for inviting me" "It's okay come on lets eat anyway" The moment they started eating Harry was passing by going outside he saw Milan and Jason as he was aware that Jason is a hunter, Jason was aware that Harry is a hunter. But none of them knows about Milan as Milan knows all about them being hunters Harry was standing stating at Jason for two minutes.

"Well you are free to join us brother" Belle said Harry took an ectra chair and sit down along with them. "Milan meet my brother Harry, guys this is Milan" "Welcome Milan, new face where do you live?" Harry asked curiously staring straight at him. "Well I live at the very side of the market fouth house near to the woods" Jason was staring "What do you do Milan I mean your daily activity" Jason asker "Guys there will ne time for questions but first we have to eat, the food is getting cold" Tine spoke out loud everyone stayed quiet and they started eating. Sometimes later about 15 minutes they all finished eating, Jason was sitting at the garden Harry showed up beside him. "So you are a hunter I never noticed" "Yeah but am not the one keeping secrets from my sisters" "You don't have to tell me what I should do Jason, just don't" Jason faced Harry. "If what you are doing is right and you can feel it then keeping it from your own family?" "There are circumstances and there are consiquences, once my enemies finds out about me they will keep coming to my family to use them as bait for trapping me" Milan shows up to them with a smile on his face. "Do you think your enemies haven't noticed about you?" Milan speaks Jason and Harry faced him. "You know, something about you seems off to me" "Relax Jason you can ask me anything, anytime and anywhere. I don't mind at all, beasied thank you for tonight and great meeting you all" Milan turned around he was going back inside. Harry took a stone and threw it at him, Milan felt the stone coming and he had the chance to avoid it, but he didn't as the stone hit him on the head Tine saw that. "Ouch what was that for" Milan asked while turning around. Tine showed up to them. "Really Harry? Is that a way to treat a guest?" Milan was bleeding on his head. "Sorry I thought you might be....." "A hunter, like you well you are mistaken" Tinr answers back at Harry. "Sorry Milan my bad, why don't we meet tomorrow. I need to make up with you" "11 morning town market beside the well don't be late" Milan amd Tine walked away. Jason and Harry stayed for a talk. "What do you think about him?" Harry asked Jason, he was standing staring at him. "Oh come on I know you are a hunter, so am gonna ask one more time what do you think of him?" "Kind of suspicious to me because I haven't seen that face in the village before, he is new to me" "Then lets dig something about him, what do you say?" Jason agreed with Harry, Milan was from afar walking he heard their conversation he smiled. "What made you smile?" Tine asked Milan "Oh sorry it's nothing, well thank you for inviting me tonight, I guess this will br our goodnight bye" "Yes thank you for coming too" Milan walked away in the woods he felt something behind him as he kicks the stone hardly towards the suspection area the stone was hold and destroyed right away. Elijah stood up and went out from hiding. "I thought I made it very clear when I said am gonna kill anyone who steps in this village" Elijah started laughing Milan jumped on him and started fighting him they fought and fought Elijah wasn't stronger then Milan. He was beaten very badly as he was caughing and chocking blood. Milan managed to make Elijah on his knees. "We both know that you are no match for me Elijah, so If I were you I would run while I still can" Milan turned around "Kill me" Elijah said while standing up slowly. "Kill me now, when you have the chance before tomorrow, because I'll be standing above you and you won't be able to do a thing to me infront of the villagers" "What are you walking about?" "We are coming Milan, this battle will not be fighting in woods alone, but we will be fighting within the village and the villagers wait untill tomorrow, you gonna witness this village's doom right infront of your eyes and you won't be able to do a thing" Elijah vanished and left Milan wondering

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